Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
July 24, 2023
6 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
HHS Warns Telehealth Providers of HIPAA Risks Involving Online Tracking Technologies
"The agencies' letter warned recipients that the use of tracking technologies may result in impermissible disclosures of
personal health information. The agencies reminded recipients that their use of tracking technologies must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability of 1996 (HIPAA) or the FTC's Health Breach Notification Rule, as applicable." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
[Guidance Overview]
Louisiana Will Require Employers to Give Time Off for Genetic Testing and Cancer Screening
"A new Louisiana law goes into effect on August 1, 2023 ... [which] requires employers in Louisiana to provide employees a one-day leave of absence from work to obtain genetic testing or for cancer screening as long as it is medically necessary." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
Seattle Hotel Ordinance Healthcare Expenditure Rates for 2024
"The minimum healthcare expenditure rates for the 2024 calendar year will be approximate 2.5 percent higher than the 2023 rates.... [C]overed employers ... include those that own, control, or operate either a Seattle hotel or motel with 100 or more guest rooms on an
'ancillary hotel business' of 50 or more employees worldwide." MORE >>
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
FTC Abandons Statements and Studies That Benefited PBMs
"[On July 20,] the Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously to warn that some of its previous advocacy statements related to PBMs are outdated and no longer reflect current market realities. The decision effectively removes a major line of defense for the PBM-insurers in
litigation, arbitration, and lobbying against state and federal reforms." MORE >>
National Community Pharmacists Association [NCPA]
How to Contain Health Plan Costs with Group Captives
"A group insurance captive is a strategic healthcare funding arrangement between multiple like-minded employers. Together, these employers can pool risk, leverage economies of scale, and create their own high-performing health plan." MORE >>
On Which Drugs Does Medicare Spend the Most?
"The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) identifies the Part D drugs on which Medicare spends the most money.... In 2021, Medicare
Part D covered more than 3,500 prescription drug products, with total gross spending of $216 billion, not accounting for rebates paid by drug manufacturers to pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). The 10 top-selling Part D drugs accounted for 0.3% of covered drugs and 22% of total gross Medicare drug spending in 2021…The top 100 drugs, representing just 3% of covered drugs, accounted for 61% of total gross spending that
year." MORE >>
Healthcare Economist
CRS In Focus: Long-Term Care Insurance Overview (PDF)
"Under current law, employer contributions toward the cost of tax-qualified LTCI, while not typical, are excluded from the gross income of an employee. Self-employed individuals may include LTCI premiums in calculating their deductions along with other health insurance premiums.
Only amounts less than or equal to the age-adjusted limits can be deducted or excluded from taxable income." [IF11614 updated Jul. 21, 2023] MORE >>
Congressional Research Service [CRS]
Latest Round of Health Policy Proposals Reprises Existing Ideas
"House Republicans have advanced a package of bills that could reduce health insurance costs for certain businesses and consumers, partly by rolling back some consumer protections. Rather than outright repeal, however, the subtler effort could allow more employers to bypass the
landmark health insurance overhaul's basic benefits requirements and most state standards. At the same time, the Biden administration seeks to undo some of the previous administration's health insurance rules, proposing to retighten regulations for short-term plans." MORE >>
KFF Health News
Benefits in General |
July Filing Deadlines for Employee Benefit Plans
"By July 31, employers that sponsor self-funded medical plans must report and pay their PCORI fee. By July 31, employers that sponsor calendar-year employee benefit plans that are subject to ERISA must file a Form 5500 (unless an exception applies) or request an extension by
filing a Form 5558." MORE >>
Venable LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs |
TWG Benefits, Inc.
Remote / IL
Selected New Discussions |
Can Someone Have Two Plans From Same Self-Insured Plan?
"I know someone can have primary and secondary insurance, but we have a participant in a self-insured Plan asking if they can take out a second policy from our Plan to help diffuse some of the costs. The argument is that you are allowed to have two plans, but I can't seem to
find anything that says the primary and secondary can't come from the same Plan. Does anyone have any guidance?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Introducing New Employee Wellness Toolkit for HR and Benefits Professionals from Flimp
Flimp Communications
TIAA RetirePlus® Sees Rapid Growth, Surpassing 250,000 Participant Accounts
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Text of CMS Letter to Employers and Plan Sponsors: Group Health Plans Should Extend Period for Special Enrollment During Medicaid Unwinding (PDF)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]
New Guidance on the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act
Practical Ways to Encourage Employees to Sign Up for Your HSA
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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