Retirement Plans Newsletter
June 5, 2023
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[Guidance Overview]
New IRS Q&A Regarding EPCRS Expansion Answers Some – But Not All – Questions
"[R]etirement plan sponsors may rely on the interim guidance in [Notice 2023-43] to self-correct
eligible inadvertent failures until EPCRS is updated pursuant to [SECURE 2.0].... [T]he Notice states that IRA custodians may not correct any eligible inadvertent failures under EPCRS before it is updated.... [T]he Notice confirms Section 305's elimination of the EPCRS rule that prohibited self-correction of 'significant' optional failures that first occurred more than three years before the year of
correction." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Notice 2023-43 Provides Interim Guidance for EPCRS Expansion Required by SECURE 2.0 (PDF)
"Notice 2023-43 provides clarification that certain Eligible Inadvertent Failures remain
ineligible for self-correction under the interim guidance of Notice 2023-43, including but not limited to: [1] A failure to initially adopt a written plan; [2] A significant failure in a terminated plan; and [3] An operational failure that is corrected by a plan amendment that conforms the terms of the plan to the plan's prior operations in a manner that is less favorable for a participant or beneficiary than the
original terms of the plan." MORE >>
VOYA Financial
[Guidance Overview]
Resources for Tracking State and Local Retirement Initiatives (PDF)
"This article summarizes state and city retirement initiatives for private-sector workers ... The latest update includes information about a recently enacted auto-enrollment program in Minnesota and a bill passed by Vermont's legislature to replace a never-implemented
voluntary multiple-employer plan with a payroll-deduction program." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Nevada Passes State-Run Retirement Savings Program
"The bill would create a Board of Trustees of the Nevada Employee Savings Trust and prescribe its membership, powers, duties, and limitations of the board. It also would create the Nevada Employee Savings Trust Administrative Fund and says that the money in the Fund would solely
be used to pay the administrative costs and expenses of the board and the program." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
[Guidance Overview]
ALAR: The 'At Least as Rapidly' Rule for Beneficiary RMDs
"This requirement of annual RMDs when an account owner dies on or after the RBD stems from a rule sometimes called the 'at least as rapidly' (ALAR) rule. While the ALAR rule does not require the same amount that was taken by the IRA owner to also be taken by the
beneficiary, it does require that the process of taking RMDs continue. This is a key point. ALAR is not a function of amount, it is a function of frequency." MORE >>
Slott Report
TSP Board, Accenture, Alight Hit with Lawsuit Over Rocky Transition to New System
"Starting in June 2022, the plan rolled out several new features ... However, within the first month of implementation, participants voiced complaints about the updates, stating there were problems logging into accounts and making transactions, as well as long waits for
customer service." [Bridges v. Accenture Federal Services, No. 23-1568 (D.D.C. complaint filed Jun. 1, 2023)] MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
Interpreting a Recent DOL Amicus Brief and Its Potential Impact on the Future of 401(k) Litigation
"The need for plans to address these fiduciary prudence and cost-inefficiency issues has become even more important in light of a recent amicus brief filed by the DOL addressing the issue of which party has the burden of proof with regard to the issue of causation of damages in
401(k)/403(b) litigation. While there is a split within the federal courts on this issue, the DOL's brief provides a persuasive argument that the burden of proof belongs to plan sponsors, not plan participants." [Pizarro v. Home Depot, Inc., No. 22-13643 (11th cir. amicus
brief filed Feb. 10, 2023] MORE >>
The Prudent Investment Adviser Rules
Pension Finance Update, May 2023
"Higher interest rates gave pension finances a boost in May. Both model plans ... gained ground last month: our traditional Plan A gained 2% last month and is now up 4% for the year, while the more conservative Plan B edged up fractionally during May and is up almost 1%
through the first five months of 2023." MORE >>
October Three Consulting
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Amicus Brief to Fifth Circuit: Service Provider Contracts and Prohibited Transactions (PDF)
37 pages. "This case concerns the scope of ERISA's prohibition on transactions between the plan and a 'party in interest,' which the statute defines to include service providers. The interpretation advanced by Appellants, joined by the Secretary, would treat common
and necessary arms'-length transactions between the plan and service providers who lack any preexisting relationship to the plan as prima facie unlawful. This interpretation would make non-fiduciary service providers sitting ducks for ERISA class actions[.]" [Markham v. VALIC, No. 22-20540 (5th Cir, amicus brief filed Apr. 26, 2023)] MORE >>
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
Text of EBSA Meeting Notice for ERISA Advisory Council
"[T]he 216th open meeting of the [ERISA Advisory Council] will be held on July 17-19, 2023 ... [in] Washington, DC ... The meeting will also be accessible via teleconference and some participants, as well as members of the public, may elect to attend virtually....
On July 17 and July 19, the purpose of the open meeting is for Advisory Council members to hear testimony from invited witnesses on ... [1] Long-Term Disability Benefits and Mental Health Disparity, and [2] Recordkeeping in the Electronic Age.... On July 18, the purpose of the open meeting is for the [DOL] to consult with the Advisory Council on section 2509.95-1 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (relating to the fiduciary standards under [ERISA] when selecting an annuity provider for a defined benefit pension plan), as required by Section 321 of the SECURE 2.0 Act[.]" MORE >>
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Entry Date After 3 Consecutive Months of Continuous Service
"I have an plan on an FTW document. The eligibility is 7g. completion of 3 consecutive months of service (not to exceed 12; hours of service failsafe applies). Entry dates are 1/1 & 7/1. I have an employee hired 4/3/2023. Would they enter the plan 7/1/2023 or 1/1/2024? I am
thinking that if they they worked at least 1 hour in April, May and June, they would enter 7/1/2023."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Stating Loan Amounts in Dollars vs. Percentage of Account Value
"[1] I am stumped trying to determine whether a plan that contains this language would be permissible: The amount of the loan is limited to the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of the account value of a date when the loan is issued. This would seem to comply with 72(p) but I
don't see many plans phrased this way. Is it incorrect? [2] Also, most plan loan applications request dollar amounts and not percentages. Why is this?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
EPCRS and SCP: 'Reasonable' Procedures for Compliance
"I've always found the following requirement somewhat scary, as it is subjective on the part of the IRS: An explanation of how the failure occurred and a demonstration of the existence at the time of practices and procedures reasonably designed to
promote and facilitate overall compliance. Obviously, even if you have great procedures, mistakes can happen, which is one reason that EPCRS exists. I'm curious if anyone has ever had a plan audited, where SCP was used, and the IRS disallowed the SCP due to a perceived defect in such 'reasonable' procedures?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Audits: The Devil is Always in The Details
June 8, 2023 WEBINAR
Mistakes Were Made: New Guidance for Correcting Errors in Retirement Plan Administration and a Promise of Future 'Technical' Corrections to SECURE 2.0
June 21, 2023 WEBINAR
Miller Johnson
Defending Against ERISA Wrongful Denial of Benefits Claims: Procedural and Substantive Strategies
July 26, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Senators Ask DOL to Prioritize Six SECURE 2.0 Provisions
Pensions & Investments
IRS Interim Guidance on Self-Correction Under SECURE 2.0
Text of Instructions for IRS Form 5307: Application for Determination for Adopters of Modified Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Plans (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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