Retirement Plans Newsletter
August 24, 2023
3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Summarizes Deductibility of Post-Tax Year Employer Contributions to New 401(k) Plans (PDF)
"[In July, the IRS updated] an 'Issue Snapshot' that summarizes the rules employers must follow to deduct post-tax year
contributions to a new 401(k) plan. This updated Issue Snapshot chiefly discusses and provides examples of changes made by the SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0 Act. " MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
ERISApedia -- Our Latest Title: Defined Benefit/Cash Balance eSource
Written by Lorraine Dorsa, this is a must-have for ERISA pros working with traditional and cash balance defined benefit plans. Covers DB/CB combo plans and DB plan corrections. Please contact jpecina@erisapedia.com for more information.
Do ‘Fail Safe’ Class Definitions Automatically Derail Certification?
"The U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to examine whether class certification is automatically barred when the proposed class definition is 'fail safe' -- or when membership hinges on a case's outcome on the merits.... [T]he U.S. Court of Appeals for the
D.C. Circuit ... said there is no implied, free-standing rule against such classes inherent in Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.... Hilton Hotels Retirement Plan has asked the high court to review the decision, which ... deepened a circuit split over the issue." [In
re White, No. 22-8001 (D.C. Cir. Apr. 4, 2023; cert. pet. filed Aug. 17, 2023)] MORE >>
Law.com; free registration or subscription required
Eighth Circuit's 'Meaningful Benchmark' Requirement for 401(k) 'Excessive Fee' Lawsuits Continues to Generate Dismissals
"As to the excessive-recordkeeping-fees claim, plaintiffs did 'not allege facts plausibly showing that the Plan's recordkeeping fees are unreasonably high.' As to the excessive-management-fees claim, that claim 'fail[ed] largely because as this theory is pleaded,
a collective investment trust is not a plausible benchmark for a mutual fund.' As to the under-performance claim, that claim failed 'because the benchmarks alleged to support this theory are implausible.' " [Fritton v. Taylor Corp., No. 22-cv-00415 (ECT/TNL),
2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 145940 (D. Minn. Aug. 21, 2023).] MORE >>
Dorsey ERISA
Process Prevails in ERISA Excessive Fee Bench Trial
"[A] Pennsylvania district court found that the committee's conduct was objectively prudent in its monitoring and selection of investment funds and record-keeping fees.... This bench trial victory for Braun clearly demonstrates that prudent plan governance is the best line of
defense when confronted with plaintiff litigation." [Nunez v. B. Braun Medical Inc., No. 20-4195 (E.D. Penn. Aug. 18, 2023)] MORE >>
Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.
Plan Sponsors, Advisors Report They Are Receiving Erroneous IRS Late Filing Notices
"It appears that several plan sponsors that filed completed Form 8955-SSAs through the EFAST2 filing system before the July 31, 2023 filing date (i.e., filed before the due date without extension) are receiving an IRS notice saying the 2022 8955-SSAs were not filed in a
timely manner or were incomplete.... If the IRS concludes [a] systemic issue occurred here, ... ARA expect[s] that the agency will issue additional guidance on how to proceed." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Growing Resource Gaps Among U.S. Residents Approaching Retirement
"A new study ... analyzed the health and economic well-being of five cohorts of Americans in their
mid-fifties between 1994 and 2018.... The combined value of current stock ... and the present value of the expected flow of resources ... after age sixty grew 13 percent for upper-middle Americans between cohorts, whereas in 2018 lower-middle individuals were left hardly better off, at 3 percent growth, than their peers two decades earlier. These findings are significant because many in this so-called 'forgotten
middle' group have too many resources to qualify for government supports such as Medicaid, but may struggle to afford health care and housing." MORE >>
Health Affairs Forefront
Legacy IRA Rollover to Charitable Gift Annuity
"The potential benefits of the new Legacy IRA rules are threefold. First, they allow donors to enhance their charitable giving legacy and ensure their future charitable intentions are fulfilled. Second, they reduce the donor's tax bill in the year the CGA is created by
excluding the amount contributed to the CGA from taxable income. And third, they create a stable lifetime income stream that can be paid to the donor and/or their spouse." MORE >>
Nerd's Eye View
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
IRS 2022-2023 Priority Guidance Plan: 4th Quarter Update (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
Enforcement of Dodd-Frank Clawback Policies Under Foreign Law
"[SEC] Rule 10D-1 allows for only three narrow exceptions to the mandatory recovery requirement where recovery is considered impractical: [1] the direct cost of recovery would exceed the amount of recovery, [2] the recovery would violate home country law and additional
conditions are met, and [3] potential disqualification of tax-qualified retirement plans. This Legal Update discusses the application of the first two exceptions for countries that are incorporated or have executives working in foreign jurisdictions where the enforcement of the policy will require application of local law in such foreign country." MORE >>
Mayer Brown
Nonqualified Retirement Sponsors Focus on Employee Experience and Mitigating Risk
Infographic. "55% of sponsors have changed or plan to make changes to their NQDB plan.... 75% of sponsors have changed or plan to make changes to their NQDC plan.... 60% of NQDC and 47% of NQDB plan sponsors informally fund their plans." MORE >>
Willis Towers Watson
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Seasonal Benefits Enroller
U.S. Retirement & Benefits Partners
Sacramento CA / Tranquillity CA / Visalia CA / Bakersfield CA / Hybrid
Selected New Discussions |
RMD When Spouse Beneficiary Rolls Over Account Balance Within the Same Plan
"Participant died in 2022 prior to his required beginning date. Surviving spouse is sole beneficiary and current employee and would like to roll over his balance into her account in the same plan. Assuming the plan allows this, any concerns? Would she have 10 years to fully
distribute the amount attributable to the deceased participant or would it be consolidated with her balance and subject to her own RMD requirements?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Authority for Type of Assets Plan Sponsors Can Use to Fund Repurchase Obligation
"Over the years I've seen Plan Sponsors (for ESOP's) setting up sinking funds to pay for future participant benefits. Where do I find the citation/authority for types of assets a plan sponsor can use to fund the repurchase obligation? Is there a specific DOL citation?
Treas regulation? I was thinking about this awhile back at a conference for civil/criminal tax matters and one speaker referenced that there's no guidance even on investing in Crypto. Other than a DOL letter/notice (?) with a stern warning that retirement plan investments in 'crypto' may be a breach of fiduciary duties. I don't have the date readily available. I may be conflating the two items as this didn't per se relate
to ESOP's. But, could a ESOP trustee invest in crypto as their asset for the repurchase obligation?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Can Income from a Grant Organization Be Considered Compensation?
"An individual works full-time as a private school administrator. She receives 20% of her income from her employer and the other 80% from a separate grant organization. Each pay period she receives two checks, one from her employer and the other from the grant organization. Both
sources of income are considered taxable income. She is eligible to participate in the employer's 403(b). QUESTION: Can then money from the grant organization be considered compensation for calculating her contributions as well as for purposes of determining includible compensation (415c limit)?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
PenChecks, Inc. Hires New Senior Director of Product Management
PenChecks, Inc.
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
5 Hot Topics Impacting Retirement Plans
September 19, 2023 WEBINAR
Fisher Phillips
Defined Benefit Pension Plans: Freezing, Trimming, or Terminating DB Plans and Other Options for Plan Sponsors
September 26, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Simply Irresistible to Not Seek Recoupment of Overpayments
Holland & Hart LLP
Fourth Circuit Affirms No Breach of ERISA's Fiduciary Duties for 'Cross-Selling' Efforts
Dorsey ERISA
Seventh Circuit Denies Deferred Compensation Deduction in Taxable Asset Sale
Williams Mullen
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