3 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of 2023 Instructions for IRS Form 8915-D: Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments (PDF)
"What's New: The repayment period for a qualified 2019 disaster distribution ends 3 years and 1 day after the distribution was received.... Repayments reported on 2023 Form 8915-D can be used to reduce the income reportable on your 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023 tax return,
as applicable ... Roth SEP and Roth SIMPLE IRAs have been added to the list of eligible retirement plans as of January 1, 2023." [Also available: 2023 Form 8915-D] MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
EOB: The Definitive Source
Experience ERISA clarity like never before with EOB. It's where the latest regulations and complex legalities become accessible and manageable. EOB offers ongoing updates and over 40,000 source links, making it the indispensable tool for industry professionals.
[Guidance Overview]
Proposed Regs for Long-Term Part-Time Employees: Act Now
"[1] Plan administration changes are required now -- but plan amendments can wait.... [2] How to identify LTPT employees.... [3] Catch-up and Roth deferrals.... [4] No requirement to provide LTPT employees with employer contributions.... [5] Special
vesting rules for employer contributions allocated to LTPT employees.... [6] Exclusion of LTPT employees from nondiscrimination testing.... [7] Elapsed time plans.... 8. 403(b) Plans." MORE >>
Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issues Proposed Regs for Long-Term, Part-Time Employees
"[E]mployers should consider the pros and cons of amending their plan's eligibility requirements to avoid the application of the LTPT employee rules.... [T]he proposed regulations provide that employers may change their eligibility requirements in operation and generally need
not formally amend their plans for such changes until the end of the 2025 plan year, when other amendments for SECURE 2.0 are required." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Proposed Regs for Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Participation in 401(k) Plans
"Many plans provide for the application of the actual hours method for hourly employees and an equivalency method for salaried employees. One would expect the typical LTPT employee to be paid on an hourly basis, but the plan sponsor should apply the service crediting method it
would normally use based on the classification of the potential LTPT employee." MORE >>
Verrill Dana LLP
[Guidance Overview]
The New Fiduciary Rule, Part 10: What is An Investment?
"[T]he key point to be derived from the second definition of covered recommendations is that the DOL is taking a very broad approach to the types of recommendations that will be fiduciary in nature. In other words, for those types of recommendations to private sector retirement
plans and participants in those plans. As a result, advisers and agents will need to engage in prudent processes to develop recommendations that are informed and in the best interest of the retirement investors." MORE >>
Cybersecurity, AI Applications to Be Top Priorities for Plan Sponsors
"Managing cybersecurity risk will move up plan sponsors' priority list in 2024, according to a new report from Mercer ... Mercer encouraged record keepers to migrate to the cloud and integrate AI capabilities into the analysis and provision of comparative plan
information. Vendors that fail to do this will 'struggle to engage plan sponsors,' the report warned.... Mercer ... also anticipates that plan sponsors will continue to outsource components of DC plan management, if not all aspects of it." MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
All-Equity Portfolio Beats Bonds in Retirement Plans
"A group of academics set out to test time-honored investing advice that says a diversified portfolio of bonds and stocks is the best way to save for the future. What they found across a sample of three dozen countries over 130 years was that a mix of half domestic, half
international equities actually beat blended portfolios in both money made and capital preserved." MORE >>
Financial Advisor
Is This a Good Time to Buy That Single Premium Immediate Life Annuity?
"[I]mplied interest rates (rates of return) on SPIAs have generally increased somewhat in the past three months and are higher than they have been for some time.... [Tables] show monthly life annuity quotes for males of different ages per $100,000 of premium ... as of
December 10, 2023 and September 17, 2023." MORE >>
Ken Steiner, FSA Retired
Wealth Professionals and Groups Testifying at DOL Hearing
"With the requests to testify and the hearing agenda for Dec. 12 and 13 posted on the agency's website, [the authors] gathered excerpts from the most substantive preview filings by panel participants.... The testimony reflects a wide spectrum of views on the potential
changes to the definition of 'fiduciary' advice to 401(k), IRA and other retirement savers in rollover transactions and certain insurance sales." MORE >>
Financial Planning
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
Summary of 2024 Benefit-Related Cost-of-Living Adjustments (PDF)
"The IRS, [PBGC], Social Security Administration, and [CMS] have issued 2024 cost-of-living adjustments for retirement, health and fringe benefit plans; Medicare; and Social Security and Supplemental Security income. Puerto Rico's Treasury Department has not yet announced
2024 limits for retirement plans qualified in Puerto Rico, but those figures are tied to US limits." MORE >>
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Nonqualified Compensation Accounts Back Online After Infosys Breach
"A cybersecurity breach affecting the U.S.-based division of ... Infosys BPM Ltd., shut down some national providers of nonqualified compensation plans and insurance providers starting November 2. At least some of those accounts are fixed and back online
now[.]" MORE >>
2023 Year-End Planning for Stock Compensation and NQDC
"[This checklist] summarizes what you need for comprehensive year-end and year-start planning with stock compensation and company stock holdings." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Require Full Distribution at Required Beginning Date?
"How do most 401(k) plans handle RMDs when the plan's only form of payment is a single lump sum? Do they require full distribution upon a participant reaching his or her Required Beginning Date? And if so, how do they handle it if a Participant does not request a full
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Missed Opportunity To Defer -- Is There a De Minimis Exception?
"We accidentally treated part-time employees as excluded from the Plan. Luckily, this problem is only recent -- we didn't have any part-timers until last year (which partially explains why we didn't know how to treat them). Based on our calculations, to correct for
these employees (there are only 4 of them), we are looking at small QNEC amounts -- at most $400, but as little as ~$100. These employees don't currently have any accounts -- do we need to create accounts and contribute these small amounts to each of them? Is there a rule where we don't have to make QNECs (and open new accounts) if the amount is below a certain threshold? I know there are de minimis rules for overpayments
and excess amounts, but I don't see anything for QNECs related to improperly excluded employees. I appreciate any guidance."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
PatientRightsAdvocate.org Launches Hospital Price Files Finder
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Ethics of a Takeover
December 19, 2023 WEBINAR
American Society of Enrolled Actuaries [ASEA]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Use of Retirement Plan Forfeitures: The IRS Proposed Regs, Recent Litigation, and the DOL's Position
Verrill Dana LLP
Text of IRS Notice 2023-79: 2023 Required Amendments List for Individually Designed Qualified and Section 403(b) Plans (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Employee Benefits Update, December 2023 (PDF)
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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