Retirement Plans Newsletter
August 17, 2023
3 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of PBGC Proposed Regs: Valuation Assumptions and Methods
46 pages. "This proposed rule would update the interest, mortality, and expense assumptions used to determine the present value of benefits for a single-employer pension plan under subpart B of the [PBGC's] regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans, to
determine components of mass withdrawal liability for a multiemployer pension plan, and for other purposes." [Also released: PBGC's Valuation Methodology: Derivation of ERISA 4044 Yield Curve, which describes the principles and methods that would be used to create the 4044 yield
curve beyond what was included in the preamble to the Proposed Regs.] MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
[Guidance Overview]
PBGC Provides ERISA 4010 Filing Relief
"Plans that would be required to report to PBGC under ERISA 4010 for a single year are typically not plans that pose a significant risk to the single employer insurance system. Recognizing this, as well as the unusual market conditions prevalent in the reference period, PBGC is
granting a one-time waiver of the 4010 reporting requirements with respect to an 'information year' for plans and plan sponsors that meet [certain] criteria." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Big Changes Coming to Catch-Up Contributions: Impacts of SECURE Act 2.0
"Effective January 1, 2024, catch-up contributions will be required to be made on a Roth basis for participants with wages greater than $145,000 (indexed annually for inflation) in the prior year.... [Plan sponsors should reach out] to payroll providers and recordkeepers
today to see how they plan to approach compliance with the new provision. These conversations should not be independent of one another -- it will take a concerted effort amongst plan management, payroll providers, and recordkeepers to help ensure compliance." MORE >>
Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC
Industries with the Best Retirement Benefits
"Utilities is by far the winner when it comes to employer contributions, with an average of $7.54 per hour worked ... Aircraft manufacturing ... [averages] $5.64 per hour worked in employer contributions.... [P]rofessional and business services ... is not the best
for retirement perks ... [M]anagement, business and financial occupations within the industry ... get an average of $2.90 per hour worked in employer contributions to retirement savings." MORE >>
U.S. News & World Report
In Memoriam: Richard N. Carpenter
"Richard made a career for himself in consulting on employee benefit plans for some of the country's top accounting and consulting firms. But perhaps inevitably, barely 40 years old, Richard followed in his father's footsteps to start his own benefits consulting
companies, the Technical Answer Group, and later, USVI Pensions.... Never wanting to be average or ordinary, Richard was known for having a spirited energy and confidence, a mischievous sense of humor, infectious laugh, unending curiosity, and of course, the trademark mustache and Hawaiian shirt.... May Richard's vibrant spirit find eternal peace." MORE >>
Anderson McQueen
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
IRS Disaster Relief Announcement Il-2023-06, for Victims of Severe Storms and Flooding in Parts of Illinois
"Victims of severe storms and flooding in parts of Illinois that began on June 29, 2023, now have until Oct. 31, 2023, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments ... [I]ndividuals and households affected by severe storms and flooding
that reside or have a business in Cook County qualify for tax relief." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Cash Vs 401(k)
"Client currently funds 7% Profit Sharing to all participants. This is cross tested plan. They also allocate the 3% to all participants. For the upcoming plan year, the HCEs will not receive the 7% - testing will not be an issue. However, the client wants to know if they can
allow the HCE to decide if they will take the 7% as cash or defer into the plan. The 7% would be paid as wages in the current plan year and deferred to the 401(k). If the employee has already deferred for the 2023 plan year, the 7% would push him over the deferral limit, so he would be capped at the 402(g) limit. I thought the IRS had some guidance when you allow the employee in this case to take the cash or defer. I am trying to figure out
if the client is opening themselves up to an issue down the road."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
401(k) Contributions Continued After Participant's Death; How to Correct
"Participant (NHCE) passed away in mid 2022 but the company payroll dept continued to send her regular 401k amount for deposit into the mutual fund account. It wasn't withheld from any pay; it just kept coming out of the company bank account, along with the match. This went
on for over a year, spread across 2 plan years. Roughly $10,000 in 401k and $8,000 in SHMatch was deposited that should not have been. The deceased participant's account (100% vested) was paid out to the beneficiary, including these excess 401k and match amounts. Is the only course of action to go back to the beneficiary to reclaim these amounts? The plan sponsor is reluctant to push too hard from the beneficiary but there is no other
way, correct? If the beneficiary does not pay it back and the plan sponsor does not pursue it further, is there an amount the plan sponsor owes to the plan to make up for these excess amounts?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Cash Balance Formula Question
"I just wanted to make sure my thinking was right in terms of a formula for a Cash Balance contribution for an HCE. I know you can put either a percentage or a dollar amount as the set benefit, but does a formula like this work: 20% of compensation up to a maximum of $50,000? It
would only be for the HCE, I just wanted to make sure that it was OK to put the cap on the benefit like that."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Federal Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction Removing Fiduciaries of Chicago-Area Employee Benefit Plan Alleged to Have Misappropriated More Than $2.8 Million
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
10 Attorneys from The Wagner Law Group to be Recognized in 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
26 Groom Attorneys Named to Best Lawyers in America 2024 List
Groom Law Group
Grokker Launches Guides, a New Employee Benefit Solution With a Preventative Approach to Mental Health Care
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Getting It Right: Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities
August 29, 2023 in CA
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Are You Ready for the 401(k) of the Future?
August 29, 2023 WEBINAR
Western Pension & Benefits Council
Plan Design Basics
November 7, 2023 WEBINAR
American Society of Enrolled Actuaries [ASEA]
Are You Feeling SECURE About Distributions?
November 14, 2023 WEBINAR
ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
New Rules Require Plans to 'Chase Time': Coverage for Long-Term Part-Time Employees
Frost Brown Todd LLC
IRS Warns Plan Sponsors of ESOP Compliance Risks
Groom Law Group
The Ultimate Guide to Employee Benefits Administration
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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