Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
July 25, 2023
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[Official Guidance]
Text of Draft 2023 IRS Form 1095-A: Health Insurance Marketplace Statement (PDF)
"This Form 1095-A provides information you need to complete Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit (PTC)." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
Agencies Announce Proposed Rules to Strengthen Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
"With the proposed rules and technical release, the departments aim to promote changes in network composition and plans' and issuers' medical management techniques to make mental health and substance use disorder provider networks more accessible and create parity in treatment limitations, such as network composition standards and prior authorizations, for people seeking mental
health and substance use disorder treatment." MORE >>
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]; U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]; and U.S. Treasury Department
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Advises Plan Sponsors to Extend Enrollment Period for Employees Losing Medicaid
"The [DOL] is encouraging plan sponsors to amend their group health plans to extend the period for special enrollment, as many employees will soon lose eligibility for Medicaid and other government health coverage.... According to the DOL, some employees may not even realize that
they lost Medicaid or CHIP coverage until they try to access care, since they may have missed notices from their state agency and therefore missed the opportunity to enroll in other coverage." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
[Guidance Overview]
Administration Puts Insurance Companies on Alert for Mental Health Care
"Course-corrective measures that companies would be expected to take if they are found to be inadequate include having them add more mental health professionals to their networks and reducing the amount of red tape to get care. The proposed rules will also include specifications
on what health plans can and cannot do, explicitly stating companies cannot use 'more restrictive prior authorization, other medical management techniques, or narrower networks' in order to limit mental healthcare access." MORE >>
The Hill
[Guidance Overview]
Agencies Issue FAQs on Coordination of Surprise Billing and Cost-Sharing Rules
"A great deal is riding on whether facilities and providers are participating or nonparticipating for NSA purposes, and whether providers are in or out of network for ACA purposes. If it is possible for a nonparticipating facility to have a participating provider, then there
would seem to be a gap in the NSA's protections. In the government's view, this is not possible, so there is no gap." MORE >>
McDermott Will & Emery
Administration Takes Action to Make it Easier to Access In-Network Mental Health Care
"Today's proposed rule reinforces MHPAEA's fundamental goal of ensuring that families have the same access to mental
health and substance use benefits as they do physical health benefits.... ... Specifically, the proposed rule would: Require health plans to make changes when they are providing inadequate access to mental health care ... Make it clear what health plans can and cannot do.... Close existing loopholes." MORE >>
Executive Office of the President
Understanding Trend and the Impact on Employer Health Plan Renewal Rates
"With health care costs rising for the foreseeable future, savvy employers are implementing strategies to ensure their benefits plans are sustainable and valuable to employees. By understanding medical trend and its impact on health plan renewal rates, employers can implement
effective strategies to ... manage health care costs. This article explains medical trend and its impact on employers' renewal rates." MORE >>
CBO Preliminary Cost Estimate of the Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act
"Preliminary estimate based on the 'Description of the Chairman's Mark' posted on July 24, 2023. Subject to revision based on review of legislative language." MORE >>
Congressional Budget Office [CBO]
No Standing to Challenge Health Plan Prescription Drug Rebates in Met Life Excess Fee Health Plan Case
"[B]efore plaintiff law firms can translate their success in excessive fee lawsuits from retirement to health plans, they should tap the [brakes] on their expectations with [a recent district court decision], which involved the threshold issue of standing to sue over health plan
fees. The New Jersey court's decision ... is a reminder that plan participants do not have standing to sue plan sponsors for purported excessive plan fees when their benefits are not impaired in defined benefit health plans." [Knudsen v. MetLife Group, No. 23-0426
(D.N.J. July 18, 2023); MORE >>
Euclid Specialty Managers
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Alera Group Retirement Plan Services Adds Large-Plan Focus
Alera Group
Quantum Health Expands Family-Building Offering with Addition of Kindbody
Quantum Health
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Clear the Student Loans!
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
HHS Warns Telehealth Providers of HIPAA Risks Involving Online Tracking Technologies
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
On Which Drugs Does Medicare Spend the Most?
Healthcare Economist
How to Contain Health Plan Costs with Group Captives
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