Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 18, 2023
2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Announces 2023 RMD Rollover Relief and Relief for Certain 2023 Beneficiary Distributions
"The relief provided in Notice 2023-54 relates both the required distribution changes brought
about by the SECURE Act of 2019 as well as the most recent change in RMD starting age brought about by SECURE Act 2.0.... Recognizing that many providers were unable to adjust their systems and administrative procedures in time to reflect this change, the IRS is providing several forms of relief for distributions involving IRA owners and plan participants who turned age 72 in 2023." MORE >>
Convergent Retirement Plan Solutions, LLC
American Academy of Actuaries Submission to ERISA Advisory Council for DOL Consultation on Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 (PDF)
28 pages. "[This submission includes:] [1] Materials ... outlining the state insurance regulations applicable to life insurance companies operating in the United States. The materials focus on the regulatory framework governing solvency requirements, including the
establishment of liabilities and required capital for benefit obligations that are the result of a pension risk transfer. [2] An issue brief authored by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries focusing on 'buy-out' annuity contract transactions." MORE >>
American Academy of Actuaries
Advisers Prepare: Older Employees Will Make Up 25% of U.S. Workforce by 2031
"By 2030, the number of jobs shifting to workers older than 55 will reach 150 million worldwide, nearly equal to the entire working population of the U.S. and 10 percentage points higher than in 2011 ... Fewer young people have joined the
workforce in the last two decades, and while early retirement has long been the trend, it is now slowly going into reverse ... Among American workers, 41% now expect to work beyond age 65, compared to 12% three decades ago[.]" MORE >>
403(b) Plans and Social Security
"This post delves into Social Security as a foundational source of income for many 403(b) plan participants. It describes how benefits are earned, calculated, and taxed, the Social Security earnings limit, why many public employees are not covered, non-teaching routes (e.g., a
second job or sideline business) to earn Social Security coverage, unique benefit formula rules for people whose primary job isn't covered by Social Security, and relationships among Social Security, pension, and 403(b) plan income. It also includes studies about teachers' retirement date timing, as well as three 'need to know' facts and six take-away action steps." MORE >>
Barbara O'Neill, via 403bwise
Private Direct Lending or Public BDCs? Guidance for Pension Plan Sponsors
"[A] wide range of private credit opportunities [is] now available to plan sponsors. As these opportunities have expanded, private direct lending (DL) strategies have gained significant traction, providing a stable foundation to private credit programs. Plan sponsors can also
access the private loan market through public business development companies (BDCs). BDCs have a comparable underlying strategy to private DL funds, but with important differences. Understanding the key characteristics of both can better enable plan sponsors to choose the strategy best suited to their portfolio." MORE >>
Cambridge Associates
Annuity Purchase Update, July 2023
"Average annuity purchase interest rates increased again, rising 18 basis points for the duration 7 rate and 10 basis points for duration 15 rate since June.... Pension Finance improved last month and annuity purchase rates climbed as well, making it an opportune time to enter
the pension risk transfer marketplace.... Insurance carriers have already expressed capacity constraints for September. In anticipation of the upcoming PRT market rush, plan sponsors should act now to secure a spot in 2023." MORE >>
October Three Consulting
Chicago Confronts $35 Billion Pension Crisis, Among Nation's Worst
"The city spends roughly $1 of every $5 on pensions while more than 80 percent of property tax dollars go towards retirement payouts. In November, the city had no junk ratings for the first time since 2015." MORE >>
SECURE 3.0: What Would a Successor to SECURE Look Like?
"[M]easures that IRI said can be taken as 'next steps on the road to further enhancing and strengthening Americans' retirement security' [include]: [1] The Lifetime Income for Employees Act of 2023 [HR 3942] ... [2] The Retirement Fairness for Charities and Educational Institutions Act of 2023 [HR 3063] ... [3] The
General Account Products Clarification Act of 2022 [HR 9515]." MORE >>
Key Questions for Plan Sponsors on Annuities, 'Guaranteed Income,' and Fiduciary Liability Under ERISA
"[W]ill plan sponsors be able to determine whether plan participants will even be able to break-even on a particular annuity, especially if the annuity issuer retains the right to reset the terms? Will plan sponsors be able to understand the difference between an ordinary annuity
and an annuity due and provide plan participants with the information on the financial implications of each, e.g., breakeven points?" MORE >>
The Prudent Investment Adviser Rules
UNITEHERE Testimony to ERISA Advisory Council for EBSA Consultation on Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 (PDF)
"[S]tate insurance regulators have all but abdicated their responsibility to monitor, much less regulate, private-equity-backed group annuity providers, or to protect group annuity beneficiaries.... [A] modernization of the current guidance for plan fiduciaries (IB-95) is
urgently needed. Since group annuity beneficiaries lose their ERISA rights once they've been lifted-out of their defined benefit plans in a PRT, it is imperative that plan fiduciaries are able to differentiate between those providers whose core competency is long-term risk management versus those who bill themselves as expert asset managers and spread investors." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
In-Service Distribution in General
"I understand that not all plans allow for in-service distributions. And I understand that you must die, become disabled, be terminated or reach retirement age. But all that aside, can a participant request and can a plan make an in-service distribution to an active participant
that isn't considered a hardship in-service distribution? Of course the payout would be taxed and coded early. Is this possible?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Pre-Approved Plan Opinion Letter Serial Number
"With the new 2023 forms, this number will be required. The IRS has informally indicated that this will be available as part of the 5500 data sets. So, anyone can look up the opinion letter serial number for a given TPA, and essentially obtain your client list for 5500 filings
under each pre-approved plan you sponsor. Is the ARA raising any hell on this?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Use of Forfeiture Account Balance with Terminating Plan
"Client is terminating a 401k Plan. There is a sizable amount in the forfeiture account. Even after paying expenses, there will be a balance left over. The document says that forfeitures are allocated first to restore previously forfeited amounts to participant accounts.
Thereafter, remaining forfeitures are used to: - offset Plan expenses
- reduce future matching contributions
- reduce future nonelective contributions
Since we are terminating, and thus there will not be any future contributions, how should we
allocate the remaining forfeiture balance? Pro-rata to participants according to??"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Marpai Launches New Health Plan for Small Employers
Financial Finesse Selected by Capital Group to Bring Personalized Financial Wellness to Plan Sponsors
Financial Finesse
Catalyst for Payment Reform Names Guy D’Andrea as New Executive Director
Catalyst for Payment Reform [CPR]
Collective Health Debuts The Partner Collective™: A First-of-its-Kind Digital Health Solution for Employer Health Benefit Plans
Collective Health
OneDigital Announces Acquisition of Vxtra Partners
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Overview of Other Secure Act 2.0 Provisions
August 17, 2023 WEBINAR
IRA Institute Online
September 14, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
IRS Issue Snapshot: Deductibility of Employer Contributions to a 401(k) Plan Made After the End of the Tax Year
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
IRS Excuses Missed 2023 RMDs Within the 10-Year Payment Period and Provides 60-Day Rollover Relief
Slott Report
The Reluctant Participant, a Tale of Woe (PDF)
Antoinette Tardy, via Journal of Pension Benefits
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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