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Retirement Plans Newsletter

December 21, 2023

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Long-Term, Part-Time Proposed Rule for Certain DC Plans

"Plans that may want to avoid the LTPT rules by allowing all employees to make elective contributions immediately may find that, if they don't act quickly, some of their employees are already LTPT employees.... [U]nder the proposed regulations ... the plan will have to continue treating them as LTPT employees and vest after 500 hours even though other employees will not be credited with years of service for vesting purposes until they attain 1,000 hours."  MORE >>


Year-End Reminders for Plan Sponsors

"[S]end required notifications to all participants, including fee disclosures, benefit statements, and the summary annual report.... Remind your employees of their benefits ... Audit employee information.... Ensure required deposits are made by the deadline.... Keep well-organized records ... Review plan fees for competitiveness."  MORE >>


Year End Fiduciary Checkup

"While certain fiduciary duties only arise every several years such as contract negotiations and RFPs, many other duties entail regular attention and ongoing review such as regularly monitoring the performance of investment funds and diligently keeping minutes of fiduciary actions."  MORE >>

Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL

Re-Evaluating Market-Based Cash Balance Plans in Light of SECURE 2.0

"SECURE 2.0 ... allow[s] sponsors to use a 'reasonable projection' of how plan assets are expected to perform, with that reasonable projection capped at 6%.... This new guidance helps alleviate concerns sponsors had on a variety of compliance-related fronts minimum participation rules, accrual rules, non-discrimination testing, and maximum benefits."  MORE >>


Senators Seek to Mitigate Potential AI Threats to Financial Markets

"[Proposed] legislation requires the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to coordinate financial regulators' response to threats to the stability of the markets posed by AI ... S 3554 would also require FSOC to identify gaps in existing regulations and exam standards that could hinder effective responses to AI threats and implement specific recommendations to address those gaps."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]


Navigate ERISA with Confidence: Choose EOB

EOB stands as the pinnacle of ERISA resources, providing not just information, but insight. With continuous updates and comprehensive coverage, including key decisions and new regulations, EOB empowers professionals to stay informed and ahead in their field.

Sponsored by ASPPA

Milliman Pension Buyout Index, December 2023

"Estimated competitive retiree buyout cost, as a percentage of accounting liability, decreased by 10 bps from 101.9% to 101.8% during November."  MORE >>



New Disclosure Rules Expose Bad Actuarial Finance; Obscure Trillions of Public Pension Debt

"[M]any prominent and influential public pension actuaries are rejecting this opportunity to educate their clients and the public about how much worse the funding of public pensions is versus what's commonly reported. Instead, these actuaries have aligned with major public pension advocacy groups in developing a toolkit as part of a campaign to help actuaries and public officials divert attention from the significance and implications of the new figure."  MORE >>

Larry Pollack, via The Opinion Pages


Why the DOL Hearings Generated More Heat Than Light

"[R]ecent hearings on the DOL's proposed fiduciary rules generated more heat than light because most participants failed to note that the word 'fiduciary' means and requires different things in different contexts.... [C]hanging the definition of ERISA-fiduciary to encompass virtually anyone who makes a recommendation about retirement savings is not an effective way to help consumers. It would actually water down the meaning of 'fiduciary' by forcing its application to salespeople who are not fiduciaries in other contexts."  MORE >>


Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

Text of IRS Publication 15-A: Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide, for Use in 2024 (PDF)

28 pages. Reminders include: [1] Form W-4P and Form W-4R; [2] Disaster tax relief; [3] Moving expense reimbursements; [4] No federal income tax withholding on disability payments for injuries incurred as a direct result of a terrorist attack directed against the United States; [5] Electronic submission of Forms W-4 and W-4P; [6] Electronic submission of Forms W-4R, W-4S, and W-4V.  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

A Comprehensive Funding Policy: The Recommended Instrument for Navigating Public Plan Funding (PDF)

"A funding policy can help achieve and sustain the long-term financial health of a pension or OPEB plan, especially by offering stability and guidance to decision making in periods of extreme economic volatility. A funding policy should be consistently applied, but it should also allow for the possibility of revisions should the need arise. Establishing and adopting a funding policy is one aspect of good governance."  MORE >>


DOL Releases New Regulatory Agenda

"The agenda now includes the August 2023 Request for Information (RFI) entitled 'SECURE 2.0 Reporting and Disclosure' ... Two items also stemming from SECURE 2.0 have advanced to the Proposed Rule stage on the agenda.... Two proposed rules have advanced to the final rule stage.... Other items on and off the agenda."  MORE >>

Miller & Chevalier

Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

Fifth Circuit Sets Aside SEC Share Repurchase Disclosure Rule

"The disclosure regime under the rule would have made it more difficult for corporations to initiate a buyback program on the basis that their stock was undervalued. Similarly, the rule would have revealed if buyback programs were motivated by executive compensation schemes related to stock pricing." [U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. SEC, No. 23-60255 (5th Cir. Dec. 19, 2023)]  MORE >>


How Markets and Economic Uncertainty Impact Year-End Planning 2023 for Stock Options, RSUs, and ESPPs

"Approaches ... for down or volatile stock prices include harvesting capital gains and tax losses.... [O]ther strategies involve converting pre-tax IRAs to Roth IRAs.... [W]hen stock prices are down 'there may be opportunities such as exercising more incentive stock options (ISOs) without triggering the AMT.' ... Multi-year planning is key ... to consider whether to exercise stock options this year or next, and to know what RSUs are vesting or performance share grants may pay out."  MORE >>

Phantom Stock Plans: Are They Really That Spooky? (PDF)

"What is a phantom stock plan? ... Why is phantom equity more preferable than actual equity for a company? ... When should a company offer a phantom stock program? ... When should a company not offer a phantom stock program? ... How does a phantom stock plan work? ... How is the value of a phantom stock unit determined? ... When is payment of the value in the phantom stock made to the executive? ... What are the tax implications of phantom stock?"  MORE >>

Ice Miller, via Employee Benefit Plan Review

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator for Corporate Headquarters

Retirement Plan Administrator

Corporate Headquarters

Remote / Lancaster PA

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator for Retirement Solutions Specialists

Retirement Plan Administrator

Retirement Solutions Specialists

Remote / Jacksonville FL / Hybrid

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator for Retirement Solutions Specialists

View job as Operations Analyst for American Trust Retirement

Operations Analyst

American Trust Retirement

Lexington KY / Hybrid

View job as Operations Analyst for American Trust Retirement

Selected New Discussions

401(m) Coverage Failure in 403(b) Plan

"A non-governmental 403(b) plan has no class exclusions for elective deferrals so everyone is eligible to participate. The plan has several class exclusions for match -- of course they are all NHCE and the plan fails the ratio percentage test -- the average benefits test is even worse. We can get the ratio percentage test to pass with an 11g amendment to bring-in one of the excluded classes. My question: if none of these employees being brought-in by the 11g amendment elected to defer, is the plan sponsor required to give them a contribution? If so, how is it calculated?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Converting a DB Plan Into a Cash Balance Plan

"I have a new client that has a traditional DB Plan that started in '21. They want to convert that into a Cash Balance Plan. Is there a way to simply restate the Plan (which we need to do anyway) and convert it into a CB? Or do we need to terminate and start a new plan?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Start Date for 401(k) Plan Short Year

"Is any date acceptable for a traditional 401-k plan to start a plan and have a short plan year? (assume all notices have been given to employees). Does it have to be beginning of month? Quarter? or could for example, it be December 20th? Thanks"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Plan Benchmarking



SECURE for 403(b) Plans

January 18, 2024 WEBINAR


New DOL Fiduciary Rule: Key Provisions of the New Regulations and Challenges for Counsel, Plan Sponsors, and Service Providers

January 24, 2024 WEBINAR


Demystifying Executive Compensation

January 25, 2024 WEBINAR

American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits [JCEB]

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Text of IRS Notice 2024-02: Miscellaneous Changes Under the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Text of IRS Notice 2024-03: 2023 Cumulative List of Changes in Plan Qualification Requirements for Defined Contribution Qualified Pre-Approved Plans (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

IRS Guidance Leaves Little Time for Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Changes

McDermott Will & Emery

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