3 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
DOL Publishes Agenda and Registration Information for Online Hearing on Proposed Retirement Security Rule, Related Proposed Exemption Amendments
"[EBSA] has published an agenda for its upcoming online hearing on the
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 'Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary,' and related proposed prohibited transaction exemption amendments. The online hearing will be held Dec. 12 and Dec. 13 ... To view the online hearing, registration is required.... Register now for the Dec. 12 hearing and the Dec. 13 hearing." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
Next-Level Health & Welfare Administration
FTW & RTO Benefits have partnered to deliver the most advanced solution to the Health & Welfare market. Together we’re redefining Health & welfare compliance. Learn More!
[Official Guidance]
Text of 2023 IRS Form 8606: Nondeductible IRAs (PDF)
"Complete this part only if one or more of the following apply. [1] You made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA for 2023. [2] You took distributions from a traditional, traditional SEP, or traditional SIMPLE IRA in 2023 and you made nondeductible
contributions to a traditional IRA in 2023 or an earlier year.... [3] You converted part, but not all, of your traditional, traditional SEP, and traditional SIMPLE IRAs to Roth, Roth SEP, or Roth SIMPLE IRAs in 2023 and you made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA in 2023 or an earlier year." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Notice 2023-79: 2023 Required Amendments List for Individually Designed Qualified and Section 403(b) Plans (PDF)
"Part A. Changes in requirements that generally would require an amendment to most plans or to most plans of the type affected by the change. None. "Part B. Other changes in requirements that may require an amendment. None." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
Use of Retirement Plan Forfeitures: The IRS Proposed Regs, Recent Litigation, and the DOL's Position
"This post first briefly describes what a forfeiture is, what the 2023 Proposed Regulations provide, and what the pending lawsuits allege, then explores why the DOL's position on the use of forfeitures might differ from the IRS's. With the applicability date for the 2023
Proposed Regulations approaching, this post is also a reminder for plan sponsors to confirm that their retirement plans, in operation, comply with the regulations and that the plan documents reflect how the plans are operated." MORE >>
Verrill Dana LLP
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Proposes 401(k) Plan Regulations Implementing Long-Term Part-Time Employee Eligibility Requirements
"[T]he proposed regulations, which would apply for plan years starting on or after January 1, 2024, do not seem to permit good-faith reliance on the statute instead of the proposed rules.... The proposed rules include a significant level of detail and illustrate many of the
operational challenges associated with administering the long-term part-time employee rules. Some plan sponsors may want to explore plan design changes that would ... avoid some of the tricky service crediting and vesting requirements[.]" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Publishes Long-Awaited Guidance on Long-Term, Part‑Time Employees
"[T]he proposed regulations: [1] Define the term 'LTPT employee.' [2] Clarify when LTPT employees must be permitted to make salary deferrals to a 401(k) plan ... [3] Provide special vesting rules for employer contributions made on behalf of LTPT
employees. [4] Describe special rules for 'former LTPT employees.' [5] Specify the available nondiscrimination testing and coverage elections." MORE >>
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
SECURE 2.0 Corrections Drafted by Congress
"[The proposed bill] corrects the most egregious error of SECURE 2.0: accidentally removing catch-up contributions, starting in
2024.... The corrections bill would also explicitly tie the maximum contribution amount for Starter 401(k) plans to the annual maximum for individual retirement accounts.... [T]he provision in SECURE 2.0 changing required mandatory distributions would also be corrected to reflect the intent of the drafters, which was to increase the age to 73 starting on January 1, 2023, and age 75 starting on January 1, 2033." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
DOL Sends Proposed Automatic Portability Exemption to OMB
"The Office of Management and Budget has received a proposed rule from the [DOL] titled 'Exemption for Certain Automatic Portability Transactions' [1210-AC21].... SECURE 2.0 adds a statutory exemption under section 4975 of the Internal Revenue Code for the receipt of fees and compensation by the automatic portability provider ... [and directs] DOL to issue regulations necessary to implement this feature." MORE >>
Empowering America's Financial Journey: Third Annual Study of Retirement Plan Participant Behaviors (PDF)
45 pages. "Retirement plan savings remain steady, but few Americans feel they are saving enough.... Workplace savers using managed accounts are saving 27% more and are more engaged with their retirement plans than target date fund users.... Loan and hardship withdrawals are on
the rise.... Gen Zers entering the workforce during a particularly challenging economic environment may need more targeted support with their finances and retirement planning." MORE >>
The Future of DC: Personalized Investing
"[T]he emerging ability to capture and integrate recordkeeper data at the individual participant level will power further improvements in portfolio personalization, both for managed accounts and TDFs alike.... [T]his will ... further improve the argument for the use of
managed accounts as a QDIA in that investment portfolios would be modified as needed based on differences not just in age but also individual retirement readiness relative to their age cohort when defaulted without any participant engagement." MORE >>
Wilshire Associates
The Effect of a Universal Automatic IRA with Emergency Savings on Household Wealth
"The report's modeling showed that the effects of a universal Auto IRA with emergency savings on household savings are substantial. Employees who saved in such an account across all working ages experienced a significant improvement in net wealth as well as in liquid funds
available for financial emergencies." MORE >>
GAO Report: Railroad Retirement Board Could Strengthen Plans to Address Key Management Challenges
"The Railroad Retirement Board [RRB] handles retirement and other benefits for railroad workers and their families. But the Board's programs are at risk for fraud and abuse and the agency faces a looming wave of retirements and aging IT systems.... This report examines the
extent to which RRB has addressed its key operational challenges[.]" [GAO-24-105545] MORE >>
U.S. Government Accountability Office [GAO]
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
Employee Benefits Update, December 2023 (PDF)
16 pages. Articles include: [1] No-gag clause rule update; [2] DOL And IRS finalize changes to Form 5500; [3] Tightening the screws on mental health parity enforcement; [4] Increase in actuarial equivalence lawsuits; [5] U.S. Supreme Court declines to
resolve split regarding enforceability of ERISA plan arbitration provisions [6] Is your health plan secure? [7] The aftermath of Hughes V. Northwestern University; and [8] Will AI replace ERISA counsel? MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
LTPT Eligibility
"I have seen this statement, or similar wording, in several places, and I think I must be misunderstanding something. If the pre-approved plan language for eligibility allows for, say, '3 consecutive months of service from the Eligible Employee's employment
commencement date and during which at least 250 hours of service (not to exceed 1,000) Hours of Service are completed. If an Eligible Employee does not complete the stated Hours of Service during the specified time period, the Employee is subject to the 1 Year of Service requirement....' So, if an employee works less than 250 hours in that first three month period, they become subject to the 1 year of service requirement. Suppose they
work 600 hours during the next 3 (or [2] consecutive plan years. Why would they not be considered LTPT? "The LTPT rules will only affect 401(k) plans whose eligibility requirements require employees to complete at least 500 hours of service in a 12-month period
to participate. 401(k) plans that require fewer hours -- or none at all -- will never produce a LTPT employee, making the new rules moot."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Correcting Missed Opportunity to Defer Before ACP for Plan Year Is Known
"We are correcting a missed opportunity to defer for 2023. We owe the employee a QNEC based on 50% of the ADP for the employee's group (NHCE) multiplied by the employee's compensation. The problem is, we don't know the ADP for 2023 yet. We'd like to correct
immediately. Is there another way to determine the missed deferral opportunity, or do we just wait until the Plan Year closes out to correct? I know it's nearly the end of the year, but there has to be some alternative (e.g. a situation where we are trying to correct mid-year, rather than in December) other than waiting until the Plan Year's ADP is known -- right?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Deferral Starting Date When Payroll Date and Plan Entry Date Not in Sync
"For plans that have 401k entry on the first of month after meeting eligibliity, which payroll do they start it with when twice monthly payroll at the end of the prior month is on, say the 5th? that payroll which is paid after date of eligibliity or the next one which includes
the date of eligibility for which payroll is run?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
IRI Announces 2023 Federal Champion of Retirement Security Award Recipients
Insured Retirement Institute [IRI]
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Getting Secure in the SECURE Act 2.0
December 19, 2023 WEBINAR
Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP [SGR]
Happy Birthday ERISA – 50 Has (Never?) Looked Better!
January 25, 2024 in TX
Worldwide Employee Benefits Network [WEB] - Dallas Chapter
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0 Provisions for Defined Benefit Plans
Thompson Hine LLP, via Bloomberg Law
SECURE 2.0 Act Technical Corrections Discussion Draft Released
Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives
New Guidance on Rules for Long-Term, Part-Time Employees in 401(k) Plans
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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