Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 13, 2023
Facilitating Conversion of 401(k) Participant Balances to Lifetime Income
"Retirement plan sponsors have offered in-plan insurance company annuity conversions with very little success (less than 5% utilization and many in the industry say less than 1%).... 16 employers have been seeing an average of almost 25% of eligible balances converted since 2007.
These employers offer retiring employees the option to convert all or part of their 401(k) balance to lifetime income options through the company's defined benefit plan by transferring a portion of their balance into the defined benefit plan." MORE >>
ASC Is Hiring! Defined Benefit Software Specialist/Senior Actuarial Analyst
Fantastic career opportunity to join ASC's Defined Benefit Support Team. High value on work-life balance & creating a positive, customer-focused environment. Apply Online Now or email employment@asc-net.com.
40% of Gen X Has Nothing Saved for Retirement
"The average retirement account balance among Xers is just under $130,000, but the median amount is only $10,000 ... That's largely the result of about 40% of Xers having no assets in retirement accounts." MORE >>
InvestmentNews; subscription may be required
Detroit Police, Fire Pensioners Push Back on Ruling to Extend Payments
"The Police and Fire Retirement System of Detroit filed ... a motion for reconsideration, pushing back on a federal bankruptcy judge's ruling in favor of the Duggan administration's plan to extend the city's pension payment obligations over 30 years rather than
20 years." [In re City of Detroit, Michigan, No. 13-53846 (Bankr. E.D. Mich. Jun. 26, 2023; motion for reconsideration
filed Jul. 10, 2023)] MORE >>
The Detroit News
The Looming Retirement Crisis: Are Workers Saving Enough?
"the average retirement savings of Generation X and near-retirement Baby Boomers are simply inadequate to support their income expectations during retirement. The findings suggest that only a relatively few individuals anticipate receiving income from a public or private pension,
further compounding the issue.... One striking revelation from the report is the potential misunderstanding of defined contribution plans among workers." MORE >>
Insured Retirement Institute [IRI]
A Retirement Readiness Checklist
"If you're starting to think about retirement and what your retirement plan should look like, here's a checklist to help you think through the key variables.[1] Consider your retirement date. [2] Assess your in-retirement income needs. [3] Quantify and
maximize pension and Social Security benefits. [4] Evaluate the appropriateness of annuities. [5] Determine whether your planned retirement spending rate is maintainable. [6] Craft a long-term portfolio based on your anticipated retirement income needs. [7] Pay attention to tax management. [8] Assess insurance coverage. [9] Attend to your estate, portfolio succession plan." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
Talent Competition Shapes Employer Benefit Strategies
"As companies grapple with attracting and retaining key talent, investment in employee benefits remains a key priority for most U.S. employers; however, many still face cost challenges as benefit expenses continue to rise ... Almost two-thirds (65%) of employers feel that
their current benefit plan is effective or highly effective in attracting and retaining key talent, and half (49%) are focused on their benefit plans meeting needs across all employees. As they look to meet these needs, employers plan to improve their benefits position in financial wellbeing (43%) and mental health support (37%)." MORE >>
Willis Towers Watson
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Section 409A and the Deferred Compensation Trap for Startups and Early-Stage Growth Companies
"Frequently during the financial crisis, the COVID pandemic, and now in a rising interest rate environment, we see startup and early-stage growth companies that, in the effort to conserve cash, reduce or eliminate the pay of the founders and senior executives for some period of
time. While this step is logical and critical to the company achieving long-term success, it is fraught with potential adverse consequences under Internal Revenue Code section 409A." MORE >>
Selected New Discussions |
Best Book to Purchase
"I help oversee a 401(k) Split Plan. There is several complexities to the Plan which is why is makes me harder to administer. Trying to determine which book is best to purchase. The options I believe I have is the ERISA Outline Book or the 401(k) Answer Book by Empower. Both are
super expensive so weighing options."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
TPA Firm Cannot Be Located
"We recently took over a DB/401(k) from a firm by the name of Pensions & Forecasting, Inc., 4201 Avenue M, Brooklyn NY 11234. They are unresponsive to any requests, but the 5500s including Schedule SB actuarial, seems to be timely prepared. Client says they have no records
(of course); FedEx has not been able to deliver our letter for plan documents, etc. What does one usually do under these circumstances. I have never run across this. Other than telling the client I can not work on the case without this documentation, what is the suggestion?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Violation of Successor Plan Rules
"Company A merges with Company B. Company A and Company B have 401(k) plans. Company B terminates their 401(k) plan. There are 5 employees total in company B, 2 of the 5 employees transfer into Company A's 401(k) plan but 3 of the employees take a cash distribution. There is
also a parent company, and they want to be conservative and file VCP for the failure. How would you present this for correction under VCP?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
PenChecks, Inc. Hires New West Regional Director
PenChecks Trust
Alera Group Expands Retirement Plan Services Team in West Region
Alera Group
Nava Benefits Acquires Award-Winning Benefits Brokerage to Scale Its Modern Benefits Experience for Midsize Employers
Nava Benefits
Prudential and Nayya Partner to Bring Personalized Benefits to Millions of American Employees
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0: Death of 401(k) Testing as We Knew It
For SECURE 2.0's Catch-Up Contributions, Age Is More Than Just a Number
McDermott Will & Emery
A Simple Review of Your Plan's Form 5500 May Avoid Costly Deficiencies
Haynes and Boone, LLP
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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