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Retirement Plans Newsletter

July 24, 2023

6 New Job Opportunities 6 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

IRS Releases RMD Guidance

"Participants born in 1951 now have the opportunity to roll over distributions made between January 1 and July 31, 2023, which were originally mischaracterized as RMDs and hence ineligible for rollover.... [Notice 2023-54] allows plans to be administered safely for 2023, knowing that, if the plan does not distribute 'specified RMDs,' neither the plan nor the beneficiary will be penalized. We don't know yet whether the final regulations will require a 'make-up' distribution of the 2021 though 2023 specified RMDs as part of the 2024 RMD."  MORE >>

Ferenczy Benefits Law Center

DOL Requests Input from ERISA Advisory Council on Pension Risk Transfers

"[In] the current high-interest rate environment, many employers ... may be vetting a variety of de-risking options (including pension risk transfers) to 'take advantage' of the enhanced funding and decrease balance sheet liability and PBGC premiums in advance of new DOL guidance. While the [DOL's] consultation paper is not law -- or even sub-regulatory guidance -- it might still be helpful to pension plan fiduciaries considering a de-risking option to ensure that those fiduciaries are considering the trends highlighted by the DOL."  MORE >>

Michael Best

Should You Switch to the Standard Method to Calculate Your 2023 PBGC Premiums?

"For plan sponsors that have the option to switch from the alternative method to the standard method in 2023, there are significant savings to be seen. However, making this switch locks the plan sponsor into the standard method for the next five years. If interest rates fall over this period, then the savings seen in 2023 could be wiped out by higher PBGC premiums in future years. Given uncertainty about future interest rates, when is the right time for a plan sponsor to switch methods and lock themselves in for the next five years?"  MORE >>


The Portability Services Network, Explained

"The auto-portability movement has gained momentum recently, culminating in the 2022 formation of the Portability Services Network [PSN], owned jointly by [Retirement Clearinghouse] and several of the largest U.S. recordkeepers.... Participating recordkeepers bring their plan sponsors to the arrangement, and those sponsors bring the participants.... PSN reaches 63% of the defined contribution marketplace, based on the six original PSN owner/members (Alight, Vanguard, Fidelity, TIAA, Empower and Principal)."  MORE >>


An Analysis of Benefit Distribution Options Selected by Individuals Covered by the PBGC

"[This study examines] the PBGC distributions chosen over the last decade and how they vary by age at retirement, sex, months of service, and other relevant variables. Key findings indicate that men are much more likely to choose a joint and survivor annuity compared to female claimants and the difference increases with age. Conditional on selecting a J&S annuity, men are more likely to select a 100% survivor's annuity while women tend to choose a 50% survivor's benefit."  MORE >>

National Bureau of Economic Research [NBER]; purchase may be required for full document

What Will the Social Security COLA Raise Be for 2024?

"With overall inflation lower this year, Social Security benefits are on pace for a lower COLA in 2024, with some forecasts around 3%. Here's what to know."  MORE >>

U.S. News & World Report

Benefits in General

July Filing Deadlines for Employee Benefit Plans

"By July 31, employers that sponsor self-funded medical plans must report and pay their PCORI fee. By July 31, employers that sponsor calendar-year employee benefit plans that are subject to ERISA must file a Form 5500 (unless an exception applies) or request an extension by filing a Form 5558."  MORE >>

Venable LLP

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation / Associate Attorney
for Polsinelli

Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation / Associate Attorney


IL / MO / TX / Hybrid

View job as Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation / Associate Attorney for Polsinelli

View job as Actuary
for TWG Benefits, Inc.


TWG Benefits, Inc.

Remote / IL

View job as Actuary for TWG Benefits, Inc.

View job as Defined Contribution Account Manager
for Nova 401(k) Associates

Defined Contribution Account Manager

Nova 401(k) Associates


View job as Defined Contribution Account Manager for Nova 401(k) Associates

View job as Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst

Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst



View job as Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst for IJOIN

View job as Internal Wholesaler
for Alerus

Internal Wholesaler



View job as Internal Wholesaler for Alerus

View job as Senior  Implementation Analyst
for Ameritas

Senior Implementation Analyst



View job as Senior  Implementation Analyst for Ameritas

Selected New Discussions

Employer Securities as Part of In-Plan Roth Rollovers

"I understand that an in-plan rollover to a designated Roth account of employer securities is treated as a distribution for the net unrealized appreciation (NUA). What are the implications of that treatment?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Top Heavy Safe Harbor Plan

"Plan is a 401(k) Safe Harbor Plan that includes a New Comparability Profit Sharing Allocation. The Key Employees only 'participate' in Deferrals and Safe Harbor Matching. Due to the inclusion of a life policy which has premium paid by Profit Sharing Contributions, there is one Non-Key who get a Profit Sharing Allocation. Does the inclusion of this Nonelective Contribution to one Non-Key Employee (which does provide Minimum to this person) require that a Top Heavy Minimum be provided to other Non-Key Employees? I suspect the answer is 'yes' since the Plan is doing a contribution above the 'Safe Harbor Contributions', even though that contribution only goes to Non-Key Employees."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Introducing New Employee Wellness Toolkit for HR and Benefits Professionals from Flimp

Flimp Communications

TIAA RetirePlus® Sees Rapid Growth, Surpassing 250,000 Participant Accounts


Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Aggregation of Retirement Plan Advisory Firms


The Retirement Space

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

DOL Rule on Abandoned Retirement Plans Arrives at OMB


Investment Firm to Pay $124 Million to Settle 401(k) Plan Mismanagement Allegations

HR Dive

The Best Interest Standard for Recommending Account Types

Faegre Drinker

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