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Retirement Plans Newsletter

November 30, 2023

5 New Job Opportunities 5 New Job Opportunities


[Official Guidance]

Text of Draft IRS Publication 571: Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans) for Employees of Public Schools and Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations (PDF)

33 pages; Nov. 29, 2023. "What's New for 2023: Retirement savings contributions credit ... Limit on elective deferrals.... Limit on annual additions.... Designated Roth nonelective contributions.... What's New for 2024: Retirement savings contributions credit.... Limit on elective deferrals.... Limit on annual additions.... Distributions for emergency personal expenses ... Distributions to a domestic abuse victim."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]


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[Guidance Overview]

Newly Released 2023 Form 5500s Reflect Significant Changes

"The new Forms and instructions reflect reporting changes that were adopted in a regulatory package issued in February of 2023.... They represent another step in the steady march by the Agencies to substantially add to the information reported on the Form 5500 and its complexity. With each new round of Form 5500 revisions, it becomes more and more clear that the Agencies view the Form 5500 as a major enforcement and oversight tool. [This article describes] the key changes in the Forms to be aware of during the 2023 Form 5500 filing season."  MORE >>

Groom Law Group

[Guidance Overview]

IRS Issues Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Proposed Regs

"The proposed regulations provide a number of helpful answers that may reduce the implementation burdens for some employers. But there are also a number of nuances that are likely to be challenging to implement by the January 1, 2024 statutory effective date of SECURE 1.0, and the January 1, 2025 effective date of SECURE 2.0."  MORE >>

Groom Law Group

Bed Bath & Beyond, Bankruptcy, and Fiduciary Litigation

"In September 2023, former employees of Bed Bath & Beyond sued members of the company's 401(k) committee ... [alleging] they lost more than $5 million following the company's bankruptcy filing in April 2023 ... The employees allege that the loss they suffered was avoidable.... [A]nalyzing the lawsuit provides an opportunity to highlight some best practices." [Harvey v Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 401(k) Savings Plan Committee, No. 23-203762 (D.N.J. complaint filed Sep. 14, 2023)]  MORE >>

Woodruff Sawyer

401(k) Recordkeeper: What They Do for Your Retirement Plan

"‍What does a 401(k) recordkeeper do? ... What does a 401(k) recordkeeper NOT do? ...What are the different types of retirement plan recordkeepers? ...What fees does a 401(k) recordkeeper charge? ... Best practices for choosing the right recordkeeper."  MORE >>


Text of Enrolled Actuaries Pension Examination EA-2, Segment F, Fall 2023 (PDF)

61 pages. Full text of Nov. 9, 2023 exam with answers, published online by IRS.  MORE >>

American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries [ASPPA]; Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries [JBEA]; Society of Actuaries


American Retirement Association Asks IRS for More Time on LTPTE Rule

"The ARA focused on three points in particular: [1] The interpretation of the vesting rule creates irreversible administrative complexities if the plan uses the LTPTE service rule; [2] Participants have entered the plan as LTPTEs in 2023, and therefore, the rule has retroactive consequences that cannot be reversed; and [3] Plan sponsors that would have LTPTEs entering for the first time in 2024 do not have sufficient time to respond by adjusting the plan design to avoid the irreversible administrative complexities introduced by the Proposed Regulation."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]


Public Pension Plans Should Not Get Into the Private Retirement Annuity Business

"A recent opinion piece ... proposes authorizing public pension systems to create a new common trust account to issue annuity-type products to private sector individuals ... The proposal ... attributes too much of ongoing retirement savings problems on a supposed distrust of private insurance agencies, and it overestimates the abilities of governments to manage this type of state-run solution."  MORE >>

Reason Foundation

Benefits in General

[Guidance Overview]

DOL Issues Final Rule Updating Davis-Bacon Regs

"The final rule affirms the requirement that contractors annualize contributions to fringe benefit plans and also provides a safe harbor for defined contribution pension plans (DCPPs) from the annualization requirement without the need to request and have the exception approved by the DOL's Wage and Hour Division (WHD). The final rule also details specific examples of circumstances under which a contractor may take credit for costs directly related to the administration of a fringe benefit plan.... The final rule updating the DBRA took effect on October 23, 2023."  MORE >>


Supreme Court Appears Ready to Deal Another Blow to Federal Agencies' Administrative Powers

"The Supreme Court appears open to reversing federal agencies' longstanding capacity to adjudicate and enforce certain federal laws, potentially dealing the latest in a series of blows to the executive branch's administrative powers. The conservative majority on the court consistently expressed skepticism toward the Biden administration's argument that existing precedent protected agencies as they adjudicated laws written by Congress, instead suggesting individuals and private entities had a right to defend themselves from civil penalties before a jury." [SEC v. Jarkesy, No. 22-859 (S.Ct. oral argument transcript and audio Nov. 29, 2023)]  MORE >>

Government Executive

Employee Benefit Programs Are Getting More Personal: Here's an Employer Self-Assessment Tool:

"To help you assess your organization's readiness to adjust its employee benefit program to better serve your people, Segal has developed a short self-assessment that you can complete in a couple of minutes. You'll receive immediate recommendations on preliminary areas you can explore to begin improving the appeal of your benefits to individuals."  MORE >>


Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

[Guidance Overview]

SEC Staff Issues New and Revised Pay-Versus-Performance Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations

"These most recent C&DIs: [1] supplement the C&DIs issued by the staff on February 10, 2023, and September 27, 2023; [2] provide additional answers to some of the questions that companies encountered in complying with the [pay-versus-performance] disclosure rules for the first time during the 2023 proxy season; and [3] clarify certain portions of the earlier C&DIs subject to the most debate."  MORE >>


Show Me The Money! Trends in Executive Compensation

"[E]xecutives are focused on creative and tax-efficient ways to maximize compensation, both now and at other inflection points throughout the year.... [The authors] dissect the executive compensation trends [expected] to continue in 2024, including considerations such as rollovers, catch-up allocations, and the emergence of the 'extra thankful' shareholder."  MORE >>


Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator (TPA) for Retirement Plan Consultants

Retirement Plan Administrator (TPA)

Retirement Plan Consultants

Remote / Norfolk NE

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator (TPA) for Retirement Plan Consultants

View job as Plan Consultant for MAP Retirement USA, LLC

Plan Consultant

MAP Retirement USA, LLC


View job as Plan Consultant for MAP Retirement USA, LLC

View job as Plan Document Specialist for MAP Retirement USA LLC

Plan Document Specialist

MAP Retirement USA LLC


View job as Plan Document Specialist for MAP Retirement USA LLC

View job as Enrolled Actuary for FuturePlan, by Ascensus

Enrolled Actuary

FuturePlan, by Ascensus


View job as Enrolled Actuary for FuturePlan, by Ascensus

View job as Defined Benefit Combo Cash Balance Compliance Consultant for Loren D.  Stark Company (LDSCO)

Defined Benefit Combo Cash Balance Compliance Consultant

Loren D. Stark Company (LDSCO)


View job as Defined Benefit Combo Cash Balance Compliance Consultant for Loren D.  Stark Company (LDSCO)

Selected New Discussions

Religious Objections to Plan Investments

"Plan has a few participants whose religion precludes them from investing in any of the plan's alternatives. There are several hundred active participants. What duty, if any, do the fiduciaries/trustees have to include a fund/funds that would be eligible under a haram/halal investing strategy? It is quite a niche corner of the investing world (at least here in the US), and funds can go from performing to underperforming quite rapidly quarter over quarter. Would the these participants have some sort of religious discrimination claim if these types of investments are not offered?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

LTPT Rules and Interns

"Starting to work my way through this. Welcome news that certain class exclusions can apply. But, they cannot be a proxy for for an age or service requirement. Consider the following: plan currently excludes interns. ALL interns work between 500 and 999 hours. My reading is that this exclusion would not be valid, and LTPT rights would need to be granted to interns that otherwise satisfy the LTPT age/service requirements. Agree/disagree? Now, if interns work various numbers of hours - some 500-999, some over 1,000, and interns are an excluded class, then it should be permissible to exclude them from LTPT requirements. Agree/disagree?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Timing of After-Tax Employee Contributions

"A sole prop established a solo 401k plan in 2023, wants to include after-tax employee contributions and do the mega-backdoor Roth with it. [1] do the after-tax contributions have to be deposited by 12/31/2023? [2] Does the Roth conversion have to be done by 12/31/2023 as well in order to be applied towards the 2023 tax year?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Industry Associations to Co-Host ERISA 50th Anniversary Symposium and Gala

ERIC [ERISA Industry Committee]

CBIZ Appointed to International Benefits Network Global Council

CBIZ, Inc.

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Getting Ready for 2024: Qualified Plans


Troutman Pepper

Bias in Pension Data


American Society of Enrolled Actuaries [ASEA]

Who is a Fiduciary? The Proposal’s Three Definitions of Fiduciary


Faegre Drinker

Update on Long-Term Part-Time Employees: Insights from the Proposed Regulations

December 1, 2023 WEBINAR

ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]

Secure 2.0: LTPT

December 6, 2023 WEBINAR

Nova 401(k) Associates

Current Issues in ERISA Litigation

January 11, 2024 WEBINAR

American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits [JCEB]

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

The Long Wait for the Long-Term Part-Time Guidance Is Over

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Key Changes Made by New IRS Guidance for Pre-Approved Plans

American Retirement Association [ARA]

SECURE 2.0 Removes the RMD Requirement for Roth 401(k) Accounts

Belfint Lyons Shuman

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