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Retirement Plans Newsletter

November 22, 2023

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

The New Fiduciary Rule, Part 5: Discretionary Investment Management

"[If] the adviser or an affiliate of the adviser has discretion over other non-retirement investments of a retirement investor, the DOL's proposal says that the adviser is already in a relationship of trust and confidence with the retirement investor, and therefore any advice given to the retirement investor about retirement assets would be fiduciary advice."  MORE >>


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[Guidance Overview]

Text of IRS Publication 794: Favorable Determination Letter (PDF)

4 pages; rev. Nov. 2023. "This publication explains the significance of a favorable determination letter, points out some features that may affect the tax status of an employee retirement plan and nullify the determination letter without specific notice from us, and provides general information on the reporting requirements for the plan."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

[Guidance Overview]

Agencies Release 2023 Form 5500 Series, Reflecting SECURE Act Changes (PDF)

"The changes relevant to 401(k) plan reporting are: [1] a new Schedule DCG for defined contribution group reporting entities; [2] a new Schedule MEP for multiple employer retirement plan information and additional data items relevant to MEPs on Form 5500; [3] changes to how defined contribution plan participants are counted for small plan reporting purposes; and [4] new compliance questions for tax-qualified retirement plans."  MORE >>

Thomson Reuters / EBIA

[Guidance Overview]

Retirement Plan Disaster Assistance May Be Available for Illinois Excessive Rainfall

"[FEMA has] issued a disaster declaration ... for Illinois excessive rainfall, for the incident period of September 17- September 18, 2023.... Employers with qualified retirement plans may allow participants to take hardship distributions if they have incurred expenses and losses because of a FEMA-declared disaster, and their principal residence or place of employment at the time of the disaster is located in an area designated by FEMA as eligible for individual disaster assistance."  MORE >>


District Court Certifies Two Classes of Workers Seeking Early and Optional Retirement Pension Benefits in DuPont Spin-Off

"Defendants argued that certification was inappropriate given the failure of class members to exhaust their administrative remedies. The court ... [concluded] that the fiduciary breach and Section 510 claims did not require exhaustion, the Plan itself did not mandate that workers exhaust an internal review process before filing suit, exhaustion would be futile given defendants' application of a uniform interpretation that precluded granting the benefits, and unnamed class members should not be required to exhaust or should be given a flexible time frame in which to do so." [Cockerill v. Corteva, Inc., No. 21-3966 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 17, 2023)]  MORE >>

Kantor & Kantor

The SEC Fires All Guns Against a Crypto Platform: Plan Fiduciaries Should Take Note

"The SEC announced.... that it has charged ... an online crypto platform) with a litany of securities registration failures and other wrongdoing ... Those statements read like a primer on the subject of SEC-required registrations.... Is it a prudent decision to offer unregistered securities through unregistered vehicles to plan participants who are not likely to be sophisticated investors?"  MORE >>

The Wagner Law Group

Can You Safely Spend More Early in Retirement?

"Spending aggressively can make sense for older retirees who have relatively short life expectancies, but it is not appropriate for those in their 60s.... Perhaps, though, one could apply the strategy flexibly. That is, rather than automatically withdrawing the same inflation-adjusted amount ... adjust spending according to the stock market's results. If equities perform well, stay on track. If they do not, pull back."  MORE >>



DOL's Retirement Security Rule Muddies Definitional Waters (PDF)

"[T]he new rule would replace the current bright-line, five-part test for fiduciary advice with a muddier standard that is often dependent on the specific factual circumstances and based on the reasonable -- and arguably subjective -- expectations of retirement investors. This level of uncertainty might be acceptable for a regulator seeking to maximize its enforcement tools, but it is a tough pill to swallow for an industry that needs clear rules so it can efficiently distribute retirement products and services at scale."  MORE >>

Groom Law Group, via Law360

Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

Text of IRS Form 8508: Application for a Waiver from Electronic Filing of Information Returns (PDF)

"Only the person required to file electronically can sign Form 8508. A transmitter cannot sign Form 8508 for the issuer unless a power of attorney has been established. If you have a power of attorney, attach a copy to this form."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Are You Making Benefit Determinations? Be Sure to Check the Plan Documents

"A recent district court case highlights the importance of following the terms of the plan document in making determinations on benefit claims.... After reviewing minutes from the committee meeting at which the claim was decided, the court found the committee’s decision was based on an immaterial point and not the proper standards outlined by the terms of the plan." [Franke v. Fifth Amended & Restated Newfield Exploration Company Change of Control Severance Plan, No. 21-2234 (D. Colo. Oct. 20, 2023)]  MORE >>

Haynes and Boone, LLP

Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

[Guidance Overview]

December 1 Deadline Approaches for Listed Companies to Adopt a Dodd-Frank Compliant Clawback Policy

"[L]isted companies must seek to recover erroneously awarded incentive-based compensation received by covered executives on or after October 2, 2023.... [L]isted companies have ... until December 1, 2023, to adopt a compliant policy.... [This article includes a side-by-side] comparison of the NYSE and Nasdaq notice and cure provisions for failure to adopt a compliant policy or to comply with the clawback requirements:"  MORE >>


Infosys Ransomware Breach Resolving, But Accounts Still Down

"A cybersecurity breach affecting thousands of nonqualified compensation accounts is being resolved, but participant accounts remain days away from updates and coming back online."  MORE >>

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Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Administrator, Retirement Plan Compliance
for RiversEdge Advanced Retirement Solutions

Administrator, Retirement Plan Compliance

RiversEdge Advanced Retirement Solutions

Remote / Sewickley PA

View job as Administrator, Retirement Plan Compliance for RiversEdge Advanced Retirement Solutions

View job as Junior Actuary
for Alliant Insurance

Junior Actuary

Alliant Insurance

Remote / NY

View job as Junior Actuary for Alliant Insurance

Selected New Discussions

How to Document In-Plan Conversion of After Tax Voluntary Contribution

"We administer an Owners Only 401k plan. Contributions for 2022 were $20,500 to Roth 401k and $40,500 in after-tax voluntary contributions. Participant now wants to do an in-plan conversion of after-tax voluntary contribution to a Roth account. [1] How should this transaction documented? Does the plan issue a 1099-R showing a total distribution of the current after-tax balance, with only the earnings portion as taxable ? [2] Assets are held a Schwab. Does a separate sub-account need to be set-up for the various types of in-plan conversions e.g., after tax, employer match, profit sharing etc. or can they all be 'lumped' into one account?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Vesting and Plan Merger

"I have Plan A merging into Plan B 12/31/23. Plan A has 4 year graded vesting -- less than 2 years: 0%, 2 years: 30%, 3 years: 60%, 4 years: 100%. Plan A will merge into successor plan B which has 5 year graded vesting -- less than 1 year: 0%, 1 year: 20%, 2 years: 40%, 3 years: 60%, 4 years: 80%, 5 years: 100%. For contributions accrued as of 12/31/23, I have to give participants with 3 or more years of service the right to elect to remain on the old schedule, correct? What about participants with less than 3 years -- can the old schedule continue to apply to accrued benefits even though the new schedule is better at year 1 and year 2? I am looking at the IRS example where they recommend a graded 3 year schedule even for a 0% vested participant in the accrued benefit."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

The New Fiduciary Proposal: PTE 84-24 and the Obligations of Insurance Companies


Faegre Drinker

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Text of IRS Rev. Proc. 2023-37: Qualified Pre-Approved Plans and Section 403(b) Pre-Approved Plans (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Draft of 2024 IRS Form 1099-R: Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, Etc. (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Proposed Amendments to Advice Fiduciary PTE Will Require Plan Sponsors to Monitor Compliance by Service Providers

October Three Consulting

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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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