3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
HIPAA Final Rule Requires Changes for Group Health Plans in Supporting Reproductive Health Care Privacy
"While most PHI related to reproductive health care will remain in the hands of third-party administrators and insurance carriers, the new rules will require action on the part of employers with self-funded group health plans (or insured plans with access to PHI) by Dec. 22, 2024.... [E]mployers will need to: [1] Provide training; [2] Revise policies and procedures; [3] Update the Notice of Privacy Practices (by February 16, 2026); [4] Develop an attestation form." MORE >>
Register Now: ERISA at 50 -- Where Employee Benefits Law is Headed
Join WEB Network's webinar on June 20: panelists who have been involved with ERISA since its early days will discuss why and how ERISA was adopted, the growth of employee protections over the years, and how ERISA might be further expanded.
[Guidance Overview]
HHS FAQs Address Change Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident (PDF)
"The FAQs specifically point to OCR's ransomware guidance, which has information on actions for regulated entities to take
to determine if a ransomware incident is a breach (which is a fact-specific determination). OCR highlights that if covered entities are aware of a potential breach by a business associate, there is an obligation to proactively investigate whether a breach occurred, and report the breach to HHS, impacted individuals, and in certain cases, the media." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
[Guidance Overview]
Can an Employee Drop a DCAP Election Midyear If Free Childcare Becomes Available? (PDF)
"Yes, provided that your plan document has been drafted as expansively as IRS rules allow regarding midyear election changes due to changes in cost or coverage. The rules apply broadly to dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), permitting midyear election changes in a variety
of circumstances involving changes in care providers or in the cost of care." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
[Guidance Overview]
Agencies Change Surprise Billing IDR Resubmission Procedures Effective May 1, 2024
"Starting on May 1, 2024, certified IDR entities will notify parties through an email from the Federal IDR portal that a dispute is eligible for resubmission due to improper batching or bundling ... If the recipient initiated the dispute, the resubmission email
notification will contain a unique link to a new form called the Notice of IDR Initiation ... Initiating parties have four business days from the date of the resubmission email notification to resubmit a dispute." MORE >>
Solutions Law Press
Transgender Health Care Must Be Paid for by State Insurance, Fourth Circuit Says
"The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., issued its decision about two cases. One was brought by North Carolina state employees and their dependents who are transgender and were unable to get coverage for gender-affirming care. The other lawsuit came from West
Virginians who are transgender and on Medicaid. They could get coverage for some treatments -- like hormones -- but not for surgery." [Anderson v. Crouch, No. 22-1721 (4th Cir. Apr. 29, 2024)] MORE >>
National Public Radio [NPR]
UnitedHealth's CEO Slammed in Senate Hearing About Cyberattack
"In a tense Senate hearing ... lawmakers sharply criticized UnitedHealth Group's handling of the cyberattack that
paralyzed the U.S. health care system ... [S]enators questioned whether the cyberattack of Change Healthcare, which manages a third of all U.S. patient records and some 15 billion transactions a year, was so vast because UnitedHealth is too deeply embedded in nearly every aspect of the nation's medical care." MORE >>
The New York Times; subscription may be required
Preventing the Next Big Cyberattack on U.S. Health Care
"The cyberattack on Change Healthcare that devastated the U.S. health care sector made painfully clear that much more needs to be done to address vulnerabilities that exist throughout the ecosystem. This article offers five actions that can go a long way to improving
cybersecurity throughout the sector and make it much more resilient." MORE >>
Harvard Business Review; purchase required for full article
Senator Asks Regulators to Investigate Possible Collusion in Health Care Pricing
"Recent revelations about a data analytics firm's role in determining medical payments have heightened concerns about possible price fixing in health care and led to a call for a federal investigation.... Senator Amy Klobuchar asked federal regulators to examine whether algorithms used by the firm, MultiPlan, have helped major health insurers conspire to cut payments to doctors and leave patients with large bills." MORE >>
The New York Times; subscription may be required
Proposed State and Federal PBM Legislation: Is There Reason for Action Now?
"[E]xposing PBMs' opaque business practices and imposing regulatory constraints will remain a top priority for regulators.... Even before a statutory or regulatory elimination of spread pricing, health plans should begin to consider now how this change could impact current
and future PBM contracts ... [It] may be worthwhile to consider now the various channels for PBM profit available under your PBM contract, and whether you can begin to limit/narrow (or consider limiting/narrowing) those avenues for PBM remuneration that exceed the scope of 'bona fide service fees.' " MORE >>
Wiley Rein LLP
Measuring the Sentiments of Individuals with Employer-Provided Coverage (PDF)
38 pages. "89% of survey respondents said their EPC has a provider network that includes options that are convenient for them.... One in five respondents reported using a cost comparison tool. Among those who did, almost 60% say it changed their behavior and some chose less
expensive treatment options.... Most people were aware that their employer-provided plan covers preventative services at no out-of-pocket cost, but awareness varied by age, health status, and urbanicity." MORE >>
America's Health Insurance Plans [AHIP]
Benefits in General |
Training Benefits Teams to Work with the Retirement Plan Looks Different for Every Organization
"[T]raining HR and benefits staff to understand the innerworkings of a retirement plan is a vital and ongoing task for employers, especially for those who manage smaller teams made up of mainly generalists who do not have prior retirement-plan experience." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Analysis of FTC Non-Compete Ban Legal Challenges: Does the Ban Pass Constitutional Muster? (And Other Issues)
"[T]he legal challenges assert that the Noncompete Rule upends centuries of established contract law as noncompetes have been enforceable contracts since before the Nation's founding. Indeed, enforcement of non-competes has been a feature of English common law since the early
18th century ... This raises the question of whether the purported benefit of the Noncompete Rule to workers and the economy as a whole touted by the Agency outweighs the costs to employers who have long relied on the expectation of enforceable noncompetes to protect their specialized training, investment, and confidential information ... Ultimately, [the authors] believe ... that the FTC's Noncompete Rule is unlikely to
be upheld in its current form." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs
Press Releases |
PenChecks, Inc. Onboards New Southeast Regional Director
PenChecks Trust
Alliant Insurance Services’ Employee Benefits Practice Welcomes SVP, Producer Dave Ratcliffe
Alliant Insurance Services
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Everything You Need to Know About Your New Fiduciary Responsibilities Under The Consolidated Appropriations Act
Taking the Human out of Human Resources? Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Employment Setting
May 14, 2024 WEBINAR
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Text of Agency FAQs, Part 67: No Surprises Act Implementation (PDF)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]; U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]; and U.S. Treasury Department
New HIPAA Rules Limit the Use and Disclosure of PHI Related to Reproductive Health Care and Revise Notice of Privacy Practices Requirements
Kutak Rock LLP
When Mid-Year Election Changes Are Effective
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BenefitsLink® Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9595.
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