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Retirement Plans Newsletter

August 22, 2023

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Common 401(k) Plan Errors and How to Fix Them

"This article summarizes the voluntary correction programs administered by the [IRS] and the [DOL], identifies the most common 401(k) plan errors, walks readers through their corresponding correction methods, and includes a brief 'best practices' section to help safeguard against the occurrence of future plan errors."  MORE >>

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC, via Tennessee CPA Journal


ASC Announces a New Product! Plan Sponsor Connect

Simplify your annual data collection with PS Connect, ASC’s modern, fully-hosted web portal. Includes a simple, customizable interface and is available independently or as part of ASC’s suite of quality retirement plan solutions. More Details

Sponsored by ASC

What Does My TPA Do for Me? Top Questions to Ask Your TPA

"If you have a TPA and are wondering how you might be able to tell if they're doing a fantastic job, you might ask them how they help you to identify and correct common errors made by businesses over the course of the day-to-day administration. Here are a few of them."  MORE >>

Benefit Resources Inc.

GAO Says PBGC's SFA Interest Rates OK Under Appropriations Law

"The General Accountability Office (GAO) has determined that the PBGC did not violate its appropriations authority when adopting two interest rates for projecting the amount of multiemployer DB relief in the form of special financial assistance (SFA) needed. The GAO's narrow decision on appropriations law was in response to a query from the PBGC's Inspector General whether the PBGC's final rule approach raised issues under the Antideficiency Act."  MORE >>



Are We Nearing the End of the 401(k)/403(b) Litigation SNAFU? Are Plan Sponsors Really Ready?

"The Matney case, as well as the Home Depot case, involve a common question, namely which party in a 401(k)/403(b) litigation action has the burden of proof on the issue of loss causation. The problem is that there is currently a split of opinion on the question in the federal courts, effectively denying some plan participants the rights and protections guaranteed to them under ERISA." [Matney v. Barrick Gold of N. Am., Inc., No. 20-275 (D. Utah Apr. 21, 2022; on appeal to 10th Cir. No. 22-4045); Pizarro v. The Home Depot Inc., No. 18-1566 (N.D. Ga. Sep. 30, 2022; on appeal to 11th Cir. No. 22-13643)]  MORE >>

The Prudent Investment Adviser Rules


$4.3 Million or $1.27 Million? What's the Point of Scary Retirement Projection Numbers?

"Perhaps it's better to seek the answer why financial service providers generate these surveys and why reporters never fail to report on them."  MORE >>

Fiduciary News; free registration required


Register for the 2023 CCA Annual Meeting before Sept. 18 and Save

This three-day meeting features more than 30 retirement-specific sessions for single employer, multiemployer and public plans practitioners. Topics include the latest on SECURE 2.0, the SFA program and ASOPs. 15.5 EA credits available.

Sponsored by Conference of Consulting Actuaries [CCA]


How RFPs Changed the 401(k) Record Keeping Business

"Though it has not happened yet, DC plan sponsors will heed the lessons and warnings ... that they must conduct periodic due diligence for all vendors paid out of plan sponsors, even co-fiduciaries.... So what would happen to most DC advisory practices if their plan fees were at or close to zero? Those that cannot offer participants services, which is what most DC plan sponsors want now, will scramble to compete with those who can ... It is a true paradigm shift which may be accelerated as RIAs with deeper wealth management resources and expertise enter the DC market."  MORE >>

Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

Drafting a Clawback Policy to Protect Against Future Risks

"This article offers ideas about how company policies could be crafted to help minimize questions about their function and application when a restatement takes place. [The] goal is to help companies strike a balance between being expansive enough for the board or Compensation Committee to have authority and discretion to make tough decisions yet specific enough to avoid definitional ambiguity that may lead to future disputes."  MORE >>

Willis Towers Watson

Executive Compensation Due Diligence in M&A Transactions

"A thorough review of the compensation arrangements of the target company should be conducted early in the transaction process as part of the broader due diligence process. This review allows the acquirer to gain a comprehensive understanding of the target's compensation program and to uncover any compensation-related liabilities or legal/regulatory compliance issues ... The acquirer's compensation diligence may surface information needed to accurately draft the transaction documents and to plan for post-closing integration of the target's compensation programs."  MORE >>

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, via Bloomberg Law

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Contributions Manager
for IUOE Local 478 Employee Benefit Funds

Contributions Manager

IUOE Local 478 Employee Benefit Funds

Hamden CT

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator
for Preferred Pension Solutions, LLC

Retirement Plan Administrator

Preferred Pension Solutions, LLC

Wichita KS / Hybrid

View job as Actuarial Analyst
for USI Insurance Services

Actuarial Analyst

USI Insurance Services

Glastonbury CT / Brentwood TN

View job as Actuarial Analyst for USI Insurance Services

Selected New Discussions

Amendment to Add Loans and Then Amend to No Longer Allow Them

"I have a plan sponsor who would like to allow a loan for a NHCE participant who has fallen on hard times but is young and doesn't qualify for a 'safe harbor' hardship. He would like to amend his plan to allow loans and then has asked how quickly he can amend to no longer allow it. Is there a general rule of thumb for this?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

What Is the 415 Limit Based on Prior Plan Distribution

"Assume all calculations are for 2022. 73 year old has a prior db distribution, let's say $15,000/month after all actuarial calculations, done many many moons ago. The new salary average for 2022 is $24,444.44/month -- 100% of compensation limit (385k+290k+305k averaged) 415 dollar limit is $30,000 -- made it up. What is his 415 maximum AB? [1] $24,444.44/month less $15,000/month i.e. $9,444.44? OR [2] $30,000/month less $15,000/month i.e. $15,000/month? If it is [1] then the 415 LS would be $9,444.44 * APR @ 2022 417e table @73 @5.5% (assume plan AE assumptions provide much higher LS)? What am I missing here to determine max 415 AB and LS?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

PensionPlus Announces an Innovative Program with Capital Group, Empowering Participants to Easily Create Personalized Paychecks in Retirement


The Retirement Advantage, Inc. Welcomes Nic Irick to Bolster Regional Plan Consulting Team

TRA [The Retirement Advantage]

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Decoding Decumulation: Empowering Plan Participants

September 20, 2023 WEBINAR

CAPTRUST Financial Advisors

IRA Excess Contributions and Recharacterizations

September 28, 2023 WEBINAR


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

SECURE 2.0 Provides 3-Year Statute of Limitations for Missed RMDs

Slott Report

In Memoriam: Tom Finnegan

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Benefits of Doing Roth IRA Conversions Early in Retirement


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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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