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[Guidance Overview]
How IRS Notice 2024-35 Affects Beneficiaries
"There are still unanswered questions surrounding this guidance, including ... [1] Will designated beneficiaries and successor beneficiaries who do not take their 2021, 2022, or 2023 life expectancy payments be required to take those payments in the future? ...
[2] Are amounts that would have been distributed to satisfy a 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024 life expectancy payment still considered an RMD for other purposes (e.g., rollovers)?" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Proposed Rule on Automatic Portability: Considerations for Plan Fiduciaries
"The plan administrator is required to include a description of the automatic portability program in their [SPD], including fees and expenses.... The plan fiduciaries are required to ensure that the portability provider's fees are not excessive and that its services are
prudent to retain.... Transfer-in plan administrators must designate a 'plan official' who is responsible for monitoring incoming automatic portability transfers ... [T]he plan administrator retains its obligations under the DOL's 2020 cybersecurity guidance to assess the portability provider's data protection and privacy program and monitor it on an ongoing basis." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
[Guidance Overview]
Reasons to Avoid SECURE 2.0 Emergency Savings Accounts
"A better alternative under SECURE 2.0 might be the provision that allows a plan participant a one-time penalty-free withdrawal of up to $1,000 from their retirement savings account. This provision is easy to implement and carries no added fiduciary responsibility. It also
removes the added administrative burden of creating and maintaining a separate sidecar account." MORE >>
Hall Benefits Law
DOL Expected to Release Final Investment Advice Fiduciary Rule on April 23
"The American Retirement Association has confirmed that the [DOL] will release the fiduciary rule, officially called the Retirement Security Rule, on Tuesday [April 23].... EBSA is 'very focused' on releasing a rule that considers ... the change in landscape
[since 1975] and the need to protect retirement investors from harmful conflicts of interest and imprudent investment recommendations." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
What Is Cross-Testing and Is It Worth the Cost?
"Using a number of factors, including actuarial tables and current participant age and compensation, each participant's contribution is converted to an 'equivalent benefit at retirement' (EBAR).... [C]ross-tested plans allow sponsors to provide different benefits to
different groups or classes of employees, even going so far as allowing them to treat everyone individually when designing their allocation!" MORE >>
Benefit Resources Inc.
Public Pension Funded Ratio Rises in March, Reaching Highest Mark in Two Years
"A second consecutive month of overall positive market performance in March increased the Milliman 100 [Public Pension Funding Index (PPFI)] funded ratio from 78.6% at the end of February to 79.7% as of March 31. This marks the highest level since March 31, 2022, when
the funded status stood at 82.7%. The PPFI plans returned an estimated 1.7% in aggregate for March 2024, with individual plan returns ranging from an estimated 0.9% to 2.6% for the month." MORE >>
The ‘Catch’ in the Saver’s Match
"Perhaps the most significant enhancement is that -- unlike the Saver's Credit -- you don't have to owe taxes in order to be eligible.... [W]hile the Saver's Credit simply offset taxes owed (and thus put no new money in the worker's hands), the
Saver's Match will actually be deposited to a qualified retirement account -- employment-based or IRA.... You don't have to think long about the mechanics involved to find yourself saying 'how in the world are 'they' going to do that?' " MORE >>
Data 'Points'
Benefits in General |
Student Loans and Educational Benefits
"Recent legal changes have expanded the scope of employer-provided tax-advantaged educational assistance benefits to cover student loan repayment. This advisory outlines some of the newest options and provides a refresher on how existing benefits are used." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Contribution Eligibility with Combo Profit Sharing and Cash Balance Plans
"Generally I know Profit Sharing Plans say that someone needs to be employed on the last day of the Plan Year + work 1,000 hours in order to be eligible. What happens if it's a combo plan tested together? [1] Still employed but works less than 1,000 hours -- My
understanding is that they don't get the Cash Balance Contribution (as per the Plan), but they still get the 7.5% gateway. [2] Worked over 1,000 hours but terminated employment -- They still get the Cash Balance Plan, but I don't believe they get the Profit Sharing Am I correct on these two statements?"
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The American College of Employee Benefits Counsel® Announces Opening of Competition for Best Simplification Proposal of 2024
American College of Employee Benefits Counsel
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Equity and Executive Compensation Issues for Technology Companies
May 16, 2024 WEBINAR
Vinson & Elkins
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
DOL's Voluntary Information Collection for the Retirement Savings Lost and Found
A Financial Planning Checklist, from Age 20 to 70 and Beyond
DOL Proposes 'Voluntary' Retirement Savings Lost and Found Information Collection Rules
October Three Consulting
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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