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[Guidance Overview]
401(k) Long-Term, Part Time Rules: What Employers Need to Know
"The LTPT rules will only affect 401(k) plans whose eligibility requirements require employees to complete at least 500 hours of service in a 12-month period to participate. 401(k) plans that require fewer hours -- or none at all -- will never produce a LTPT
employee ... Given the complexity of the LTPT rules, employers with part-time employees should consider liberalizing their plan's eligibility requirements if they might produce an LTPT employee in 2024 or beyond." MORE >>
Employee Fiduciary
A Tailored Solution For All Your Compliance Needs
EI's industry-leading knowledge ensures that all your compliance needs are met. Our team integrates as a supplement or extension of yours to deliver savings via rightsized staffing and flexible costing models.
[Guidance Overview]
The Long Wait Is Over for Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Guidance
"The proposed regulations provide that an LTPTE is eligible to make catch-up contributions for a taxable year, so long as the employee attains 50 before the end of the employer's taxable year. The proposed regulations also clarify that a plan may permit LTPTEs to make
designated Roth contributions." MORE >>
Sidley Austin LLP
[Guidance Overview]
The New Fiduciary Rule, Part 9: What Is an Investment?
"The DOL's expansive interpretation of covered recommendations includes any asset with investment value, any strategies for investing, and any recommendations about how to invest rollovers, transfers or withdrawals from private sector retirement plans, participant accounts
and IRAs." MORE >>
Designing a Participant Website: Tooltips and Other Help Resources Can Aid Financial Literacy
"[It] is imperative for firms to strike a delicate balance between breaking down complex information without overwhelming participants.... Plan sponsors need to ensure that participants feel engaged and motivated to actively save for retirement.... From expanding Education Hubs,
to modernized help centers and exciting site features -- like guided tours and AI chat support -- firms can continue to boost participant support by making their sites user-friendly for retirement savers of all knowledge levels." MORE >>
Corporate Insight
How Retirement Plans Can Help More Gen Z Workers Become Better Savers
"[1] Provide immediate eligibility and vesting.... Start, increase, or stretch an employer match ... [3] Implement automated plan design features (automatic: enrollment, escalation).... [4] Provide more education around other retirement savings
options ... [5] Offer more investment options ... [6] Establish financial wellness programs ... [7] Provide access to a financial professional and online financial resources[.]" MORE >>
Principal Financial Group
Navigate ERISA with Confidence: Choose EOB
EOB stands as the pinnacle of ERISA resources, providing not just information, but insight. With continuous updates and comprehensive coverage, including key decisions and new regulations, EOB empowers professionals to stay informed and ahead in their field.
Public Pensions: New Discount Rate, New Strategy?
"A recent change in actuarial reporting standards may make this an opportune moment for public pension plan sponsors to take a fresh look at their fixed income allocations.... The actuarial
reporting change ... creates a secondary implied funded status that could experience greater volatility ... Mitigating some of that volatility could be worthwhile to plans, especially if achievable within the confines of the existing investment philosophy." MORE >>
National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems [NCPERS]
Insurer Safety in Pension Risk Transfer: Analysis of NISA's Proposed Use of Credit Spreads
"[1] Policyholder losses incurred due to insurer failure are expected to be very low, even before allowing for the presence of state guaranty systems.... [2] The credit risk priced into bonds issued by insurers is not equivalent to expected policyholder losses....
[3] NISA's approach does not allow for the substantial additional protection provided by separate accounts and by the State Guaranty Association system.... [4] Plan sponsor failure is generally much more likely than that of a well rated insurance company.... [5] Credit spreads on Funding Agreement Backed Notes have limited reliability as a metric." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
DOL OIG Semi-Annual Report to Congress (PDF)
176 pages. "The OIG remains concerned about [EBSA's] ability to protect the integrity of pension, health, and other benefit plans of about 153 million workers, retirees, and their families under [ERISA]. In particular, the OIG is concerned about the statutory limitations
on EBSA's oversight authority and inadequate resources to conduct compliance and enforcement.... EBSA has limited legal authority to compel the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board to implement its recommendations, which includes enforcing its recommendations to improve the Thrift Savings Plan's cybersecurity posture." MORE >>
Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Top Heavy Test: Possible to Exclude HCE?
"We have a new plan with 2 participants. One of the participants is a 100% owner. The other one is an HCE. There have been no contributions funded to the plan so far. The owner would like to fund at least 3% to herself. Would it be possible to exclude the non-owner HCE (by
division, for example) and not have to fund the 3% Top Heavy Minimum to this participant? Or would the excluded HCE still be counted in the Top Heavy Test and therefore would have to receive the 3% minimum?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Correcting Small Late Deferral Contributions
"Have a plan that uses a recordkeeper to load contributions with the payroll company with 360 integration. A new participant had contributions withheld but the recordkeeper did not accept the contributions for the participant due to their failure to set up the participant's
account. This happened earlier this plan year and the contributions were made a month later. The total amount of late contributions is $58 and the missed contributions were corrected by back dating the contributions. The recordkeeper is telling the client they have to go through VCP and file a 5330. Is this correct?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Mercer to Acquire Vanguard's US Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Business
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Retirement Policy: Year-End Recap & What to Expect in 2024
December 19, 2023 WEBINAR
Groom Law Group
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
The Dirty Secret About Collective Investment Trusts
Fiduciary News; free registration required
The Anatomy of a Qualified Replacement Plan
Ferenczy Benefits Law Center
Checking It Twice: End of Year Actions for Benefit Plans (PDF)
Eversheds Sutherland
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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