Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
August 2, 2023
[Guidance Overview]
Departments Announce Proposed Rules to Strengthen MHPAEA
"[H]ighlights of the departments' actions in the proposed rules include: [1] Delineating a three-part test for imposing
an NQTL on MH/SUD benefits.... [2] Adding a 'meaningful benefits' obligation.... [3] Specifying six elements required for a sufficient NQTL comparative analysis.... [4] Requiring certification of the comparative analysis by a named ERISA plan fiduciary.... [5] Illustrating how the proposed rules apply to NQTLs." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Technical Release on Network Composition Accompanies Proposed MHPAEA Rule
"There are four specific types of data that the departments will potentially require plans and insurers to collect regarding NQTLs related to network composition ... [T]he departments are considering requiring the relevant data to be collected and evaluated by TPAs or other
service providers in the aggregate for all plans and policies that use the same network of providers or reimbursement rates. If the proposed rules are finalized, the departments will use the four types of data above to determine if a plan's or insurer's NQTLs related to network adequacy comply with MHPAEA." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Proposed Mental Health Parity Rules Suggest Major Changes
"Notable provisions of the proposed rules include: [1] New application of the substantially all/predominant test.... [2] Data-collection requirements.... [3] Meaningful benefit requirement.... [4] Opt-out for governmental plans.... [5] New and expanded
examples." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
CMS Recommends Extension of Special Enrollment for Individuals Losing Medicaid and Chip
"There is no legal basis upon which CMS can rely in requesting this voluntary action by employers. In effect, CMS is asking employers to take this action because it believes that it is the 'right thing to do,' in light of the 'complex transition' ... 'and
the importance of maintaining life-saving coverage for employees and their families.' From an ERISA standpoint, an employer wanting to implement this CMS recommendation would need to amend its plan" MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
California Employee Leave Entitlements: School-Related Requests
"[California] employers with 25 or more employees must permit up to 40 hours of unpaid time off to parents for the following reasons: [1] To find, enroll, or reenroll their child in school or with a licensed childcare provider; [2] To participate in activities of the
school or childcare provider; [3] To address a childcare provider or school emergency." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis
Third Circuit Affirms District Court Decision That Participant Was Fired in Retaliation for Expensive Medical Claims Under Self-Funded Healthcare Plan
"[T]he Third Circuit noted that ... the company's assertion that it had simply eliminated Mr. Kairys' position was undermined by the fact that it soon 'borrowed' a replacement employee from a sister company. Furthermore, there was evidence that supported that
the company was aware of the costs of Mr. Kairys' surgery and indeed had highlighted the invoices for the surgery and terminated him after reviewing the health insurance records and considering the financial impact of the surgery." [Kairys v. S. Pines Trucking, Inc.,
No. 22-1783 (3d Cir. July 25, 2023)] MORE >>
Kantor & Kantor
Preparing for Health Plan Anti-Gag Clause Attestation
"The first annual attestation is due December 31 of this year, and employers should take the following steps to prepare: [1] Ensure that contracts with health insurance TPAs and insurers do not contain prohibited provisions. [2] Confirm if your plan's insurer
or TPA is submitting the GCPCA on behalf of the plan[.]" MORE >>
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
Why Total Cost of Care Is More Important Than Discounts in Health Benefit Plans
"To understand the total cost of care, employers should look at the network and access.... If the care goes to a higher-cost provider, employers will be paying more for the health insurance plan even if a significant discount is offered. There are also always going to be network
considerations depending on where the company is headquartered and employees live -- so, geography could be a significant factor in the cost of health insurance." MORE >>
Employers Are Still Missing the Mark on Mental Health
"A full 68% [of employees] are concerned that disclosing their mental health issues would harm their professional reputation. And 49% report work pressures and 42% say excessive workloads cause mental health struggles.... 66% have experienced work-related mental health problems
in the past two years.... 60% say they've felt like their employer or colleagues are ignoring their mental health condition. 31% agree that the opportunity to take mental health days would positively change their well-being." MORE >>
Forbes; subscription may be required
The Real Costs of the New Alzheimer's Drug, Most of Which Will Fall to Taxpayers
"Medicare and Medicaid patients will make up 92% of the market for lecanemab ... In addition to the company's $26,500 annual price tag for the drug, treatment could cost U.S. taxpayers $82,500 per patient per year, on average, for genetic tests and frequent brain scans,
safety monitoring, and other care ... About 1 million Alzheimer's patients in the U.S. could qualify to use it." MORE >>
KFF Health News
Benefits in General |
Leveraging Demographic Data for Benefits Customization
"By reviewing demographic data, conducting employee surveys and performing benchmarking analysis, you can gain valuable insights into your employees' priorities. With the help of an expert, you can look into benefits solutions that address employee needs while remaining
cost-effective." MORE >>
Corporate Synergies
Attract, Retain Employees with Student Debt Benefits
"[T]wo in three employers [offer] tuition assistance to employees. However, adoption rates below 5% signal this isn't the benefit employees really want.... The vast majority of employees -- 86% -- say they'd commit to a job for five or more years if they
received student loan repayment benefits. Yet only 8% of employers offer such a benefit. These statistics suggest there is a market gap, which gives companies offering these solutions a recruiting and retention advantage." MORE >>
Woodruff Sawyer
Labor Shortage to Persist in 2026; Offering Competitive Benefits Will Be Key for Employers
"83% of panelists agreed or strongly agreed that at least 10% of gig economy employers will offer contract workers voluntary payroll-deduction retirement savings mechanisms, such as IRAs, solo 401(k)s, and HSAs, by the end of 2026.... [E]mployers unable to provide
work-from-home opportunities will need to enhance benefits packages and adopt flexible total rewards programs to attract and retain talent." MORE >>
Press Releases |
Court Orders Removal of Utah Company CEO, Co-Owner as Retirement Plan Fiduciary After Investigation Finds Misuse of $300K
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Ubiquity Retirement + Savings® Joins the Retirement Advisor Council
Retirement Advisor Council
Michael Best Partners Carrie Byrnes and Jorge Leon Named Top 10 Influential Illinois Lawyers Shaping Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation in 2023
Michael Best & Friedrich
Hello Alpha Launches Ahead with Alpha™, a Weight Management Program for Employers that Contains Costs for New GLP-1 Medications
Hello Alpha
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Self-Funded Medical Plans: Cost, Design and Reinsurance Perspectives
September 13, 2023 WEBINAR
Conference of Consulting Actuaries
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Another HIPAA Special Enrollment Deadline Extension: What's a Group Health Plan to Do?
Snell & Wilmer
New Mental Health Parity Rules: Key Takeaways for Employers
Ice Miller LLP
Aetna and MLB Benefit Plan Hit with Lawsuit Over Denial of Coverage for Child's Mental Health Treatment
Law.com; free registration required
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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