Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 27, 2023
2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Now Is the Time to Review and Correct Retirement Plan Compliance: IRS Notice 2023-43
"Until the IRS issues new guidance, plan sponsors may rely on a 'good faith, reasonable interpretation' regarding self-correction, and thoroughly document the self-correction process in the event of future IRS examination. This pause in regulation presents an exceptional
opportunity for plan sponsors to review their plans in detail and make all eligible corrections without engaging in a Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) or other IRS intervention." MORE >>
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
ERISApedia -- Our Latest Title: Defined Benefit/Cash Balance eSource
Written by Lorraine Dorsa, this is a must-have for ERISA pros working with traditional and cash balance defined benefit plans. Covers DB/CB combo plans and DB plan corrections. Please contact jpecina@erisapedia.com for more information.
Federal Appeals Court Affirms Unenforceability of Plan's Arbitration Provision
"The Tenth Circuit upheld the district court's conclusion that an individual arbitration provision prohibiting plan-wide relief was unenforceable because it prevented the participant-plaintiff from exercising his statutory rights under [ERISA]." [Harrison v. Envision Mgmt. Holding, Inc. Bd. of Directors, No. 22-1098 (10th Cir. Feb. 9, 2023)] MORE >>
The ESOP Association
Planning for the Expenses of Sponsoring a Retirement Plan
"What does a plan sponsor need to know when choosing the various service providers who help administer the plan, choose investments, and provide custodial/recordkeeping services? While expenses are unavoidable, an employer who understands the range of available services, and the
corresponding fees, will be better able to find value for money when choosing services." MORE >>
KLB Benefits Law Group
Worker Valuation of Retirement Benefits
"[The authors[ find that dollars paid in employer contributions to 401(k) plans have double the effect on a firm's recruiting success, relative to wage dollars. The effect is driven by higher-income and higher-age occupations.... [P]articipants value retirement to wage
dollars at a ratio of 1.6 to one. Eighty percent of firms in-sample could improve their recruiting outcomes by increasing 401(k) contributions." MORE >>
Allison Cole and Bledi Taska, via SSRN
Retirement Confidence Shows Steady Decline
"Retirement confidence has been on a steady decline since 2021, as only 56% of workplace savers this year said they feel 'on track' with their savings to retire with the lifestyle they want, compared to 63% in 2022 and 68% in 2021 ... The lack of confidence has not
translated to a decrease in savings rates, which held steady year-over-year ... But participants did express that having guaranteed retirement income would quell some of their fears about inflation and market volatility eroding their savings[.]" MORE >>
These Arizona Cities Are Saving Big Money by Paying Down Public Safety Pension Debt
"Chandler this week became the largest city in Arizona to pay off its public safety pension debt, saving $8-10 million per year in the city's budget and ensuring its police and fire employees receive their promised pensions. This is part of a trend of Valley cities trying to
clear their pension debts that, along with interest, are eating up a growing chunk of their budgets." MORE >>
GAO Report: Older Workers' Retirement Account Disparities Have Increased by Income and Persisted by Race Over Time
"[GAO] found that: [1] Disparities between low-income and high-income older workers households' (ages 51-64) retirement accounts were greater in 2019 than in 2007. [2] 1 in 10 low-income households had a retirement account balance in 2019, compared to 1 in 5 in
2007. [3] 9 in 10 high-income households had a retirement account balance between 2007-2019. [4] More White households had a retirement account balance than those of all other races." [GAO-23-105342 Jul 27, 2023] MORE >>
U.S. Government Accountability Office [GAO]
New York City Bar Comment Letter on SECURE 2.0 Guidance Priorities
"We are writing to request clarification of a number of provisions of SECURE 2.0 effective in 2023 and 2024. Some of these are mandatory and some are voluntary, but although they will require administrative changes that require significant time to implement, the statute does not
provide much detail. Without early guidance on the issues raised in this letter, plan sponsors and their service providers and advisers will be unsure how to implement these changes or whether they are in compliance." MORE >>
Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Committee, New York City Bar
American Benefits Council Letter to Senators in Support of the Auto Reenroll Act of 2023
"By encouraging, but not requiring, more employers to adopt an automatic reenrollment feature as part of their retirement plan, this bill [S 2517] will help ensure more low- and middle-income individuals in particular can improve their financial security in retirement." MORE >>
American Benefits Council
Pension Rights Center Urges Additional Consumer Protections When Employers Unload Pension Liabilities
"De-risking (also known as a pension risk transfer) is a way for companies to sell off their pension liabilities to insurance companies. ... This strategy allows companies to get out from their corporate pension liabilities (and wash their hands of further legal and
administrative responsibility for paying benefits), all the while making their shareholders happy. Insurance companies are happy, too -- because they get billions of dollars to invest. But do these deals make workers and retirees happy? Not so much." MORE >>
Pension Rights Center
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
Text of EBSA Meeting Notice for ERISA Advisory Council
"[T]he 217th open meeting of the [ERISA Advisory Council] will be held via teleconference on August 29, 2023.... The purpose of the open meeting is for the ERISA Advisory Council to hear testimony from invited witnesses on the following topics: [1] Long-Term Disability
Benefits and Mental Health Disparity, and [2] Recordkeeping in the Electronic Age. Descriptions of these topics are available on the ERISA Advisory Council's web page ... The ERISA Advisory Council will also discuss and finalize views on section 2509.95-1 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (relating to the fiduciary standards under the [ERISA] when selecting an annuity provider for a defined benefit pension plan)" MORE >>
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
2023 ERISA Advisory Council Issue Statement: Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans Recordkeeping in the Electronic Age (PDF)
"[T]he 2023 Advisory Council will examine the implications of employee benefit plans' shift to electronic/digital recordkeeping for compliance with ERISA's record retention requirements and related matters. The Council will examine the tools and technologies used by plan
administrators and third-party service providers to manage and retain plan records electronically, and will identify recent trends in electronic recordkeeping systems, potentially including the use of artificial intelligence.... The Council also intends to investigate the transfer of records when plan-level transactions occur, such as recordkeeper transitions, spin-offs, plan terminations, orphaned plans, and pension risk transfers.... The
Council intends to determine if guidance would be beneficial with respect to records retention, the authenticity and reliability of the electronic records, the data security of electronic records, or other issues[.]" MORE >>
Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans, Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
How to Avoid Insider Trading: Cautionary Tales for Employees from the Pandemic
"A recent SEC complaint and federal criminal indictment present a classic lesson in what not to do when you know [material non-public information (MNPI)] about a company.... Anyone who learns MNPI about a company is in a position to be accused of insider trading if they buy or
sell that company's stock before the information is made public. That applies even to MNPI acquired via the most personal relationships ... Working remotely at home greatly increases the risk of insider tipping that can lead to insider trading." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
RMD After Plan Termination
"Fiscal cash balance plan. 6/30 year end. Plan terminated 6/30/2023. Spouse of owner participant is required to get first RMD due to becoming 100% vested as of 6/30/2023+attaining age 73. He has only 3 YOP so was vested in year 3 which ended on 6/30/2023. There is a possibility
that the distribution will be postponed to 2024 as there is a contribution due. [1] When in the first RMD due 12/31/2023 or 4/1/2024 (or prior if distribution done earlier) [2] If due 12/31/2023, because the plan is in termination status, can the RMD be calculated based on account balance?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Cyber Security Audit Provider?
"Question for small, 'boutique' TPA firms. Would anyone know or be willing to share the name of a Cyber auditing firm that they used and had a good experience, especially price-wise?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Annuity Illustrations Using SECURE Act Assumptions
"The SECURE Act requires annuity illustrations each year for DC plans. There is a calculator on the DOL website for pre-SECURE Act but it is worthless for SECURE Act Assumptions. Specifically, it shows joint and 50% assumptions, but the DOL requires Joint and 100% assumptions for
the SECURE Act statements. This is the out of date DOL Link. Any ideas on where to get a free calculator that will produce the SECURE Act assumptions?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Deduction for Withdrawal Liability Payment Made by Asset Purchaser
"Seller in an asset sale will have multiemployer plan withdrawal liability triggered by the asset sale. As part of the deal, seller wants to have buyer pay the liability. However, buyer is questioning whether it can obtain a tax deduction for payment of the liability, or whether
that would simply be treated as part of the purchase price of the assets and therefore recovered only via depreciation or sale of the assets.... [D]oes this mean no one gets a tax deduction for the payment? The buyer doesn't get one because it's not ordinary and necessary, and the seller doesn't get one because it didn't make the payment? Or could this be recharacterized as the seller having received the payment from the
buyer and then paying the liability, so that the seller could receive a deduction? (Of course, this would mean that the seller would be deemed to have received more money on the asset sale, but that might be capital gains rather than ordinary income.)"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
TPSU Hires 35 Year Industry Veteran to Help DC Plan Sponsors Search for and Benchmark Their Advisor or Consultant
The Plan Sponsor University [TPSU]
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
A Practical Implementation of the DOL’s Cybersecurity Guidance
The Retirement Space
2023 Mid-Year Fiduciary Update: Public Agency
Hanson Bridgett
2023 Mid-Year Fiduciary Update: Private Sector
Hanson Bridgett
CITs Demystified: Unlocking the Power of Collective Investment Trusts in Retirement Plans
August 15, 2023 WEBINAR
Helping Women Take the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning
August 16, 2023 WEBINAR
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Defending Against ERISA Wrongful Denial of Benefits Claims: Procedural and Substantive Strategies
August 17, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0: Changes Coming in 2024
Jones Walker
IRS Again Delays Final RMD Rule, Gives New Relief for SECURE Acts
How to Manage an Inherited IRA
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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