Retirement Plans Newsletter
June 14, 2023
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[Official Guidance]
PBGC Regulatory Agenda, Spring 2023: Includes New Reg Project
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
[Official Guidance]
Text of PBGC Interest Rate Assumptions for Valuing Benefits in Single-Employer Plans, Third Quarter 2023
"The third quarter 2023 interest assumptions will be 5.24 percent for the first 20 years following the valuation date and 4.58 percent thereafter. In comparison with the interest assumptions in effect for the second quarter of 2023, these interest assumptions represent
no change in the select period (the period during which the select rate (the initial rate) applies), a decrease of 0.14 percent in the select rate, and a decrease of 0.51 percent in the ultimate rate (the final rate)." MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
New York City Pension Funds Suit Illustrates the Importance of ERISA
"The complaint's fiduciary arguments ... owe their strength to reliance on ERISA principles and the ERISA fiduciary standard of care's prudent expert rule which New York adopted in the NYRSSA to safeguard the rights of plan participants.... However, its fatal flaws
are a probable lack of standing and no context-specific pleading.... An investment that's good for the environment can also be good for the plan and its participants provided it's selected and monitored based on a thoughtful, deliberate and documented process." [Wong v. NYCERS, TRS and BERS No. 652297/2023 (NY Cty. Sup. Ct. complaint filed May 11, 2023)] MORE >>
Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.
Investment Advisor vs. Investment Manager
"One important distinction between the two types of fiduciaries is that they do different things -- one advises a plan decisionmaker, and the other is the plan decisionmaker.... [A]ppointing a 3(38) investment manager won’t be effective to relieve the
appointing fiduciary of liability, unless the manager is actually given the power to manage the plan’s assets. " MORE >>
Bill Aims to Block ERISA Plans from Funding Firms Linked to U.S. Adversaries
"[T]he Protecting Americans' Retirement Savings Act [PARSA] would prohibit retirement accounts governed by ERISA --
including 401(k) plans, employer-provided pensions plans and profit sharing plans -- from investing in companies linked with what the bill calls 'foreign adversaries.' [A] press release identifies these countries as Iran, North Korea, Russia and China.... [T]he bill says that
fiduciaries of ERISA plans cannot collect interest in, lend money to, engage in transactions with or transfer plan data to entities associated with such countries." MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
Social Security COLA for 2024 Could Be 2.7%
"New consumer price data indicates that inflation is at its lowest level since March 2021. That was the start of our recent 40-year storm of two back-to-back years of historically high consumer prices. The Senior Citizens League now estimates that the Social Security cost of
living adjustment (COLA) 2024 could be 2.7 percent." MORE >>
The Senior Citizens League
The Financial Challenges in Age-Gap, May-December Marriages
"This article will: [1] Highlight the retirement implications of having a much older spouse, including claiming strategies for Social Security and Medicare eligibility. [2] Explain how life insurance can potentially be an effective way to mitigate longevity risk.
[3] Discuss the required minimum distribution rules for IRAs when your spouse is more than 10 years younger than you." MORE >>
Should Women Just Delay Retirement and Work Longer?
"At first glance, delaying retirement appears attractive, but many jobs available to older workers feature low wages, few benefits, and difficult working conditions. These challenges fall more heavily on women than men." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
DOL Regulatory Agenda, Spring 2023: Includes New Reg Projects
Changes to benefits-related items from EBSA and from the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) from the Fall 2022 DOL Regulatory
Agenda: Added to Prerule Stage: - [1210-AC18] Emergency Savings Accounts Linked to Individual Account Plans
- [1210-AC19] Plan Reporting for Retirement Savings Lost and Found
- [1210-AC20] Worker Ownership, Readiness, and Knowledge
- [1210-AC21] Exemption for Certain Automatic Portability Transactions
- [1210-AC22] Review of Pension Risk Transfer Interpretive Bulletin 95-1
Moved from Prerule Stage to Proposed Rules:
[1210-AC14] Requirements Related to Advanced Explanation of Benefits and Other Provisions Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 Update to Proposed Rule: [1210-AC02] "Definition of Fiduciary" title changed to "Conflict of Interest in Investment Advice" Moved from Proposed Rule to Final
Rule: [1235-AA43] Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act MORE >>
U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
[Official Guidance]
IRS Regulatory Agenda, Spring 2023: Includes New Reg Projects
Changes from the Fall 2022 IRS Regulatory Agenda: Added to Proposed Rules: - [1545-BQ57] Plan-Specific Mortality Tables and
Corporate Bond Yield Curve for Determining Present Value
- [1545-BQ66] SECURE 2.0 Updates to Required Minimum Distribution Rules
- [1545-BQ67] Modifications to Rules Regarding Plan-Specific Substitute Mortality Tables
- [1545-BQ70] Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Rules for Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under Section 401(k)
Moved from Proposed to Final Rule stage: [1545-BQ35] Requirements in Connection With Coverage of Certain Preventive Services MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS], U.S. Department of the Treasury
Weighing the Risks of AI for Employee Benefits Administration
"While AI holds the potential to revolutionize how plan sponsors and service providers manage and deliver, the imperfect nature of AI and the dynamic legal landscape regulating its usage requires measured consideration.... ERISA fiduciaries must certainly be mindful that the use
of AI does not excuse them from their fiduciary duties. When AI 'enters the chat,' it will be important to assess whether a reasonable person in similar circumstances would decide to implement AI for a given task." MORE >>
Law360; subscription may be required
How Real-Time Connectivity Is Changing the Benefits Administration Game
"Benefits administration platforms are commonly discussed as a matter of 'paper' vs. 'digital,' but this terminology actually glosses over significant gulfs between different digital product types.... 1 in 5 American employers is currently making use of API in benefits administration, which is up from 1 in 20 employers in 2019.... [T]he simplest way to explain the value proposition of API-based services is that they offer 'real-time communication' between carriers, administration platforms, and enrollees -- but what exactly does that mean?" MORE >>
Retirement Plan Advisers Can Assist Health Care Plan Sponsor with CAA Disclosure and Benchmarking Compliance
"Thanks to regulation passed in 2021, experts believe the health care industry may be started down a path of fiduciary regulation and fee transparency similar to the retirement sector. But as aggregation across insurance, retirement and health benefits has brought workplace
benefits practices closer together, retirement plan advisers may have a role to play[.]" MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Self Employment Income Determination
"We have a client that is an LLC filing as a partnership but the K-1s are completed differently than I have seen before. There is nothing reported in Box 14 even though the net income for the company for the year was over $1 million. Both partners received guaranteed income for
the year of $120,000. One partner is a limited partner and the other a general partner. We asked the CPA why there was nothing in Box 14 and he indicated that per the IRS rules, if a reasonable guaranteed payment for services is paid to each member, the earnings of the LLC reported in Box 1 of the K-1 would not be subject to SE tax. They believe that the $120,000 is a reasonable amount and each member did pay SE taxes on that amount. Since
guaranteed payments are not normally considered in the self-employment compensation calculation and there is nothing in Box 4, it seems that their plan compensation would be zero. They did defer and wanted to put in a profit sharing contribution for themselves but I think the deferrals will have to be returned. Does this sound correct? Has anyone had this situation?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Coverage Fail-Safe for Excluded Interns
"Start-up 401(k) plan for small employer (no more than 5 regular employees, not including interns) intends to have eligibility criteria for all contribution sources attainment of age 18 and completion of 6 months of service, elapsed time, with quarterly entry dates. The sponsor
wants to exclude interns, but there is a concern that the exclusion may result in a coverage failure, given the number of interns and their potential duration of service. To avoid a coverage failure, can the plan provide for an exclusion of interns subject to a fail-safe that allows an intern to enter the plan effective the first day of the quarter coincident with or next following the intern's attainment of age 21 and completion of 12
months and 1,000 hours of service?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Solo LLC Wants Two 401(k) Plans
"I have an owner of an LLC who is the only employee. She owns her company 100% and her company is a participating ER of the plan that her husband's company (another owner only LLC) that sponsor's the plan. It is a control group for now anyway, thanks to Secure 2.0. She
has been talking to someone other than us (her TPA) and her broker and thinks she can open a 2nd 401k plan. Since her company is an adopter of the plan she is currently in, wouldn't she be prohibited from creating a 2nd 401k plan? Since there will no longer be a control group next year because of the family attribution changes, she could spin off her own plan, right? I have done a small handful of mergers, but this is the opposite and am
not sure how this would be handled."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Virginia Launches New Retirement Savings Program
Williams Mullen
Helping Small Business Owners and Their Employees Save for Retirement
June 27, 2023 WEBINAR
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Financial Planning Considerations for Advisors
July 13, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
403(b) vs. 401(k) - 2023 (PDF)
Retirement Management Services, LLC
Identifying Partial Plan Terminations and Taking Appropriate Action
Ferenczy Benefits Law Center
Proposed Regulations Govern Making Participant Elections and Spousal Consents Electronically
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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