Retirement Plans Newsletter
August 11, 2023
3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
PBGC Update: 4010 Reporting Waivers and Benefit Payment Regs
"Recognizing [that] market conditions [in late 2022 and early 2023] may produce unusually low funding results in the actuarial valuations, [in Technical Update 23-1] PBGC is providing a waiver if certain conditions are satisfied ... The general changes in the Final Regulations are ... [1] No lump sums once PBGC is trustee.... [2] Increased limit for small lump sum distributions....
[3] Clarification to QPSA payments.... [4] Lump sums required for estates.... [5] Withdrawal of mandatory employee contributions.... [6] Payment corrections.... [7] Method for valuation of assets." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
Fourth Circuit Upholds Lower Court Decision: 'Sales Pitch' for Services Is Not Fiduciary Advice
"DOL's reinterpretation of the five-part test in the PTE is currently being litigated. And DOL has put on its agenda yet another re-write of its fiduciary advice regulation ... which itself will likely be litigated. One way or another, in this ongoing litigation, the
courts will be asked to decide whether the application of advice fiduciary status to call center operators ... is authorized by ERISA. And included in that litigation will be arguments about when advice fiduciary status can be defeated by an assertion that the call center operator was a mere sales pitch and not investment advice." [Reetz v. Aon Hewitt Investment Consulting Inc., No. 21-2267 (4th Cir., July 17, 2023)] MORE >>
October Three Consulting
Ninth Circuit Decision Could Open the Door to New Attacks on Retirement Plan Fiduciaries: What Fiduciaries Need to Know
"The Ninth Circuit found that the district court should not have granted summary judgment in AT&T's favor because there were triable issues of fact as to whether the arrangements with and compensation to Fidelity were 'reasonable,' and therefore
exempt from ERISA's prohibited transaction provisions pursuant to ERISA Section 408(b)(2).... [T]he Ninth Circuit read the prohibited transaction rules and regulations more literally -- finding that AT&T had engaged in a prohibited transaction by simply amending the contract with Fidelity to incorporate the services of Brokeragelink and Financial Engines." [Bugielski v. AT&T Servs., Inc., No. 21-56196 (9th Cir. Aug. 4, 2023)] MORE >>
Trucker Huss
Splitting with Other Circuit Courts, the Ninth Circuit Revives an ERISA Prohibited Transaction Claim
"The Ninth Circuit reasoned that the amended contract was a prohibited transaction under ERISA Section 406(a)(1)(C) because the recordkeeper was a 'party in interest' and the expansion of that
party's role with, and compensation received from, the plan involved 'furnishing of goods, services, or facilities between the plan and a party in interest.' And the Ninth Circuit concluded that it could not enforce the 'reasonable compensation' exemption at this point in the case, because the fiduciaries failed to take into account revenue that the recordkeeper had received from third parties." [Bugielski v. AT&T Servs., Inc., No. 21-56196 (9th Cir. Aug. 4, 2023)] MORE >>
Dorsey ERISA
Retirement Plan Fees Worsen Enterprise Risk: A Management Briefing (PDF)
11 pages. " The focal point of [a] growing number of ... lawsuits is the compensation that employers arrange for payment to the vendors of services to the ERISA plans the employers sponsor. A crisis among retirement plan sponsoring enterprises is unfolding. The challenge
facing their leaders is to ensure that operations managers are equipped with the training, guidelines, controls, and tools that elevate fiduciary risk management to its proper priority. Underestimating the economic and reputational risks related to deficiencies in the prudent management of ERISA plans threatens an entire enterprise." MORE >>
Roland Criss
Plan Sponsors Must Focus on the Required Response Date for Plan Regulatory Notices
"The Plan Regulatory Notice generally will provide that a response must be received within a specified number of days from the date listed at the top of such notice. As a reminder, the ultimate responsibility for plan compliance, including responsibility for responding to
Plan Regulatory Notices, falls on the plan sponsor even if a third-party service provider handles most of the day-to-day administration of the plan." MORE >>
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Retirees Face a $17,400 Cut If Social Security Isn't Saved
"As the 2024 presidential campaign ramps up, candidates are facing pressure to pledge not to touch Social Security. While this pledge is framed as 'protecting benefits,' it is -- in reality -- an implicit endorsement of a 23 percent across-the-board benefit cut in
2033, when the Social Security retirement fund becomes insolvent. In that year, annual benefits would be cut by $17,400 for a typical newly retired dual-income couple." MORE >>
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
Can We Rely on Our Company's Federal Income Tax Extension to Extend the Filing Deadline for Our Form 5500s? (PDF)
"To determine whether your company's corporate income tax extension will automatically extend the Form 5500 deadline, you must determine the regular and extended due dates for its federal tax return. Income tax return filing deadlines, and the available extension
periods, differ based on the entity's corporate form and tax year.... Plans that timely file Form 5558 have a clear Form 5500 filing deadline, which may be preferable to navigating these complex timing rules." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
LTPT Requirements: 401(k) Deferrals Only
"I just want to make sure I haven't missed any updated guidance on the following specific items only. - Only contribution REQUIREMENT is to allow the eligible LTPT to defer.
- IF the employer chooses to contribute match, PS, SH, (mix and match), to those who
are SOLELY eligible due to LTPT rules, these people may still be excluded from coverage, ADP/ACP, and 401(a)(4) nondiscrimination testing.
- For top heavy purposes, their account balances will be included in the determination if the plan is top heavy or not, but they are not required to receive a top heavy contribution.
- No gateway required, even if employer chooses to give them profit sharing."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Reporting Receivable Loan Payments on Schedule H
"Example: 12/31/2022 payroll is deposited to the plan on 1/3/2023. The deposit includes deferrals, employer contribution, and loan repayments. We enter the deferrals and employer contributions under 1(b) Receivables lines 1 & 2 on the schedule H and we usually enter the loan
payments under (c) 'other' receivable. We then lower the overall loan balance under C General Investment [8] Participant Loans by the receivable loan payment. However, I'm not sure if this is correct. Just curious on how everyone else handles receivable loan payments on the schedule H?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
5558 Form Filed Under Old EIN -- Now What to Do When Filing 5500
"We filed From 5558 for a plan sponsor using the EIN it had been using in past years. The sponsor elected S corp status for 2022 and wrongly assumed the EIN would not change. The plan sponsor said the EIN (old one) on the 5500 now to sign is wrong. But if we use the new
one -- it wil not link with the 5558. I was thinking of filing under the old EIN. That will not raise any red flags. At this point any late filing penalty is small -- 10 days which we can eat but I'd rather not go there. It is an EZ by the way. Any suggestions?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Reversion to Employer from a 401(k) Plan
"Has anyone ever encountered the situation where an unused forfeiture account reverts to the employer on plan termination? Got asked this question today and in all the years I've been a TPA, I've never seen it."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Newfront Expands Esteemed Retirement Services Team with High Profile Hires
The Standard's Retirement Plan Business Introduces New Products and Services to Its Recordkeeping Platform
The Standard
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Auto-Enrollment Provisions Under SECURE 2.0
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
401(k) Plan Issues in Stock Purchase M&A Transactions: Plan Termination, Plan Merger, and Other Alternatives
October 17, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Text of EBSA Comment Request: SECURE 2.0 Reporting and Disclosure Requirements
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
IRS Guidance on SECURE 2.0 Expansion of Self-Correction Under EPCRS
Text of IRS Information Release IR-2023-144: Plan Sponsors Should Be Alert to Compliance Issues Associated with ESOPs
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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