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Retirement Plans Newsletter

September 1, 2023

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

To Roth or Not to Roth: That Is No Longer the Question for Some Catch-Up Eligible Individuals

"[Notice 2023-62] provides that until taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, catch-up contributions will be treated as satisfying the requirements of the Code (as amended by SECURE 2.0), even if the catch-up contributions are not designated as Roth contributions. Likewise, a plan will not violate the Code or the provisions of SECURE 2.0 if it provides for catch-up contributions but does not permit any contributions to be designated as Roth contributions. In other words, plans may continue to administer catch-up contributions as they were prior to SECURE 2.0 and without regard to the new Roth requirement until 2026."  MORE >>

Bricker Graydon

[Guidance Overview]

PBGC Proposes Revised Actuarial Assumptions

"The proposed rule provides a more timely process to keep up with changes in interest rates, modernize the mortality basis and simplify expense assumptions. Because these assumptions are incorporated by reference in other PBGC regulations, the changes also affect certain multiemployer withdrawal liability calculations, calculations under the PBGC missing participant program and annual financial and actuarial information reporting requirements for single-employer plan sponsors under ERISA Section 4010."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

IRS Warns of Compliance Actions Related to ESOPs and High-Income Taxpayers

"Although it is unclear what prompted [IR-2023-144], the IRS's intent is clear -- it has a new enforcement focus on ESOP-related tax avoidance, particularly with respect to S corporation ESOPs."  MORE >>

Morgan Lewis

[Guidance Overview]

What Plan Sponsors Need to Know About the New Long-Term Part-Time Employee Rules

"[P]lan design changes that could ... make the tracking process run smoother ... include: [1] Changing eligibility to defer into the plan so that all part-time employees are eligible and are not LTPT employees.... [2] Allowing all employees to make elective deferrals but limiting employer contributions to at least 1,000 hours.... The inclusion of LTPT employees may result in plan sponsors needing to file the large employer Form 5500 in 2024 or later. Therefore, an independent audit may also be needed."  MORE >>


Boosting Retirement Confidence: The Role of Building Resilience in Defined Contribution Plans

"The new market regime presents a unique opportunity to take a fresh look at plan design, embracing greater nimbleness and evolving investment strategies to meet the changing needs of DC participants.... [1] Seek consistent alpha ... [2] Explore guaranteed income ... [3] Prepare for emergencies."  MORE >>

Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives

Abusive QDRO Scheme Messes with Texans' Retirement Savings

"The General Counsel of a longshoremen's benefit fund in Texas [said] that in the last six months alone the retirement plan has received 14 QDROs for 14 different members, all following the same structure, drafted by the same attorney, and signed by the same judge.... This situation creates a huge loophole for married participants in community property states to access retirement funds prematurely, thereby putting at risk a dignified and secure retirement."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Mixed Expectations for Impending DOL Fiduciary Rule

"The [DOL] stayed silent Wednesday on a new fiduciary rule rewrite it promised to unveil by the end of August. Now termed 'Conflict of Interest in Investment Advice,' the much-delayed rule proposal remained docked in the 'Proposed Rule Stage.' Anticipation remains sky high for financial professionals, not all of whom are opposed to tighter regulations."  MORE >>


Ranking Member Cassidy, Chair Foxx Urge DOL to Halt Further Fiduciary Rule Action

"Over the last two years, the Department has espoused at least three separate positions on what it means to be an investment advice fiduciary. By failing to articulate itself consistently, the Department has created unnecessary instability for retirement plans, retirees, and savers ... As Biden's DOL continues to change its stance in this area, we remind the Department of its attempt to promulgate a definition of fiduciary under ERISA section 3(21) in 2016. This ill-conceived and overreaching rule was decisively vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and it should serve as a cautionary example."  MORE >>

Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, U.S. Senate

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as PensionPro Expert
for Nova 401(k) Associates

PensionPro Expert

Nova 401(k) Associates


View job as PensionPro Expert for Nova 401(k) Associates

View job as Client Service Manager
for American Trust Retirement

Client Service Manager

American Trust Retirement

Greensboro NC / Hybrid

View job as Client Service Manager for American Trust Retirement

Selected New Discussions

Beneficiary Changed Before Marriage

"A participant in our ESOP got re-married in July and, with intention, sent in a new beneficiary designation form listing an adult child named as 100% primary in June. Now that they are married, does the date on the beneficiary form trump the spousal rights under ERISA?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Matching Contributions for Qualified Student Loan Payments Under SECURE Act 2.0

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]

Winding Down a ROBS Corporation and Its Plan

KLB Benefits Law Group

Split-Dollar Life Insurance Plans Can Be a Useful Way to Attract and Retain Key Hires

Faegre Drinker

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