Retirement Plans Newsletter
June 20, 2023
2 New Job Opportunities
ESG-Related Lawsuits Filed Against Plan Sponsors
"[T]his article reviews recent cases] claiming that ESG investments/investment decisions violated duties of prudence and loyalty under ERISA ... and under state and common law ... Wong is not an ERISA case. Moreover, divestment of an entire asset class (or
sub-asset class) in a pension fund is clearly different from (and more problematic than) simply offering ESG investment funds, along with non-ESG funds, in a 401(k) plan. But a decision in Wong (if we get one) is likely to add to the discussion of what sorts of ESG investment policies will be tolerated by the courts." [Spence v. American Airlines, Inc., No. 23-0552 (N.D. Tex. complaint filed Jun. 2, 2023); Wong v. NYCERS, TRS and BERS, No. 652297/2023 (New York County, complaint filed May 11,
2023)] MORE >>
October Three Consulting
ERISApedia -- Our Latest Title: Defined Benefit/Cash Balance eSource
Written by Lorraine Dorsa, this is a must-have for ERISA pros working with traditional and cash balance defined benefit plans. Covers DB/CB combo plans and DB plan corrections. Please contact jpecina@erisapedia.com for more information.
ESG Rule Needed to Counter 'Chilling Effect,' DOL Says
"The [DOL's] ESG rule is needed to correct the 'chilling effect' a previous Trump administration rule placed on those environmental, social and corporate governance investment options, U.S. attorneys argued ... The ESG rule 'reaffirms, consistent with
ERISA's statutory text, that fiduciaries' exclusive purpose must be to secure financial benefits for plan participants and beneficiaries, and that this purpose may never be subordinated to unrelated goals,' the new brief explained.' [Utah v. Su, No. 23-00016, (N.D. Tex. defendant"s reply brief filed Jun. 2, 2023)] MORE >>
Fixing Fixed-Rate Cash Balance Plans
"[T]here is a better approach to consider that can keep contributions (and deductions) more predictable. Enter the 'market return cash balance' (MRCB) plan. Instead of designing a cash balance plan with a fixed interest rate, MRCB plans are designed to credit accounts
with the actual investment return in the plan's trust. This can make a huge difference in funding stability[.]" MORE >>
Retirement Learning Center, LLC
'Cross-Testing' in Qualified Profit Sharing Plans, 2023
"If an employer meets all three of the following criteria ... contributions for the HCEs [can be] significantly larger than under other traditional contribution methods. [1] The company has at least 12 to 20 employees eligible for a qualified plan ... [2] The
average age of the HCEs is at least 8 to 12 years above that of all other eligible employees. [3] There are no HCEs among the youngest third of all eligible employees." MORE >>
Retirement Management Services, LLC
Education and Financial Wellness: Roles in a Retirement Plan
"A new study finds that the ongoing economic environment continues to heighten pressures for employees, who are turning their attention to their employer benefits for educational support.... What topics should be covered for employees? ... How should education and wellness
be delivered to participants?" MORE >>
Conrad Siegel Actuaries
MBTA Retirement Fund Is Headed for a Financial Reckoning
"The new MBTA Retirement Fund Actuarial Valuation Report shows the fund's balance as of Dec. 31, 2022, was $1.62 billion -- about $300 million less than what it was just 12 months earlier. Its liability -- the amount it will owe current and future T
retirees -- is over $3.1 billion, meaning the fund is about 51 percent funded. In 2006, it was 94 percent funded. A 'death spiral' generally accelerates when retirement system funding dips below 50 percent." MORE >>
Actuarial News
Extreme 401(k) Makeover: Here's Why DC Guaranteed Income Is a Pipedream
"Theoretically, how might you address the difference between the best retirement income stream and the one you're stuck with because you didn't save enough money during your career?" MORE >>
Fiduciary News; free registration required
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Selected New Discussions |
'Unenrolled Participant' Annual Reminder Notice
"Seeking opinions on this, and whether the Safe Harbor Notice (depending upon content) suffices. The Notice must be furnished in connection with the annual open election period, or if there is no such special period, within a 'reasonable time' before the
beginning of each plan year; it notifies the Unenrolled Participant of their eligibility to participate in the plan, and the key benefits and rights under the plan, with a focus on employer contributions and vesting provisions, and provides such information in a prominent manner calculated to be understood by the average participant. So, if your normal Safe Harbor Notice merely directs the employee to the Summary Plan
Description for Employer contributions other than the safe harbor contributions, then absent further IRS guidance specifying otherwise, it appears that the safe harbor notice couldn't satisfy the requirement. On the other hand, if the safe harbor notice either includes the employer contribution already, or is modified to do so, then it would seem the safe harbor notice could qualify, perhaps with a few other alterations as well. Any
other thoughts/opinions? Are you planning to consolidate these two Notices, or keep them separate? I'm leaning toward separate as ultimately being cleaner and easier in the long run, not to mention that lots of plans aren't safe harbor, so would need a separate Notice anyway...."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
How to Transition Safe Harbor 401(k) to Solo 401(k)?
"I have a client that went and set up a 401k for his real estate brokerage business with a 1/6/23 effective date. His intent was to set up a solo 401k. Using a DIY 401k vendor, he ended up setting up a full-blown safe harbor 401k w SHNEC (EACA provision, 25% SHNEC, cross-tested
profit sharing). The only eligible employees are himself and his spouse. His minor children are employees of the corporation but excluded from the plan due to age 18 eligibility requirement. I would like to move the plan to a new vendor and drop the safe harbor provisions as they're unnecessary. He's fully funded the plan for 2023 for himself and his wife (maxed EE deferrals and the max ER contribution--25% of w2) Is there an issue
with simply changing plan docs midyear to one without the safe harbor language? Is there some notice that must be sent to covered EE's?"
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MultiPlan and ECHO Health Partner to Drive Health Plan Administrative Costs Down
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Data Science and Predictive Analysis: What’s in it for Actuaries
August 2, 2023 WEBINAR
Conference of Consulting Actuaries
Employee Benefit Plans of Tax-Exempt and Governmental Employers 2023
September 21, 2023 WEBINAR
ALI CLE [American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
401(k) Plan Provisions Modified by the SECURE 2.0 Act
Benefit Resources Inc.
Is the Exxon Model the Future of ERISA Fiduciary Prudence?
The Prudent Investment Adviser Rules
Most Expanded Self-Corrections Available Immediately for Workplace Retirement Plans, But Not for IRAs
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