Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 6, 2023
2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issues Interim Guidance on Eligible Inadvertent Failures But Questions Remain
"While [Notice 2023-43] has provided some initial guidance, much more is needed.... [G]uidance
on the parameters of the necessary practices and procedures that must be in place to even qualify the failure as an eligible inadvertent failure is critical. Additionally, the coordination between the existing Self Correction Program under EPCRS (SCP) and the self-correction of eligible inadvertent failures need[s] to be explained." MORE >>
Trucker Huss
ASC Cycle 3 Pre-Approved DB Documents Available!
You can start restating your Defined Benefit and Cash Balance plans now with ASC’s Cycle 3 DB Plan Documents! The documents are already available, giving clients the maximum time to restate. Become an ASC client. Contact ASC Sales today!
[Guidance Overview]
Resources for Tracking State and Local Retirement Initiatives (PDF)
"This article summarizes state and city retirement initiatives for private-sector workers ... The latest update includes information about a recently enacted auto-enrollment program in Nevada." [Updated Jun. 29, 2023] MORE >>
Magistrate Judge: DOL's Rollover Advice Exemption Should Be Vacated
"The court should vacate the portions of the exemption's text and preamble that allow consideration of individual retirement account investment advice relationships when determining fiduciary status, Ms. Rutherford said. 'These provisions exceed the DOL's authority
under ERISA and constitute arbitrary and capricious interpretations of the five-part test to determine whether financial professionals are acting as "investment advice fiduciaries," ' she concluded." [Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice Inc. v. DOL, No. 22-0243 (N.D. Tex. magistrate recommendations Jun. 30, 2023)] MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
New York Federal Court Denies Class Certification in ERISA Lawsuit Involving 8,000 Plans
"The decision is instructive for defendants who are faced with class allegations that purport to target a single policy or practice, but which in fact relate to numerous individual decisions. It should also serve as a reminder that defendants must consider not only the facial
validity of a claim, but also the robust defenses available under the ERISA." [Haley v. TIAA, No. 17-0855 (S.D.N.Y. Jun. 27, 2023)] MORE >>
Duane Morris LLP, via Lexology; free registration required
Where We Are with the Roth Catch-Up Contribution Provision
"What remains unclear is whether the Treasury Department has the regulatory authority or the willingness to ignore the Section 603 drafting error, despite the congressional letter of intent.... [T]here has been an increasingly active and vocal lobbying campaign from large employer retirement plan sponsor groups and their retirement plan recordkeepers to get Congress to provide a two-year delay of the Section 603 Roth catch-up requirement." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
PEP Growth Slows as Startups Fold
"The growth of pooled employer plan registration has slowed in 2023 even as the industry gears up for more small and midsized businesses to introduce new retirement plans ... [P]ooled plan providers [are] continuing to bring PEPs to market ... [but] even as new plans
emerge, more are pulling out of the market due to lack of uptake from plan sponsors. Some of the pullback ... came after a clarification this year by the [IRS] that expanded the audit requirements for PEPs." MORE >>
Post-Pandemic Realities: The Retirement Outlook of the Multigenerational Workforce (PDF)
"Today's workers are navigating the extended hangover of the pandemic as well as new disruptions that pose a threat to their lifestyles and livelihoods. Many workers are confronting short-term employment and financial challenges that have implications for their ability to
save and invest for their future retirement. A concerted effort is needed among policymakers, employers, and workers themselves to put them back on the road towards a financially secure retirement." MORE >>
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies
A Significant Number of Employees Will Take Lifetime Income When Given the Choice
"In a defined benefit plan termination, employees are generally given the choice to take their benefit as a lifetime annuity ... or an account balance ... While employees with smaller benefits tend to take the account balance option, 34% of the dollars for employees
over age 55 were moved to insurance companies to provide lifetime income. This is a much larger utilization rate than seen in the retail annuity market or in-plan defined contribution plan offerings." MORE >>
Comparing Retirement Plan Designs
"Here is an example showing the results of comparing seven plans for a small business.... The results show the differences that can be obtained from various plan designs. The best design for any given situation will vary depending on employee ages and salaries, as well as company
objectives." MORE >>
Retirement Management Services, LLC
U.S. Corporate Pension Plans Funding Status, June 2023
"The aggregate funded ratio for U.S. corporate pension plans increased by an estimated 2.3 percentage points in June and ended the month at 103.5% ... The monthly change in funded ratio resulted from a 2.3% increase in asset value and no material change in liability
value. The aggregate funded ratio is estimated to have increased by 3.1%, 4.8%and 8.1% during the second quarter, year-to-date and over the trailing twelvemonths, respectively." MORE >>
Wilshire Associates
Applying the Actuarial Process to Retirement Planning
"The process employed to maintain a system's sustainability over time can be more important than the assumptions and tools used to project future experience. Therefore, [advisors are encouraged] to utilize the general actuarial process (or something similar) on an ongoing
basis when consulting with their clients about retirement finances." MORE >>
Advisor Perspectives
Benefits in General |
District Court Acknowledges the 'Fiduciary Exception's' Applicability to ERISA Communications -- with a Twist
"[D]efendant's former Chief Digital Officer sued for severance benefits after he was terminated. Not surprisingly, he pointed to the fiduciary exception that generally applies in ERISA cases. But the court carefully analyzed the severance plan, and concluded that ... the
plan's status as a 'top-hat plan' meant that under ERISA the fiduciary exception did not apply." [Kramer v. American Electric Power Executive Severance Plan, No. 21-5501 (S.D. Ohio Apr. 13, 2023)] MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Plan Administrator
Atlantic Pension Services Inc.
Remote / Kennett Square PA / DE / MD / NJ / TN
Selected New Discussions |
Loan Correction $50,000 Limit
"Maximum participant loan (residential) was granted at the end of 2021. Due to turnover at the plan sponsor repayment was not set up. Error was detected during 2022 plan audit. Recordkeeper is proposing correction by amortizing the loan over the remaining term using the original
$50,000 loan as the loan balance with interest only payments until the accrued interest is repaid (entire amount of loan payment applied to interest for the next 13 months). Is this permissible or should the current accrued interest be repaid to the plan now? With accrued interest the balance is about $53,000. if this loan was not already at the maximum limit, I believe their correction would be appropriate. However, I am not sure it is OK
when the loan plus accrued interest is over $50,000."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
PS Correction Not Counting Towards Annual Addition?
"Calendar year 401k, SHNEC, PS plan for a partnership that we took over this year. As we're reconciling it, we notice that the 2021 employer contributions were not deposited in 2022 -- presumably they were deducted. We've always taken the position that the SH has to
be corrected so that has to be deposited ASAP with corrective earnings.... On PS.... since the deposit was not made by 9/15/22, the deposit is subject to be counted in both the 2021 and 2022 annual addition limits. But it wasn't deposited in 2022 at all.... so there's no effect on 2022? I assume this now becomes a SCP issue ... and so even when they make the deposit now in 2023, it's under SCP and I don't see where that
affects their annual additions limit (I just assumed it should, but most corrections don't). So I must be missing something. It must be somewhere that this would count towards the limit, otherwise any plan that missed the deposit deadline would just wait it out a couple of months and correct via SCP. [Yes, the SH would also be in the same 'count towards annual additions' as the PS. And, in fact, some of the partners'
deferrals are in the same boat, too, so they've got late deferrals to add on top of this.] So.... I think it should be that all the missing 2021 deposits have to be made now, and they will offset either the 2022 or 2023 annual additions limit (their choice) by participant. That feels right. Nice to see that in black & white, though.... or to have the actual right answer, either way."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
CBIZ Acquires American Pension Advisors
CBIZ, Inc.
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Use of AI/Chat Models in the 401(k) Industry: A Practical Guide
July 18, 2023 WEBINAR
Best Practices Conference: Building Community with Employee Benefits
September 20, 2023 in MA
New England Employee Benefits Council [NEEBC]
ERISA Basics National Institute 2023
American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits [JCEB]
2023 Fall Virtual Policy Conference
ERIC [ERISA Industry Committee]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0: Long-Term Part-Time Employees
Benefit Resources Inc.
401(k) Nondiscrimination Testing: What Is It and How to Improve Your Results
Making In-Kind Contributions of Qualifying Employer Real Property to a Defined Benefit Pension Plan
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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