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Retirement Plans Newsletter

July 3, 2023

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Third Circuit Holds Class Action Waiver in ESOP Plan Arbitration Provision Is Unenforceable

"[T]he Court of Appeals addressed three issues: [1] whether the court has appellate jurisdiction to review the district court's order denying Defendants' motion to dismiss; [2] whether the class action waiver in the ESOP plan arbitration provision is unenforceable or invalid; and [3] whether the remaining portion of the arbitration provision is unenforceable in the absence of the class action waiver." [Henry v. Wilmington Trust NA, No. 21-2801 (3d Cir. June 30, 2023)]  MORE >>

Roberts Disability Law

Excessive Fee Suit Takes Some New Tacks

"The allegations in a new excessive fee suit are familiar -- but the plaintiff has clearly been attentive to pleading failures that have led to other, similar cases being dismissed." [Zimmerman v. Cedars-Sinai Med. Ctr., No. 23-1124 (C.D. Cal. complaint filed Jun. 13, 2023)]  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Jury Sides with Yale in 403(b) Lawsuit

"A Connecticut federal jury delivered a verdict ... deciding the class action lawsuit brought in 2016 against the $5.5 billion retirement plan Yale University 403(b) retirement plan -- ruling the school mismanaged the plan but caused no losses to plan participants, according to the verdict." [Vellali v. Yale Univ., No. 16-1345 (D. Conn. Jun. 28, 2023)]  MORE >>


OIG Report: Audit of PBGC's Review of Initial Special Financial Assistance Applications (PDF)

"PBGC should better document its analysis of potential application issues and management concurrence regarding the resolution of those issues to better ensure management oversight. Second, to improve PBGC's ability to detect discrepancies in plan calculations for suspended benefits and a plan's reported Contribution Base Unit (CBU) history, the Corporation should develop and implement additional controls to assess (a) plan calculations for previously suspended benefits and (b) a plan's reported CBU history."  MORE >>

Office of Inspector General, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

PBGC Approves $1.3 Billion in SFA for PACE Industry Plan

"[T]he PACE Industry Union-Management Pension Fund ... based in Nashville, Tennessee, covers 64,522 participants in the manufacturing industry. The PACE Industry Plan will receive approximately $1.3 billion in special financial assistance ... The plan was projected to run out of money in 2034."  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

PBGC Approves $32 Million in SFA for IBEW Local 237 Plan

"[T]he IBEW Local Union No. 237 Pension Plan ... based in Niagara Falls, New York, covers 430 participants in the construction industry. On July 1, 2020, [the] Plan implemented a benefit suspension under the terms of [MPRA] ... [which] reduced benefits of about 330 plan participants.... The plan will receive $32.2 million in SFA, including interest to the expected date of payment to the plan."  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

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Selected New Discussions

Terminating DC 401(k) Plan

"Does any know how many years after the 401k Plan terminates can a participant bring a claim against the Fiduciary and Plan Sponsor. One of my client has insurance policy for this type of claim, and they will need to purchase 'tail coverage' for the policy for it to stay in effect in case anyone brings a claim. Is the statute of limitations for a 401k plan usually 3 years, or is it longer?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Funding Deadline When Fiscal Year End Changed

"Have a client that had their fiscal year end and plan year end 9/30. They changed fiscal year end to 12/31 but didn't change the plans year-end yet. They have a Safe Harbor 3% due for the 9/30/22 plan year end. When does it have to be funded by now that their fiscal year is 12/31?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Letter from 225+ Companies and Employer Organizations to Congress, Treasury: Delay New Catch-Up Contributions Requirement

American Benefits Council

Excessive Fee Claims in Retirement Plans: Hughes v. Northwestern

DeBofsky Law

What CalSTRS, CalPERS Did in Days After Learning Hackers Had Stolen Retirees' Personal Info

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