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Retirement Plans Newsletter

June 8, 2023

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

SECURE 2.0 and Regulatory Updates from a Trip to Washington, D.C.

"One of the principal authors of SECURE 2.0's [emergency savings account (ESA)] provisions led a discussion regarding the IRS guidance that would be most helpful.... [It] became clear that most have already experienced the recordkeepers' reluctance to support ESAs. As a result, the IRS took a pragmatic approach to its key question: what guidance would make ESAs simple and remove barriers to recordkeepers and plan sponsors making them available to participants? The ultimate IRS position on ESAs will indeed be one favoring simplicity. The IRS wants participants to have access to ESAs."  MORE >>

Qualified Plan Advisors [QPA]


ASC Cycle 3 Pre-Approved DB Documents Available!

You can start restating your Defined Benefit and Cash Balance plans now with ASC’s Cycle 3 DB Plan Documents! The documents are already available, giving clients the maximum time to restate. Become an ASC client. Contact ASC Sales today!

Sponsored by ASC

[Guidance Overview]

SECURE 2.0 Shakes Things Up for Required Minimum Distributions

"The changes reduce the burden on participants by delaying the distribution deadline, eliminating the requirement for certain contributions, and reducing noncompliance penalties. Some of these changes have already gone into effect, while others will take effect next year and as late as 2033."  MORE >>

Morgan Lewis, via Bloomberg Law

[Guidance Overview]

The ABCs of IRS FAQs on EPCRS under SECURE 2.0

"Corrections generally must satisfy all the applicable self-correction conditions laid out in Rev. Proc. 2021-30. Among those provisions, the sponsor must have established practices and procedures reasonably designed to promote overall IRC compliance and may not use a correction method that the EPCRS specifically prohibits. However, sponsors can ignore certain current EPCRS requirements for self-correction that are inapplicable under the statute."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Upcoming Deadline icon Long-Term Part-Time Employees

"As the start of 2024 rapidly approaches, it is important to understand the new rules, to know how they apply to your plan, and to start determining the employees that will need to be offered plan participation."  MORE >>


First 401(k) Lawsuit Over ESG Targets American Airlines' $26B Plan

"[T]he plaintiff alleges that the defendant companies, along with the American Airlines benefits committee, breached their duties of loyalty and prudence under [ERISA].... [T]he complaint accuses the plan sponsor and other defendants of putting social motivations ahead of investment performance." [Spence v. American Airlines, Inc., No. 23-0552 (N.D. Tex. complaint filed Jun. 2, 2023)]  MORE >>

InvestmentNews; subscription may be required

Participants Prevail at Pleading Stage on Excessive Fee Claim Against Mega 401(k) Plan

"[P]lan sponsors of mega 401(k) plans may be under increased pressure to find the cheapest recordkeeping service options, now that participants may easily meet the pleading standard for a fiduciary breach claim by arguing that recordkeeping services for mega 401(k) plans are fungible and that the same bundled services could have been provided by other comparable recordkeepers at lower cost." [Tolomeo v. R.R. Donnelley & Sons, Inc., No. 20-7158 (N.D. Ill. May 15, 2023)]  MORE >>

Thomson Reuters / EBIA

Status of Litigation Over DOL's Fiduciary Advice PTE: Implications for Plan Fiduciaries

"PTE 2020-02 was primarily targeted at financial institutions. But the new rule ... was generally intended to in many cases make, e.g., call center operators affiliated with financial institutions, 'advice fiduciaries.' This will likely require plan fiduciaries to monitor those advice fiduciaries' compliance with the PTE ... The broad terms of the PTE may also pick up, as 'advice fiduciaries,' sponsor employees[.]" [Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice v. DOL, No. 22-243 (N.D. Texas motion to dismiss filed Sep. 2, 2022; amended notice of supplemental authority filed May 17, 2023)]  MORE >>

October Three Consulting

Proposed Legislation Would Allow 403(b) Plans to Invest in Lower-Cost CITs

"[SECURE 2.0 made] amendments to the Internal Revenue Code to permit 403(b) plans to invest in these vehicles; however, that legislation failed to include the necessary changes to securities laws. The Retirement Fairness for Charities and Educational Institutions Act of 2023 [HR 3063] proposes to take the next steps by amending the Securities Act and the Investment Company Act to allow 403(b) plans to make use of CITs. CITs are already widely utilized as investments for 401(k) plans."  MORE >>

McDermott Will & Emery

Surprises and Expectations from the Recent 2023 Retirement Confidence Survey Report (PDF)

49 presentation slides. "Workers and retirees' retirement confidence dropped significantly in 2023, and workers have many concerns about the economy and their retirement finances. Nearly two-thirds of workers feel stressed about preparing for retirement. Only about half of workers are doing various tasks for preparing for retirement."  MORE >>

Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]

How U.S. Public Pensions Are Reacting After a Year of Shocks (PDF)

"[P]ublic pension plans last year averaged a negative return of -6.14%. That is dramatically below the 6.9% average assumed annual rate of return for the sector.... As many as 94% [of managers] questioned say the risk profile of their plan increased last year. One in six say (16%) say it increased significantly. More than four out of five (81%) of those questioned expect the increase in risk profiles to continue in the next 12 months with nearly one in three (32%) expecting a dramatic increase."  MORE >>

Ortec Finance

Pension Funding Index, June 2023

"The funded status of the 100 largest U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plans improved by $15 billion during May ... An increase in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value pension liabilities led to a decrease in these liabilities of $41 billion for the month. As of May 31, the funded ratio rose to 100.7%, from 99.6% at the end of April."  MORE >>


Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as DC Retirement Plan Analyst
for Trinity Pension Consultants

DC Retirement Plan Analyst

Trinity Pension Consultants

Akron OH / Hybrid

View job as DC Retirement Plan Analyst for Trinity Pension Consultants

View job as Retirement Plan Consultant
for ADP

Retirement Plan Consultant


KY / NJ / TX / Hybrid

View job as Retirement Plan Consultant for ADP

View job as Senior Health Benefits Consultant
for Segal

Senior Health Benefits Consultant


CT / DC / GA / MA

View job as Senior Health Benefits Consultant for Segal

Selected New Discussions

Does This Create a CODA Situation ?

"I have a client who is currently contributing for their field employees $4 per hour into the 401k plan. This is tested under 401(a)(4) testing by the recordkeeper. it is not Prevailing Wage, just profit sharing. The client wants to change the arrangement so that employees will have the option of either continuing to receive a $4 per hour contribution into the plan OR getting a $3 per hour pay raise. What are the implications of this? Since employees will have a choice, has the employer effectively given a pay raise to all of them of either $4 per hour or $3 per hour, depending on what they elect? I would think that previously the employer was taking a tax deduction for the employer contribution, but under this new arrangement employees who elect to receive the $4 per hour contributed to the plan are really just contributing their own pay, so this is no longer an employer deduction? And the employer will now need to pay applicable payroll taxes, etc on these raises? Also this seems really confusing in the case of an employee who is currently already contributing to the 401k plan as a% of their pay, and now they elect to continue to receive the $4 per hour into the plan. Doesn't that conflict with their deferral election?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Effect on Existing DB Plan of Joining a PEO

"There is an existing DB Plan with the only participant being the owner. The Corp then hires an employee and wants to join a PEO. How dies this effect the existing DB Plan? Is the new employee really an employee of the Corp?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Coordination of 403(b) and 401(k) Plans

"I am trying to establish the framework to analyze the coordination of multiple employers, so the high level summary and IRC sites/links will be appreciated as well as reference to educational materials not in violation of proprietary information policies. Let's assume we have one person who works for an organization sponsoring 403(b) plan making in excess of $330,000 (just to avoid the math) as a W-2 employee. The person is under of 50. The same person also owns a single member LLC taxed as a sole-proprietorship that sponsors a 'solo 401(k)' plan. Let's assume there is no CB/DB plan in a picture for time being.

  • Scenario 1 -- The organization is a non-profit hospital. Then the 403(b) plan is deemed to be controlled by that individual. The individual also has his own medical practice (no common law employees). Therefore, the maximum benefit will be $22,500 in 403(b) deferral and $43,500 in PS allocation in solo401(k). Both 403(b) and solo 401(k) are integrated for purposes of 415. Do you agree?
  • Scenario 2 -- everything is the same as above but the business is NOT a medical practice. Let's say it is a medical technician type of activity. Does the answer change? Scenario 3 -- the organization is NOT a non-profit hospital but rather the educational institution (University of State for example). Does the answer change?

"I am looking to understand the general framework when the non-profit 403(b) MUST be aggregated with the individual 401(k) and what are the exception to that exception of 'separate employers' rule. I think there are some exceptions to exception and that is where it gets very muddy for me."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

NFP to Acquire Virginia-based Actuarial Consulting Group and ACG Advisory Services, Expanding its Retirement and Wealth Management Capabilities and Scale

NFP Corp.

Hub International Expands Commercial Insurance, Employee Benefits and Retirement Capabilities with Acquisition of Seven Firms in Michigan

HUB International

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

The Retirement Challenge: What's Wrong with America's System and a Sensible Way to Fix It

June 14, 2023 WEBINAR

Brookings Institution

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Reasonable Compensation Under ERISA: Two Recent Cases

Verrill Dana LLP

Will the Long-Term Part-Time Rules Eliminate the Permitted Exclusions for 403(b) Plans?

Belfint Lyons Shuman

Auto-Enrollment Is Highly Effective But Often More Costly

Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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