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Retirement Plans Newsletter

August 21, 2023

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[Guidance Overview]

SECURE 2.0 Provides 3-Year Statute of Limitations for Missed RMDs

"RMD penalty waiver language contained in Section 313 of SECURE 2.0 ... adds a 3-year statute of limitations for missed RMDs. Meaning, if an RMD is missed, the 25% penalty is only applicable for the next three years.... But be forewarned! SECURE 2.0 is not perfectly clear. The legislation is not precise."  MORE >>

Slott Report

(How) Are Advisors Using Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs)?

[T]those in favor of pooled employer plans seemed not only quite keen, but enthusiastic about the current state -- and their prospects. And while there has certainly been a lot of PEP creation, the take-up -- undoubtedly somewhat stymied by the onset of COVID-19 -- has likely been less than hoped overall."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Employees Prioritize 401(k) Plans with $1.8 Million Retirement Savings Goal in Mind

"On average, survey respondents expect they will need about $1.8 million saved to achieve a comfortable retirement, up slightly from last year's estimate of $1.7 million. However, confidence in their ability to attain their retirement goals slipped this year from 47% of 401(k) participants indicating they were very likely to meet their goals last year to 37% this year, amid a variety of economic challenges."  MORE >>

BenefitsPro; free registration required

401(k) Participants Boost Equity Allocation

"Participants in 401(k) plans are becoming more comfortable with equity investing, raising their allocation in July to 70.2% -- the highest rate in 18 months ... June and July represented the first time since March and April 2021 that the Alight Solutions 401(k) index recorded two consecutive months of net inflows to equity[.]"  MORE >>

Pensions & Investments

Benefits of Doing Roth IRA Conversions Early in Retirement

"Aside from minimizing required distributions during your own lifetime, another advantage of Roth IRAs is from an estate planning perspective.... For investors who are right on the upper edge of a tax or IRMAA bracket ... gifting stocks with high unrealized gains (preferably) to a donor-advised fund or gifting part of an RMD from the IRA will help reduce income and provide more room for a Roth conversion."  MORE >>


Transitioning Into Retirement: Financial Strategies for the Final Stretch

"[R]esearch and make a plan for when you intend to claim Social Security. Waiting a bit may raise your monthly benefit ... Make a budget and map out where you intend to get your income. Include things like personal investments, retirement accounts, and pensions. Try to pay off your debt before retiring, but be smart about it. If paying off your mortgage will deplete your money to a risky level, it may be wiser to leave it be for now."  MORE >>


State Programs 2023: More Programs Are Open and Enrolling Workers

"As of June 30, 2023, three new auto-IRA programs have been enacted this year -- Minnesota, Nevada, and Vermont and one new Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) in Missouri. Vermont changed its existing program from a voluntary MEP to an auto-IRA program. As of June 30, 2023, there are 19 states that have enacted new programs for private sector workers."  MORE >>

Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives

U.S. Pension Risk Transfer: 2023 Mid-Year Update

"The pension risk transfer market saw its highest ever volume of premium and number of transactions placed in the first half of the year, with $6.3 billion placed in Q1 and $16.1B placed in Q2. There was an increase in the number of transactions and volume of premium for lift-outs and plan terminations in the first half of 2023 compared to 2022. ... Buy-in solutions, accounting for $1.6B in premium placed across 6 transactions during the first half of 2023, remain a niche solution at the larger end of the market."  MORE >>


In Memoriam: Tom Finnegan

"Tom was the first American Retirement Association President in addition to serving as President of both ASPPA and ASEA. A fixture speaking at virtually every ASPPA and ASEA conference, Tom was previously awarded ASPPA's Educator of the Year Award and just this past year was awarded ASPPA's Founders Award named after ASPPA's first president, Harry T Edison.... Tom's service to our industry and to [ASPPA] was without peer."  MORE >>

Brian Graff, via LinkedIn

Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

Text of IRS Disaster Relief Notice HI-2023-05, for Hawaii Wildfire Victims

"[V]ictims of wildfires in parts of Hawaii that began on Aug. 8, 2023, now have until Feb. 15, 2024, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.... [I]ndividuals and households affected by wildfires that reside or have a business in the counties of Maui and Hawaii qualify for federal tax relief."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator
for CMC Pension Professionals

Retirement Plan Administrator

CMC Pension Professionals


View job as Retirement Plan Administrator for CMC Pension Professionals

Selected New Discussions

Auto Enroll Permissible Withdrawal After Termination?

"Participant auto enrolled and had three paychecks worth of auto deferrals taken. Then she left the company. Age 31. Can she take a permissible withdrawal (plan allows them) and avoid the 10% penalty tax? Or is that only for in-service withdrawals?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Economic Benefit and 1099-R Reporting for Self Employed

"Using life insurance in a plan, when you have a sole-proprietor or an owner of a pass-through entity, is there a 1099-R required for the economic benefit (PS 58 cost) for such owner? One argument I've heard is a sole proprietor, or an owner of a pass-through entity, is not entitled to a deduction for that portion of the premium representing the economic benefit under IRC Section 404. Accordingly, Treas. Reg. 1.72-16(2) only is applicable if the deduction is allowed under IRC Section 404. Additionally, the instructions for the 1099-R Box 1 states reporting is required if, '... premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for the cost of current life or other insurance protection ...' It would appear, if the sole proprietor or owner of a pass-through entity is not taking a deduction for the economic benefit (therefore paying taxes on such amount), the trustee or custodian is not paying that cost, would a 1099-R need to be issued?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Fiduciary Liability Insurance: Why You Need It and What It Covers

September 7, 2023 WEBINAR

Euclid Fiduciary

2023 NCEO Fall Forum

September 26, 2023 in TX

National Center for Employee Ownership [NCEO]

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Projected 2024 Retirement Plan Limits


ESOPs Encouraged -- But Do It Right! SECURE 2.0 Provisions and Expanded IRS Focus

Frost Brown Todd LLC

The Role of Company Stock Within 401(k) Plans Is Evolving


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