5 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Request for Comments on Revised Form 5307
"The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form 5307, Application for Determination for Adopters of Modified Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Plans.... The form was revised to eliminate features of the determination letter program that are of limited utility to plan sponsors in
comparison with the burdens they impose. The form was also revised to enable electronic submission on Pay.gov." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Announces 2024 Employee Benefit Plan Limits
"Most of the dollar limits that are subject to adjustment for cost-of-living increases will increase for 2024.... Plan sponsors should update payroll and plan administration systems for the 2024 cost-of-living adjustments and incorporate the new limits in relevant participant
communications, like open enrollment materials and summary plan descriptions." MORE >>
McDermott Will & Emery
[Guidance Overview]
2024 Cost of Living Adjustments for Retirement Plans
"Most notably, the limitation on annual salary deferrals into a 401(k) or 403(b) plan will increase to $23,000, and the dollar threshold for highly compensated employees will increase to $155,000." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
Maximum Benefits and Contributions Limits for 2007 to 2024
Cumulative chart details inflation-adjusted qualified plan limits in a side by side chart for years 2007-2024, with a link to each year's IRS announcement MORE >>
Venable LLP
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Releases New Proposed Definition of Investment Advice
"[T]he proposal does appear to alter the existing framework in some very meaningful ways.... These changes have the collective effect of significantly lowering the bar for what would be considered fiduciary investment advice. And, in what could be a troubling development, the new
proposal does not seem to have a carveout for advice rendered to sophisticated plan fiduciaries in the 'sales' context as under the 2017/2018 Rule." MORE >>
Fried Frank
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Again Seeks to Amend Five-Part 'Investment Advice' Fiduciary Definition Under ERISA and the Code
"Most significantly, the proposed rule expands DOL's regulatory definition of an 'investment advice fiduciary' to both ERISA employee benefit plans and to IRAs.... The proposal would extend ERISA's fiduciary reach to one-time investment advice and replace the
existing five-part test with a broader three-part standard[.]" MORE >>
Miller & Chevalier
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Proposes Its New Fiduciary Rule
"Negative commentary on the Proposed Rule is already in circulation. Nevertheless, from a litigation perspective, the Proposed Rule seems to be carefully crafted to advance the Department's longstanding objective of enhancing protections for retirement investors while
steering clear of relationships that are not meant to be fiduciary in nature. It seems unlikely to prompt a scramble to rework standard investment-related documents for fear of having ordinary communications treated as fiduciary advice." MORE >>
Verrill Dana LLP
[Guidance Overview]
How Would the Proposed Investment Advice Rule Affect You?
"If you're a recordkeeper or third-party administrator, would the rule change any aspect of your relationships with investment brokers and advisers? If you provide services as a Section 3(16) administrator, are you ready to defend claims that you knew an investment
adviser breached and you didn't do enough to remedy that other fiduciary's breach? And how about your own business: [1] Even as only a third-party administrator, do you sometimes help an employer select a participant-directed plan's 'menu' of investment alternatives? Or do you as a part of your business help an employer select a recordkeeper and that choice means taking on some of the recordkeeper's or its
affiliate's investments? [2] Do you get any compensation, however indirectly, you would not get unless the plan made a choice under #1?" MORE >>
Peter Gulia, via BenefitsLink® Message Boards
SECURE 2.0 Act Low-Balance Distribution Limit Changes: A Look by Age and Tenure (PDF)
"Under SECURE 2.0, the dollar limit for mandatory force-outs was increased from the $5,000 described above to $7,000 for distributions after December 31, 2023.... Analysis of account balances by age and tenure reveals that the force-out provision of up to $5,000 most
commonly affects younger and low-tenure public plan participants.... [C]harts illustrate how the increased threshold expands the potential affected population of participants to those transitioning from early career to mid-career." MORE >>
PRRL [Public Retirement Research Lab]
Enhancing Retirement Wealth and Reducing Retiree Inequality: Emergency Savings Accounts and Other Policy Options
"Based on early data, it appears likely that having and using even modest amounts of emergency funds improves household balance sheets over time. And simulations suggest that universal Automatic IRAs -- including emergency savings -- for workers without employer plans could
increase household assets for all age and income groups, especially Blacks and Hispanics." MORE >>
David John, Mark Iwry and William G. Gale, via SSRN
IBM to Scrap 401(k) Matching, Offer Alternative Benefit
"The IT giant on Wednesday informed its US workers that starting on January 1, 2024, the corporation will no longer match employee contributions to their 401(k) retirement plans. Instead, it will offer a new benefit called a Retirement Benefit Account (RBA).... By shifting
its employee 401(k) contribution from six percent (five percent matching plus one percent automatic contributions) to a five percent RBA contribution, that's a 16.66 percent savings in outflow." MORE >>
The Register
Why ARA Supports DOL's Proposal to Modernize the Regulatory Definition of Investment Advice
"Consistent with its mission, ARA for over 20 years has raised concerns that the existing regulatory definition of investment device is ill-suited for advice given to plan sponsors with respect to participant-directed 401(k) retirement plans.... [ARA supports] DOL's proposed
retirement security regulation updating the definition of investment advice under ERISA because ... it will ensure that advice given to plan sponsors with respect to plan investments under any and all circumstances is required to comply with the fiduciary standards of ERISA." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
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"Just polling the folks on this forum. As a TPA business owner, If you could only pick one of the two organizations for membership, which would it be and why?"
BenefitsLink® Message Boards
Safe Harbor Contributions Missed Before Plan Termination; How to Get Them Into PEP
"I have a client that completed their 2022 audit and discovered employees who are due an additional Safe Harbor contribution. The advisor is asking if these can be made to the PEP. My initial response is they should be made to the original plan and then a second wire/transfer can
be sent to the PEP. The prior recordkeeper is unwilling to accept the Safe Harbor contributions as they have completed the termination. I thought maybe the Safe Harbor contributions can be submitted to the PEP and then have the recordkeeper reclassify these amounts as transfer funds. I know this won't be the last time a situation like this occurs with a PEP. Any thoughts?"
BenefitsLink® Message Boards
DOL Proposed Investment Advice Package Now Scheduled for Publication in the Federal Register
"Scheduled publication date is November 3, 2023 -- which would put the close of the 60-day comment period at January 2, 2024. Links to Federal Register:
BenefitsLink® Message Boards
Press Releases |
FSA Store® Reveals Top 10 Ways to Spend Tax-Free Healthcare Funds Before December 31 Use-It-or-Lose-It Deadline
Health E-Commerce
The Wagner Law Group Ranked 'Tier 1' ERISA and Employee Benefits Law Firm for 2024
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
Groom Tops 2024 Best Law Firms® Lists in Three Practice Areas
Groom Law Group
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Annual Compliance Update
November 16, 2023 in GA
Worldwide Employee Benefits Network [WEB] - Atlanta Chapter
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Text of IRS Notice 2023-75: 2024 Limitations Adjusted as Provided in Section 415(d), etc. (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Prepare for Upcoming Changes to Defined Contribution Plans: Long-Term, Part-Time Employees
The Wagner Law Group
DOL Would Oversee Annuity Sales, Rollovers Under New Proposal
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