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Retirement Plans Newsletter

May 4, 2023

5 New Job Opportunities 5 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Tax Credits for Starting Up Small Employer Plans: What You Need to Know

"Starting with tax years beginning after December 31, 2022, a small employer can take advantage of significant tax credits ... for establishing a new retirement plan.... [T]he tax credits are available for plan administrative and contribution costs. The full tax credit is available to employers with 50 or fewer employees and there is a partial credit available to employers with 51 to 100 employees."  MORE >>

Faegre Drinker

[Guidance Overview]

IRS Releases Proposed Forfeiture Guidance

"This proposed rule clarifies how and when defined contribution plans must use forfeitures, provides a transition rule for defined contribution plans that have accumulated forfeitures over several plan years, and removes a requirement that conflicts with the minimum funding rules for defined benefit plans. The IRS proposes that the forfeiture regulations apply for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2024."  MORE >>


Ninth Circuit Appears Skeptical of DOL Arguments in Attorney Fee Battle

"The DOL had to prove its lawsuit was justified to avoid being responsible for the architecture firm's attorney fees. The Ninth Circuit panel appeared skeptical that the lack of substantial evidence to support the DOL's case justified the suit. As one judge pointed out, it was questionable that the DOL could justify proceeding with the suit when it had the erroneous expert opinion before trial." [Walsh v. Bowers, No. 22-15378 (9th Cir. oral arg. Feb. 15, 2023)]  MORE >>

Hall Benefits Law

Proposed Legislation Would Provide Investment Choice Parity for 403(b) Plans

"The Retirement Fairness for Charities and Educational Institutions Act of 2023, HR 3063, [would amend] federal securities law to authorize the use of collective investment trusts (CITs) and unregistered insurance company separate accounts within 403(b) retirement savings plans."  MORE >>

Insured Retirement Institute [IRI]

Behavioral Economics: Becoming a Better Investor by Understanding Your Unconscious (PDF)

24 pages. "Many of the greatest investment mistakes occur due to investors acting from emotions or irrational thinking. Those investors who understand behavioral economics and how to counter our human tendency toward illogic are better equipped to avoid those mistakes."  MORE >>

Arnerich Massena

2023 Could Be the Year to Welcome Back the 60/40 Portfolio

"Bond yields are the highest they've been in 15 years, and stocks appear less expensive than before. The odds are now in favor of the balanced portfolio."  MORE >>



Would You Trade Your Pension for What Is Behind Door #2?

"Having control of your pension assets is not the end all or be all of financial planning in retirement. If you need to use the pension assets to fund your essential expenses, electing the lump sum option and investing the proceeds in non-risky investments ... will generally be less efficient than electing the annuity option, and ... there will be no greater 'true liquidity' or spending flexibility in doing so."  MORE >>

Ken Steiner, FSA Retired


How Rising Yields Should Affect Asset Allocation for Retirees, Preretirees

"From a pure asset-allocation perspective, higher yields don't necessarily change the picture, in and of themselves. The bonds that do the best work of protecting against the sequence-of-return risk are the most boring, lousy-yielding bonds.... Why have investors without TIPS done fine through a range of inflationary environments? Inflation gets reflected in a whole bunch of other parts of the portfolio as well, in a way that still moves us at least reasonably in tandem over time."  MORE >>

Michael Kitces, via Morningstar

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as DB Admin/Actuarial Analyst
for Karel-Gordon & Associates

DB Admin/Actuarial Analyst

Karel-Gordon & Associates

Remote / IL

View job as DB Admin/Actuarial Analyst for Karel-Gordon & Associates

View job as Retirement Plan Analyst – Defined Contribution Plans
for M2B Retirement Consulting, LLC

Retirement Plan Analyst – Defined Contribution Plans

M2B Retirement Consulting, LLC

Remote / Wexford PA

View job as Retirement Plan Analyst – Defined Contribution Plans for M2B Retirement Consulting, LLC

View job as Plan Service Processor
for Retirement Plan Consultants

Plan Service Processor

Retirement Plan Consultants

Norfolk NE

View job as Plan Service Processor for Retirement Plan Consultants

View job as New Business Consultant
for Retirement Plan Consultants

New Business Consultant

Retirement Plan Consultants


View job as New Business Consultant for Retirement Plan Consultants

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator
for Nicholas Pension Consultants

Retirement Plan Administrator

Nicholas Pension Consultants

Remote / Corona CA / Rancho Cordova CA / Hybrid

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator for Nicholas Pension Consultants

Press Releases

Broadridge Integration with iJoin and IPX Enables Allianz In-Plan Income Solution


DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems Announces New Hires

DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

SECURE 2.0 Act: More Relief for Plan Administrators

May 4, 2023 PODCAST

Williams Mullen

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Long Term Part-Time Employee Eligibility: Are You Ready? (PDF)

Legacy Retirement Solutions

What to Watch Out for with Roth 401(k) Conversions

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Why Do Late Boomers Have So Little Wealth and How Will Early Gen Xers Fare? (PDF)

Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

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