[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Form 5434 and Instructions: Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries Application for Enrollment (PDF)
Rev. Nov. 2023. "You should not complete Form 5434 until you have satisfied the qualifying experience in section 901.12(b), the basic actuarial knowledge requirement in section 901.12(c), and the pension actuarial knowledge requirement in section 901.12(d)." [Also see Form 5434-A, Application for Renewal of Enrollment, rev. Nov. 2023.] MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Fulfill Your Ethics CE Requirement -- Register today!
Learn from real-life scenarios how to identify and deal with ethical dilemmas. The webcast includes an explanation of IRS Circular 230, best ethical practices, case studies & more. Presenter: ERISA expert John Griffin, J.D., LL.M. Register Now!
[Official Guidance]
Draft of 2024 IRS Form 1099-R: Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, Etc. (PDF)
"Generally, distributions from retirement plans (IRAs, qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, and governmental section 457(b) plans), insurance contracts, etc., are reported to recipients on Form 1099-R." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
Proposed Amendments to Advice Fiduciary PTE Will Require Plan Sponsors to Monitor Compliance by Service Providers
"Sponsor fiduciaries will be required to monitor an advice fiduciary's compliance with [PTE 2020-02]; failure to do
so ... may result in a fiduciary breach by plan/sponsor fiduciaries.... [T]he exact extent of the sponsor's duty-to-monitor is unclear. In the abstract it means: the plan/sponsor fiduciary must be reasonably satisfied that adviser fiduciaries that it has retained (e.g., call center operators) are complying with, e.g., the impartial conduct standards and rollover disclosures." MORE >>
October Three Consulting
[Guidance Overview]
FINRA Proposal Would Allow Broker/Dealers to Use Projected Performance in Marketing to Retirement Plans
"The proposal would permit broker/dealers to make projections on investments or investment strategies and use those in
communicating with institutional investors with at least $25 million in assets under management. Broker/dealers would be permitted to do the same for qualified purchasers with at least $5 million in investments for private placements only." MORE >>
Ninth Circuit Decision Expands Fiduciary Duty to Consider Third-Party Fees (PDF)
"The fundamental flaw in the court's reasoning is that the court focuses on fees 'received' by Fidelity rather than on fees 'paid' by the Plan.... Plan fiduciaries will need to put in place a prudent process to identify and consider indirect compensation
received by a service provider from sources other than the plan, in order to determine that the service provider is receiving no more than 'reasonable compensation'." [Bugielski v. AT&T Servs., Inc., No. 21-56196 (9th Cir. Nov. 8, 23)] MORE >>
Direct Answers to your ERISA & Retirement Plan Questions!
Our TAG experts average 25+ years of experience and comprehensively answer your retirement questions. TAG provides access to a database of 4,000+ FAQs, quick reference tools, and charts. Learn more!
House Committee Chair Calls on EBSA to Extend Comment Period and Delay Hearing on Proposed Retirement Security Rule (PDF)
"It appears that EBSA designed the comment period to prevent fulsome interaction with the community that would be charged with implementing its disastrous proposal. EBSA also stated in its response to the trade association letter that it 'believes that its current proposal
reflects significant input it has received from public engagement with this project since 2010. This is a strong indication that the outcome is predetermined in violation of the APA." MORE >>
Virginia Foxx, Chairwoman, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives
Making Retirement Portfolios Last by Managing a Key Risk
"Returns in the first retirement decade matter more than in the first year alone ... An initial 10-year period with bad returns can dig a deep hole ... A good opening sequence should result in excess returns ... even if there's a crash after 30
years." MORE >>
Plaintiffs Allege That $31 Recordkeeper Fee Constitutes Fiduciary Imprudence Based on Contrived $14 Benchmarks
"A $31 recordkeeping per-participant fee is well below the average and median for $1B+ asset plans. But plaintiff law firms continue to file fiduciary malpractice claims with intentionally false comparators ... The plan sponsor community must fight back against
frivolous excess fee lawsuits by publishing studies of what large plans actually pay for recordkeeping services and explaining how these services are differentiated by quality and scope." [Winkelman v. Whole Foods Market, Inc., No. 23-1352 (W.D. Tex. complaint filed
Nov. 6, 2023)] MORE >>
Euclid Specialty Managers
Debate: Will the New DOL Fiduciary Rule Hurt Retirement Investors?
"[ThinkAdvisor] asked two professors and authors of ALM’s Tax Facts with opposing political viewpoints to share their opinions about whether the DOL’s newly proposed fiduciary rule changes would have a negative impact for retirement investors." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
Administration Looks at Harmonizing Cyber Regs Amidst Flurry of New Activity (PDF)
"[T]he authors discuss some of the Biden administration's recently issued cybersecurity rules and proposals and provide additional details about the Office of the National Cyber Director's [August 2023] request for information seeking comment on how to harmonize cybersecurity regulations.... The continued onslaught of new cybersecurity proposals and expectations create complex compliance burdens on organizations across a range of sectors, many of whom are already subject to various other cyber
incident reporting and regulatory obligations." MORE >>
Wiley Rein LLP
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Global Compensation and Benefits: Clawbacks and Other Compensation Adjustments (PDF)
"Adjustment mechanisms can have significant benefits in ensuring greater alignment between risk and individual reward and in reinforcing expected standards of performance or conduct. But in many countries their use, whether in the form of clawback or malus/cause provisions, is
legally regulated. ... [T]here is a broad spectrum of legal impacts, from the use of such provisions being prohibited in some countries, to being mandatory for companies operating under certain regulatory frameworks in others." MORE >>
Eversheds Sutherland
Selected New Discussions |
Any Relief for Missed RMDs for a Non-Eligible Designated Beneficiary of a DB Plan Participant?
"Notice 2023-54 provides relief for missed 2021, 2022 and 2023 RMDs for a non-eligible designated beneficiary of an IRA or DC plan. What about a missed RMD for a non-eligible designated beneficiary of a DB plan participant?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Allocating Forfeiture Account for Terminated Plan
"I have a Plan that's terminating. Can they allocate the Forfeiture Account to any active participant at the time of Plan termination? They had a few people who had been terminated for at least 6 years, 100% vested, that just refused to take their money from the Plan. They
want to avoid giving money to them from the Forfeiture Account, if possible."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
LIMRA and LOMA Welcome New Members to Its Retirement Plans and Workplace Benefits Advisory Groups
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
401(k) Best Practices: Process, Process, Process
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
2023 Annual Employee Benefits Compliance Checklist for Plan Administrators (PDF)
Williams Mullen
Ninth Circuit ERISA Ruling Informs DOL's New Fiduciary Proposal (PDF)
Cohen & Buckmann, PC, via Law360
Latest 401(k) Suits Pit IRS Forfeiture Rules Against ERISA
Pensions & Investments
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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