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Retirement Plans Newsletter

July 31, 2023

6 New Job Opportunities 6 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Correcting Retirement Plan Overpayments Under SECURE 2.0

"The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 gives fiduciaries and plan sponsors a new road map for addressing inadvertent overpayments, including the flexibility to choose not to recoup. However, the act imposes a slate of new protections for ERISA plan participants and beneficiaries when plan officials seek recovery. These new rules took effect immediately, though the IRS and [DOL] haven't yet issued any implementation guidance."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

SECURE 2.0 Provisions Related Specifically to 403(b) Plans

"Section 106 of the SECURE 2.0 Act allows 403(b) Plans, other than church plans, to form or participate in a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) or Pooled Employer Plan (PEP).... Section 602 of the SECURE 2.0 Act changes Hardship Rules for 403(b) Plans.... Section 128 of the SECURE 2.0 Act allows 403(b) Plans to invest in Common Investment Trusts (CIT).... The legislation however did not change the securities laws that prevent CITs from holding 403(b) plan assets."  MORE >>

Retirement Management Services, LLC

Direct Listing Dilemma for Pension Funds: Understanding the Impact of Slack Technologies v. Pirani on Liability under Section 11

"Pension funds that have invested in direct non-registered initial offerings should understand that when initial offering shares are not issued pursuant to a registration statement, investors lack the same legal protections for shares that were purchased pursuant or traceable to a registration statement. Consequently, [a] recent Supreme Court decision ... poses a challenge in pleading and proving claims under Section 11 of the Securities Act for shares acquired through non-registered direct listings." [Slack Technologies, LLC v. Pirani, No. 22-200 (S. Ct. Jun. 1, 2023)]  MORE >>

National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems [NCPERS]

Changing the Question for PBGC Premium Savings

"Instead of directly requesting a change in filing method from the PBGC, sponsors can find a different route to lower premiums by changing the basis on which their minimum funding target liability under the Pension Protection Act (PPA) is calculated."  MORE >>

Principal Financial Group

Of Athene, Pension Risk Transfers, and Fiduciaries

"Over the years, PRT deals have transferred $425 billion in assets and liabilities from corporate defined benefit plans to life/annuity companies, including about $250 billion since 2012 and an estimated $52 billion in 2022. Athene, MetLife and Prudential together accounted for about two-thirds of the 2022 PRT deal volume.... Athene has become a lightning rod because it has been the leader in disrupting, reinventing, and (depending on your point of view) either plundering or rescuing a weakened U.S. life/annuity business during the long low-interest-rate period after 2008."  MORE >>

Retirement Income Journal

Management of DB Finance 2023: A Framework

"[This article discusses] de-risking/settlement in the broader context of DB finance, considering why 2023 might be a good year for settlement (either via a lump sum window or annuitization/pension risk transfer), the relative utility of settlement vs. an ongoing LDI strategy, and the relative utility (in 2023) of a lump sum window vs. annuitization/risk transfer."  MORE >>

October Three Consulting

Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, First Quarter 2023 (PDF)

"In 2023:Q1, 3.3 percent of DC plan participants took withdrawals, compared with 1.8 percent in 2022:Q1 ... 1.8 percent in 2020:Q1 (as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States), 1.4 percent in 2019:Q1, and 2.7 percent in 2009:Q1 (another time of financial market stress) ... Most DC plan participants stayed the course with their asset allocations as stock values generally rose during the first three months of the year. "  MORE >>

Investment Company Institute [ICI]


Retirement Savings Stagnate for Middle-Class Americans, While the Wealthy See Huge Gains

"[T]he gap in retirement account balances between middle- and high-income older households more than doubled from 2007 to 2019.... One of the reasons ... is the upside-down nature of the U.S. tax code. As the [GAO] report notes, the tax code provided $195 billion in tax breaks to subsidize retirement in 2022. According to a 2021 [CBO] study, the top 20 percent of households by income benefit from over 60 percent of these tax breaks compared to under 5 percent of the bottom 40 percent."  MORE >>

Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, U.S. Senate


Why Did the American Academy of Actuaries Remove Important Caveats from Its Social Security Reform Menu Tool?

"While we support the Academy’s efforts to educate the public about Social Security and changes that may be required to bring the system back into actuarial balance (and we believe that the new version of this tool is an improvement over the older version), we strongly disagree with its decision to remove the caveat language from the updated version of the change menu tool.... [This post] will briefly discuss the profession’s prior communications on Social Security and their recent guidance on fixed-rate pension plans and how that guidance can be interpreted to apply to Social Security."  MORE >>

Ken Steiner, FSA Retired

Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

DOL Publishes Forms for Summary Annual Reports for Pension and Welfare Plans

Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]

Generational Differences in Workplace Benefits Priorities

"Most employees expect their employers to provide medical insurance, while paid family leave, dental, vision and life insurance are also highly valued benefits.... [B]enefits that promote wellbeing, including offerings focused on mental, physical and financial health, have become even more important to younger employees. Younger generations were much more likely to express interest in mental health treatment and physical wellness benefits, tuition and student loan assistance, and caregiving benefits."  MORE >>


Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

[Guidance Overview]

IRS Analyzes FICA and Income Tax Withholding Rules for Certain Employees Working Abroad

"[IRS Chief Counsel Advice Memorandum 202327014] concluded that the portion of the [restricted stock unit (RSU)] income from services performed in the foreign country were considered wages for [Federal Income Tax Withholding (FITW)] purposes, but not for [Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)] purposes. Accordingly, the employer had a FITW withholding obligation for all the RSU income, but a FICA withholding obligation only for the wages attributable to the services performed in the U.S."  MORE >>

Groom Law Group

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Account Manager
for MAP Retirement USA, LLC

Account Manager

MAP Retirement USA, LLC


View job as Account Manager for MAP Retirement USA, LLC

View job as Plan Document Specialist
for MAP Retirement

Plan Document Specialist

MAP Retirement


View job as Plan Document Specialist for MAP Retirement

View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Southern Territory
for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Southern Territory

The Retirement Advantage, Inc.


View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Southern Territory for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Mid US Territory
for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Mid US Territory

The Retirement Advantage, Inc.


View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) Mid US Territory for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) SW US Territory
for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) SW US Territory

The Retirement Advantage, Inc.


View job as Regional Plan Consultant (Sales) SW US Territory for The Retirement Advantage, Inc.

View job as Senior Retirement Analyst
for Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc.

Senior Retirement Analyst

Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc.

Remote / Pittsburgh PA

View job as Senior Retirement Analyst for Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc.

Selected New Discussions

Consequences of Deemed 401(k) Loans

"This may be loan administration 101 but I am not clear on what happens when a participant stops making loan repayments, mostly centered on what happens after a loan is deemed to have been distributed. Example: A participant has $100,000 account balance and takes a loan for $20,000. She repays $5,000 but then stops payments. The loan goes into default and triggers a deemed distribution. The participant is still employed. The outstanding balance (lets say that is $16,000) is taxable in the year of the deemed distribution. But there is accrued interest of $2,000 remaining on the loan at the time of default. I keep reading that the deemed distribution amount plus accrued interest must still be accounted for after the deemed distribution. But when a distributable event does occur, the accrued interest is used to offset the participant's non-loan account balance. Is that correct? So if a few years after the deemed distribution, the participant terminates and now has $200,000 non-loan account balance. She also has an additional $2,000 in accrued interest from the loan. Is it the case that the participant is paid $198,000?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Vestwell to Acquire Gradifi Solutions, Provider of Workplace Education Solutions


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Long-Term Part-Time Employee Participation Under SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0

Boutwell Fay LLP, via Bloomberg Law

Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contributions: Another SECURE Act 2.0 Provision

Watkins Ross

DOL Changes to the 2023 Form 5500

Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC

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