Retirement Plans Newsletter
June 9, 2023
2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Treasury, IRS Issue Interim Guidance on SECURE 2.0 Changes to EPCRS
"[Notice 2023-43] addresses how plan sponsors and [IRA] custodians should apply the act's
new standards for self-correction under EPCRS until [Rev. Proc. 2021-30] is updated in response to the changes mandated by the act. However, the notice does not address other EPCRS-related changes dictated by the act, such as those regarding the correction of overpayments." MORE >>
McDermott Will & Emery
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issues Interim Guidance Under Expanded EPCRS
"[A] plan sponsor that uses self-correction should retain documents that substantiate that correction so the sponsor can produce them in the event of a plan audit. Proper substantiation includes documents that: [1] identify the failure, the years of occurrence, the number of
employees affected and the date the failure was discovered; [2] both explain how the failure occurred and demonstrate those practices and procedures in effect at the time of the failure that were designed to promote and facilitate compliance; [3] identify and substantiate the correction method applied and the date the correction was completed; and [4] identify any changes made to the practices and procedures to prevent
recurrence of the failure." MORE >>
Are All ESG Investments Imprudent? a Plaintiff Suing American Airlines Says Yes
"It is hard to see plaintiffs prevailing in any of these cases based on the statements in their complaints, though the district and appeals courts in Texas tend to go their own way on many issues. Here are some of the reasons plaintiff in the American Airlines case may have an
uphill battle." [Spence v. American Airlines, Inc., No. 23-0552 (N.D. Tex. complaint filed Jun. 2, 2023)] MORE >>
Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.
401(k) Lawsuit Against International Union of Elevator Constructors Allowed to Proceed
Pensions & Investments
Plan Sponsor Alert: DOL Enforcement Activity Expected to Increase in 2023
"Over the past several years, the majority of recoveries came from helping to collect benefits for terminated vested or missing participants in defined benefit plans. While only $542 million was recovered for such participants in 2022 -- compared to $1.5 billion
recovered in 2021 -- the results clearly show the DOL's continued interest in its missing participants program." MORE >>
BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence and Innovation
Student Loan Payments Set to Resume: How Employers Can Help
"The three-year freeze on student loan payments ends August 29, and plan sponsors have an opportunity to help relieve employees' financial stress by offering student loan benefits.... SECURE 2.0 offers employers an optional retirement plan
provision to make retirement plan contributions to 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) and SIMPLE IRA accounts if the participant elects to pay down student loans instead of contributing to a retirement plan." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Re-Thinking Corporate DB Hedging Portfolios
"[W]ith the yield curve significantly inverted and interest rates at multi-year highs, ... there are modest changes sponsors should consider for their hedging portfolios including: [1] Hedging liabilities across the curve by adding intermediate bond exposure;
[2] Exploring completion management for more precise hedging; [3] Managing credit spread risk exposure Modestly increasing portfolio liquidity." MORE >>
Characteristics of Defined Benefit Retirement Plans in 2022
"In March 2022, 15 percent of private industry workers had access to defined benefit retirement plans, and 11 percent participated in these plans. Among private industry workers participating in defined benefit plans, 37 percent participated in plans that were
open to new employees. In establishments with fewer than 50 workers, 57 percent of participants were in plans open to new employees; in establishments with 500 workers or more, 27 percent of participants were in plans open to new employees." MORE >>
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]
Benefits in General |
ERIC Letter to IRS: Recommendations for 2023-2024 Priority Guidance Plan (PDF)
"Streamline employer reporting requirements under the [ACA] ... Promulgate regulations updating electronic delivery rules and other guidance for providing applicable notices and making participant elections ... Matching contributions for student loan payments ...
Catch-up contributions ... Emergency savings for working Americans ... Clarify the automatic enrollment mandate exemption for existing plans ... Overpayments and self-correction ... Optional Roth match ... Notice and disclosure ... Missing participants, including guidance on uncashed checks ... Remote witnessing ... In-service distributions ... Paid leave." MORE >>
The ERISA Industry Committee [ERIC]
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
NYSE, Nasdaq Set Compliance Date for Dodd-Frank Clawback Listing Standards
"[If] the listing standards are approved by the SEC (as expected to happen this week), the clawback rules would be effective on October 2, 2023, and public issuers would be required to adopt compliant policies within 60 days after the effective date, i.e., no later than
Friday, December 1, 2023." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Plan Sponsor Making Participants Pay Loan Fees Outside the Plan
"We offer plans the ability to have our participant loan fees (both initial set up and annual maintenance) paid directly from the accounts on the recordkeeping platform, or some plan sponsors offer to pay the fees themselves (usually when there are few loans, or it's a
tight-knit group). And then sometimes this kind of thing happens, where the plan sponsor was paying the fees.... and then at some point they decided that was stupid and started having the participants reimburse the employer for those loan fees on an annual basis once they got our invoice (it's itemized enough to show the fees for the loan charges, so it's not hard to figure out who the loan charges are for, especially for a small
plan). Of course, they don't tell us they are doing this until it is mentioned accidentally in a conversation and my distribution team person has her eyes pop out of her head. She offers to change the plan so that the fees come from the accounts, and is told that, it's OK, this works for us. So.... does it, really? The loan policy DOES include our loan fee in the amount that is being charged to participants (both at setup and
annually), so maybe it does.... though it does say that fees are deducted from the accounts from which the loan is taken, which is not correct, so we'd have to modify that. But it's not on their 404a5 fee disclosure from the recordkeeper -- only the recordkeeper's loan fees are shown. And I don't think they'll let us add our fees there unless we are charging them from the plan accounts. So my overall gut feeling is
that this is danger zone territory. Or, does the fact that this is handled 'outside the plan' make this a moot point? That feels wrong just typing that, but I think that's their rationale."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Taking a Loan While on Leave of Absence
"Is there anything that restricts a participant to take a loan while they are out on a leave of absence? The loan specifically states that all repayments must be made via payroll deduction, so the thought is that it naturally restricts it. The Trustees are asking if there is
anything more specific, though. Thanks in advance!"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Incorrect SSA Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information Letters?
"Has anyone else received calls from clients stating their former employees have received SSA Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information Letters when they took full distributions years ago? In the last week, we've received calls from several and in every case the
participants were reported with a code D on a form 8955-SSA at some point in the past. The oldest one was from 1994! Anyone aware of any issues at the DOL that might have resulted in this, or aware of something that has been released about this that I might have missed?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities: A Retirement Plan Compliance Assistance Seminar for Small Business
June 28, 2023 in NY
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0 and Regulatory Updates from a Trip to Washington, D.C.
Qualified Plan Advisors [QPA]
SECURE 2.0 Shakes Things Up for Required Minimum Distributions
Morgan Lewis, via Bloomberg Law
The ABCs of IRS FAQs on EPCRS under SECURE 2.0
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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