Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 17, 2023
5 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issue Snapshot: Deductibility of Employer Contributions to a 401(k) Plan Made After the End of the Tax Year
"This Issue Snapshot discusses the timing rules of IRC sections 404(a)(6) and 415 and considers how these rules apply to employers who establish a new 401(k) plan after the end of the tax year." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
EBSA Consultation Paper for ERISA Advisory Council on Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 (PDF)
36 pages. "Section 321 of the SECURE 2.0 Act ... directs the Secretary of Labor to [1] review Interpretive Bulletin
95-1 (relating to the fiduciary standards under [ERISA] when selecting an annuity provider for a defined benefit pension plan) and consult with the [ERISA Advisory Council], to determine whether amendments to IB 95-1 are warranted; and [2] report to Congress on the findings of such review and consultation, including an assessment of any
risk to participants. [EBSA] is currently in the process of conducting the review required by SECURE 2.0 section 321. This consultation paper is prepared for purposes of the required consultation with the ERISA Advisory Council." [Also available: EBSA
Presentation to ERISA Advisory Council: SECURE 2.0 Section 321 -- IB 95-1 Review] MORE >>
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Excuses Missed 2023 RMDs Within the 10-Year Payment Period and Provides 60-Day Rollover Relief
"If you're an IRA beneficiary subject to the 10-year payout period and would have had a 2023 RMD (required minimum distribution), you're in luck. In Notice 2023-54 issued last [July 14], the IRS said it would excuse those RMDs. The IRS also said it would extend the 60-day rollover deadline for IRA (and plan) account owners born in 1951 who received distributions in 2023 that weren't necessary because of the SECURE 2.0 change that delayed their first RMD year from 2023 to
2024." MORE >>
Slott Report
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issues Interim Guidance on Plan Corrections Under SECURE 2.0 Act
"Notice 2023-43 pertains only to the EPCRS provisions under the authority of the IRS; it does
not address any elements of Sec. 305 of SECURE 2.0 over which the [DOL] has authority. This notice also does not address Sections 301 and 350 of SECURE 2.0, which relate to the recovery of overpayments by administrators of qualified retirement plans and the employer's ability to correct automatic contribution errors in certain plans." MORE >>
2023 Mid-Year Update on Excess Fee and Imprudence Litigation
"[W]hile legacy firms ... have filed less cases so far as they digest their high volume of pending cases, new entrants ... have filed the most cases in 2023 year-to-date.... Whereas many historical excess fee filings have used
artificially inflated fee data and misleading comparisons ... these firms are filing cases that anticipate plan sponsor defenses and evolving case law, including attempting to address a comparison of services when comparing recordkeeping fees. This is the first significant change in how excess fee claims are filed in recent years." MORE >>
Euclid Specialty Managers
Third Circuit Rejects Mandatory Arbitration Clause in ESOP
"The ESOP plan added the clause at issue in 2017. When plaintiffs filed a putative class action in 2019 asserting fiduciary breach and prohibited transaction claims, Defendants moved to dismiss on the grounds that the plan document required arbitration. The district court refused
to enforce the ESOP's arbitration clause, finding that mandatory arbitration requires consent. There was no evidence that the plaintiff or plan participants consented to add the arbitration provision in the plan document." [Henry v. Wilmington Trust NA, No. 21-2801
(3d Cir. June 30, 2023)] MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Has the Lack of Asset Diversification in DC Retirement Plans Been a Costly Missed Opportunity? (PDF)
36 pages. "Public equity markets have delivered strong returns to retirement savers over the past four decades, supported by a long-term decline in interest rates. Many investment strategists foresee a different interest rate environment going forward, where simply allocating to
public stocks alone may not generate the same returns as in the past. As a result, it will be increasingly important for plan sponsors to diversify and optimize the asset allocation of their target date funds." MORE >>
Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives
The Forgotten Generation: Generation X Approaches Retirement (PDF)
26 pages. "Slightly more than half (55%) of Gen Xers are participating in an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Fourteen percent of Gen X is covered by a DB plan, and this level is coverage is fairly consistent across gender and race.... The typical Generation X
household only has $40,000 in retirement savings in private accounts.... Most Gen Xers, regardless of race, gender, marital status, or income, are failing to meet retirement savings targets." MORE >>
National Institute on Retirement Security [NIRS]
Delaware Exploring Interstate Cooperation in Retirement Plan
"[t]he EARNS Program board on July 13 voted unanimously to authorize [the office of THE State Treasurer] to evaluate entering into an interstate partnership or multistate consortium to support the launch and future success of EARNS. The Delaware Treasury ... determined
that interstate cooperation could result in lower start-up costs and faster launch times for EARNS, as well as lower initial fees for participants and the possibility of accelerating decreases in program fees." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Pension Finance Update, June 2023
"Higher stock prices translated to another good month for pension finance in June, capping a strong first half of 2023 generally. Both model plans ... gained ground last month: [the] traditional Plan A gained 3% and is now up more than 7% for the year, while the more
conservative Plan B gained 1% during June, ending the first of half 2023 up almost 2%[.]" MORE >>
October Three Consulting
The Reluctant Participant, a Tale of Woe (PDF)
"[T]here is something intangible about this practice area where you first have to know what the dang acronym stands for before you can look up its meaning ... Despite being fairly intelligent and well-read with a Bachelor of Arts in English Lit, my comprehension skills when it
comes to the benefits industry are not as good as I would like, but certainly better than your average participant. So, what can you (the retirement plan professionals) learn from my experience with my retirement?" MORE >>
Antoinette Tardy, via Journal of Pension Benefits
Protecting 401(k) Participants from Cybertheft Should Be a Priority-What Sponsors and the Government Can Do
"Participants whose 401(k) plan accounts are stolen by criminals may never recover their lost benefits.... There is no federal law guaranteeing these benefits, or even requiring that parties who deal with retirement plan data maintain cybersecurity insurance. Criminal charges may
be filed if benefits are stolen, but are unlikely to result in recovery. Plan sponsors, recordkeepers and the government can and should do more to protect retirement savings from cybertheft." MORE >>
Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.
Benefits in General |
Firms with Benefits? Nonwage Compensation and Implications for Firms and Labor Markets
"[W]ithin-firm variation accounts for a dramatically lower percentage of total variation in benefits than in wages.... [T]he presence of high-wage workers in unrelated divisions of a firm as well as workers hired in high-benefit local labor markets positively predicts their
colleagues' benefits, controlling for occupation, wages, state, and industry.... [F]irms with more generous benefits attract and retain more high-wage workers, but also reduce their reliance on low-wage workers more than low-benefit peers. [These] results suggest that benefits disproportionately matter for worker-firm matching and, hence, compensation inequality." MORE >>
National Bureau of Economic Research [NBER]; purchase may be required for full document
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Actuary 2
WA Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Olympia WA / Hybrid
Selected New Discussions |
Looking for Citation
"Looking for a citation for the following: For a new entrant into the plan who receives the safe harbor contribution for only part of the year, i.e. while a participant, the top heavy contribution should be for the entire year and thus, such a participant would require an
additional top heavy contribution. Participant entered in July, but received a safe harbor from date of participation."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Meaningful Benefits as an Actuarial Assumption
"We're having a difference of opinion in my office regarding whether the eventual grant of a meaningful benefit (via an 11(g) amendment after the year ends) is an appropriate actuarial assumption for purposes of running the beginning of year valuation. For example, when doing
the 1/1/23 valuation for a cash balance plan the actuary is aware that less than 40% of participants will be accruing a meaningful benefit. The actuary determines that 8 additional participants, who would not otherwise accrue any benefit during 2023 (due to a current classification exclusion), will need to accrue a meaningful benefit and includes them in the valuation on the basis that that reflects his best estimate of plan liabilities.
Others believe that the meaningful benefit accrual for those participants should not be reflected as of 1/1/23 since there is no current amendment granting the accrual. It's possible that when the amendment is adopted the meaningful benefits may be granted to different participants. As an aside, the increased contribution for the additional normal cost (which is about 10% of the overall normal cost) would still be within the plan's
maximum deductible limit even without these benefits. What do you think? Opinions and/or specific citations would be appreciated."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
How Do SIMPLE IRA Contributions Affect Amount an Individual Can Contribute to a Roth or Traditional IRA?
" 'Simple' question: the instructions in IRS Publication 560, Retirement Plans for Small Businesses, say that contributions to a SIMPLE IRA will not affect the amount an individual can contribute to a Roth or traditional IRA. However, I thought that if you
participated in a qualified retirement plan, that affected the deductibility of contributions to a traditional IRA? In addition, I have a question re contributions to IRAs. On page 7 of publication 590-A, it says a trustee or custodian generally cannot accept contributions of more than the deductible amount for the year. But I thought folks may make nondeductible contributions to traditional IRAs, subject to the dollar limits and applicable
filing status limits?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Retirement Plan Fiduciaries to Pay More Than $124.6m to Settle Lawsuits Brought by DOL, Others
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
International Foundation and WELCOA Expand Workplace Wellness Impact Through New Partnership
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
2023 Cash Balance Plans for Advisors
Nova 401(k) Associates
Fiduciaries: Who Are They?
September 15, 2023 WEBINAR
ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]
Plan Corrections Workshop: Self-correction and SECURE 2.0 Changes
September 20, 2023 WEBINAR
ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Text of IRS Notice 2023-54: Transition Relief and Guidance Relating to Certain Required Minimum Distributions (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Can an Employer Offer Executive Physicals as Taxable Perks?
Willis Towers Watson
Qualified Retirement Plan Considerations in Corporate Transactions
Ogletree Deakins
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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