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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

July 21, 2023

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Official Guidance]

Text of CMS Letter to Employers and Plan Sponsors: Group Health Plans Should Extend Period for Special Enrollment During Medicaid Unwinding (PDF)

"Given the exceptional circumstances surrounding the resumption of Medicaid and CHIP renewals for the first time in three years, many individuals will need more than the typical 60-day window after loss of Medicaid or CHIP coverage to apply for and enroll in other coverage.... Employers and plan sponsors should amend their group health plans to extend the period for special enrollment under their plans beyond the minimum 60-day period required by statute for individuals losing Medicaid and CHIP. Individuals losing Medicaid and CHIP should instead be able to enroll anytime during this annual redetermination process [.]"  MORE >>

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]

[Guidance Overview]

Departments Propose Regs on Short-Term Limited Duration Insurance and Indemnity Insurance Excepted Benefits

"Plan sponsors with any of the types of coverage described [in this article] should evaluate what the proposed regulations, once they are finalized, could mean to the coverage they offer their employees. Employers attempting to utilize these products as an alternative to comprehensive health coverage should be aware that significant changes will likely be required ... if the proposed regulations are finalized as proposed."  MORE >>

The Wagner Law Group

[Guidance Overview]

Agencies Propose Regs Regarding Fixed Indemnity Excepted Benefits

"The Proposed Rules require that fixed indemnity insurance benefits be paid as a fixed amount on a per-period basis (e.g., $100/day) ... Furthermore, the Proposed Rules would prohibit the practice of offering fixed indemnity 'excepted benefits' coverage in coordination with other limited coverage products[.]"  MORE >>

Haynes and Boone, LLP

[Guidance Overview]

Changes to Paid Sick Leave and Supplemental Public Health Emergency Leave for Colorado Employees

"Starting August 7, 2023, Colorado employees can use paid sick for the following additional reasons: [1] To grieve, attend funeral services or a memorial, or deal with financial and legal matters that arise after the death of a family member; [2] To care for a family member whose school or place of care has been closed due to inclement weather, loss of power, loss of heating, loss of water, or other unexpected occurrence or event ... or [3] The employee needs to evacuate the employee's place of residence due to inclement weather, loss of power, loss of heating, loss of water, or other unexpected occurrence or event[.]"  MORE >>

Jackson Lewis P.C.

[Guidance Overview]

New Guidance on the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act

"The [updated guidance] highlights the distinct benefits and protections offered under the [Massachusetts Parental Leave Act (MPLA)]. It is important that employers understand the obligations and limits of this law when offering parental leave to employees and in drafting their own parental leave policies."  MORE >>


Practical Ways to Encourage Employees to Sign Up for Your HSA

"[1] Rename your HSA plan to convey more value to employees ... [2] Optimize your healthcare plan contribution strategy ... [3] Invest in employee health insurance education."  MORE >>


Student Loan Debt Remains a 'Pain Point' for Employees

"Only about 8 percent of U.S. employers ... provide student loan repayments to eligible employees -- a percentage almost unchanged over five years ... While the appeal for job candidates is obvious, such a benefit can be used by employers as a recruitment, engagement and retention tool."  MORE >>

Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM]; membership may be required to view article

Messaging Your Doctor Through a Patient Portal Might Cost You

"Many hospitals and health systems ... now charge patients who receive clinical advice through messages. Such charges are generally covered by Medicare and Medicaid, as well as most private insurance, though patients may bear co-pays ... [T]he goal of charging for these messages was both to reimburse doctors, and discourage patients from excessive emailing. In actuality, ... the new charges have not solved either of those problems."  MORE >>

National Public Radio [NPR]


District Court Challenges Insurance Denial of Coverage for Behavioral Health Treatment

"The C.P. ruling is a very thoughtful decision that explained in detail why United Healthcare's benefit denial was flawed, and showed how an initial error that was never rectified infected the entire claim determination. The ruling goes well beyond the case before the court, though, and suggests that the health care system in the United States is broken and desperately in need of repair." [C.P. v. United Healthcare Insurance Company, No. 21-378 (D. Utah Jun. 21, 2023)]  MORE >>

DeBofsky Law

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Sales Executive
for Primark Benefits

Retirement Plan Sales Executive

Primark Benefits

San Mateo CA / Hybrid

View job as Retirement Plan Sales Executive for Primark Benefits

View job as DC Plan Consultant/Administrator
for Dynamic Pension Services, Inc.

DC Plan Consultant/Administrator

Dynamic Pension Services, Inc.

Remote / Dayton OH

View job as DC Plan Consultant/Administrator for Dynamic Pension Services, Inc.

View job as Litigation Attorney
for Trucker Huss, APC

Litigation Attorney

Trucker Huss, APC


View job as Litigation Attorney for Trucker Huss, APC

Webcasts and Conferences
(Health & Welfare Plans)

Open Enrollment Overview and Considerations for the 2024 Plan Year



Last Issue's Most Popular Items

What Federal Laws Apply to Wellness Programs Under ERISA Group Health Plans? (PDF)

Thomson Reuters / EBIA

OCR Addresses HIPAA and Cybersecurity Authentication (PDF)

Thomson Reuters / EBIA

Minnesota Passes Paid Family and Medical Leave Law


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