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Retirement Plans Newsletter

May 17, 2024

6 New Job Opportunities 6 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

New DOL Guidance Extends Abandoned Plan Program to Bankruptcy Trustees

"Before these regulatory updates, Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustees were ineligible to use the Abandoned Plan Program, despite being responsible for administering retirement plan functions on behalf of bankrupt entities ... Using the program's streamlined process, these trustees can now reduce the time and resources needed to wind up a bankrupt company's retirement plan, the department added."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

[Guidance Overview]

DOL Releases Interim Final Rule for Abandoned Plans

"The DOL proposes to improve the Abandoned Plans Program by expanding coverage to ERISA plans affected by Chapter 7 bankruptcy  ... The rule also makes other changes, including modifying the Special Terminal Report for Abandoned Plans (STRAP) that qualified termination administrators (QTAs) file with the DOL, and will make an optional online method available for filing the STRAP and other notices."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

DOL's Controversial Retirement Security Rule Faces Immediate Legal Challenge

"DOL has expressed concern that the 'regular basis' and 'mutual agreement' prongs of the prior Five-Part Test 'worked to defeat legitimate retirement investor expectation of impartial advice' and attempted to close these perceived loopholes in the Retirement Security Rule.  ... On May 2, 2024 (or 9 days after the Final Rule was adopted), the FACC filed its complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas." [Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice Inc. v. DOL, No. 24-0163 (E.D. Tex. complaint filed May 2, 2024)]   MORE >>

Jackson Lewis P.C.

[Guidance Overview]

IRS Extends Relief from RMD Rules in 2024

"[B]eneficiaries who would otherwise be required to take a 'specified RMD' in 2024 ... will not be subject to the excise tax for failure to take such RMD.... [A] plan will not be treated as having failed to satisfy the RMD requirements because it did not make a specified RMD. The definition of a specified RMD is aligned with the IRS's definition of a specified RMD in the 2022 Notice and 2023 Notice, except that it is extended to RMDs for 2024 relating to deaths that occurred in 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023."  MORE >>

Kilpatrick Townsend

Court Certifies ERISA Class Action Challenging CITGO Pension Actuarial Assumptions

"[A] federal judge certified a class of more than 1,700 participants and beneficiaries in two of CITGO Petroleum Corporation's pension plans.... The lawsuit against CITGO alleges that the Houston-based gas and energy giant violated [ERISA] by failing to properly calculate joint and survivor annuity ('JSA') benefits for retired employees and imposing a 'marriage penalty' that reduced their monthly pension payments." [Urlaub v. Citgo Petroleum Corp., No. 21-4133 (N.D. Ill. May 16, 2024)]  MORE >>

Cohen Milstein

Issues on the DOL's Radar for Employee Benefit Plans

"[1] Requirement to timely file an Annual Report with the [DOL] ... [2] Use of forfeitures in 401(k) plans ... [3] Expected pension de-risking report ... [4] Adequate consideration rule ... [5] Locating lost participants."  MORE >>

Foley & Lardner LLP

Employee Perspectives on SECURE 2.0 Emergency Expense Provisions (PDF)

12 pages. "Commonwealth conducted focus groups with 20 workers earning [low and moderate incomes] ... Respondents reacted positively to both the $1,000 withdrawal option and the $2,500 [PLESA], but expressed a preference for the $2,500 option when asked to choose.... Employers and retirement plan providers who choose to use automatic enrollment within the PLESA must be clear and thoughtful about how they communicate it to employees to minimize concerns.... While participants don't expect to withdraw frequently from the account, they still prefer minimal restrictions on withdrawals and quick access to funds through direct deposit."  MORE >>

Commonweslth and Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association [DCIIA],

Should You Take the Survivor Option on Your Pension?

"In some cases, you could buy life insurance instead and get a better deal in protecting your spouse. There are some things to keep in mind, though."  MORE >>



Alaska Pension Proposal Would Impose Big Costs But Have Little Impact on Recruitment

"Alaska lawmakers are considering Senate Bill 88 legislation to reinstate pensions for the state’s public workers.... [T]he bill’s 30-year cost could exceed $9 billion, but there is little evidence to conclude that it would counteract national and state-level trends in increased employee turnover."  MORE >>

Reason Foundation

Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

IRS Disaster Relief Notice OH-2024-01, for Taxpayers Impacted by Tornadoes in Ohio

"[I]ndividuals and businesses in Ohio that were affected by tornadoes that began on March 14, 2024 ... now have until Sept. 3, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.... [I]ndividuals and households that reside or have a business in Auglaize, Crawford, Darke, Delaware, Hancock, Licking, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Richland and Union counties qualify for tax relief."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

[Official Guidance]

IRS Disaster Relief Notice NE-2024-12, for Taxpayers Impacted by Severe Storms, Straight-Line Winds, and Tornadoes in Nebraska

"[I]ndividuals and businesses in Nebraska that were affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes that began on April 25, 2024 ... now have until September 3, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.... [I]ndividuals and households that reside or have a business in Douglas and Washington counties qualify for tax relief."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

[Guidance Overview]

Federal Noncompete Ban: Key Points for Employees and Executives

"[1] How the FTC defines noncompetes.... [2] Exceptions to the noncompete ban.... [3] Your state laws may still apply.... [4] Nondisclosure agreements may be restricted too.... [5] Lawsuits enforcing prior noncompetes do not go away.... [6] What your company must tell you.... [7] Legal challenges will severely test the noncompete ban."  MORE >>


Here's Why the Chamber of Commerce Believes the FTC's Non-Compete Rule Is Unlawful

"Congress never explicitly delegated such broad rulemaking authority to the Commission. Further, the FTC has failed to demonstrate that all noncompetes do more harm than good.... The FTC Rule will cause irreparable harm.... The public interest supports preliminary relief." [Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 24-00148 (E.D. Tex. complaint filed Apr 23, 2024; order staying case May 3, 2024)]  MORE >>

Pierson Ferdinand LLP

Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

[Guidance Overview]

Who Is a 'Senior Executive' Under the FTC's Non-Compete Clause Rule?

"The FTC defines 'senior executive' based on both an earnings test and a job duties test -- and the job duties test is quite restrictive.... You likely cannot enforce a non-compete against a Sales Manager who makes $250,000 annually, a Department Head with policy-making authority over only his segment of the business, a mid-level manager who owns a small share of stock in the Company, or a highly-compensated Chief People Officer who only has advisory authority but cannot make final policy decisions."  MORE >>

Bodman PLC

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Service Representative for DeMars Pension Consulting Services, Inc.

Retirement Plan Service Representative

DeMars Pension Consulting Services, Inc.

Overland Park KS / MO

View job as Defined Contribution Account Manager for Nova 401(k) Associates

Defined Contribution Account Manager

Nova 401(k) Associates


View job as Defined Contribution Account Manager for Nova 401(k) Associates

View job as Senior Defined Contribution Account Manager for Nova 401(k) Associates

Senior Defined Contribution Account Manager

Nova 401(k) Associates


View job as Senior Defined Contribution Account Manager for Nova 401(k) Associates

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator II FFA for Fulton Bank

Retirement Plan Administrator II FFA

Fulton Bank

Remote / Lancaster PA

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator II FFA for Fulton Bank

View job as Lead Transition Consultant - Retirement Plans for Ameritas

Lead Transition Consultant - Retirement Plans



View job as Lead Transition Consultant - Retirement Plans for Ameritas

View job as Recordkeeper & Customer Service Specialist for Heritage Pension Advisors, Inc.

Recordkeeper & Customer Service Specialist

Heritage Pension Advisors, Inc.

Remote / Commack NY

View job as Recordkeeper & Customer Service Specialist for Heritage Pension Advisors, Inc.

Selected New Discussions

Notifying PBGC of Plan Termination

"Is plan administrator required to notify PBGC upon realizing that plan cannot be terminated using standard termination, because it is underfunded and will be filing for bankruptcy? Client is going out of business and we've been in talks with PBGC and on track to do a standard termination (per PBGC's suggestion and also because it was possible we could fund the plan), but now we know we will be underfunded. Do we have to let PBGC know that we know for certain now we're underfunded? Proposed termination date is 7/31."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

'Pending' Cause of Death Prevents Distribution to Death Beneficiary

"Participant dies while alone and with trauma to head evidently caused by falling on coffee table. Participant has history of drug abuse and police confiscate her phone presumably to search for drug dealer? Her body is cremated, and Death Certificate indicates cause of death 'Pending'. Indications from authorities are the cause of death may never be known. Plan Administrator refuses to pay plan benefits to surviving spouse death beneficiary until cause of death is determined, presumably out of concern that a state 'slayer' statute may not be preempted by ERISA and might preclude payment to her slayer. Wondering if anyone has encountered this situation or has a suggestion of how to deal with the impasse."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

DB Plan Mandatory Cashouts

"I believe I know the answer to this, but a trust provider is telling me differently. In a PBGC plan termination we have a number of participants whose LS value is less than $500. Is it possible to open and IRA for those participants since they are considered force-outs? I thought the answer was no and you had to submit them through the missing participants program ... am I wrong?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Principal® to Acquire ESOP Business from Ascensus

Principal Financial Group

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Reporting Stock Sales On Your Tax Return: 5 Things To Know


ERISA Revenue Sharing Arrangements: Addressing Possible Plan Assets Status, Pursuing Due Diligence

August 20, 2024 WEBINAR


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Text of EBSA Interim Final Rules with Comment Request: Abandoned Plan Regs

Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]

Avoid RMD Shortfalls With These Rules on Life Expectancy


Beyond Open Enrollment: How AI Is Revolutionizing Benefits

Willis Towers Watson

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