3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Issues FAQs to Explain Optional Disaster Relief
"The SECURE 2.0 Act provides for permanent distribution and loan relief for any federally declared major disasters occurring on or after January 26, 2021.... The IRS has published a list of frequently asked questions that explain the scope of this relief that plan sponsors (and IRA custodians) can provide. Importantly, it incorporated the same rules for these disaster relief provisions as was used for distributions/loans after Hurricane Katrina, as set forth in Notice 2005-92." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
Church Plan Status: Employee Benefit Plan Administration for Senior Living Facilities Associated with Faith-Based Organizations
"This alert provides a high-level overview as to the scope of ERISA's legal requirements and the church plan exemption and discusses certain considerations faith-based organizations may take into account when determining whether to 'opt-in' to ERISA's regime and
maintain an Electing Church Plan." MORE >>
EBSA Official Expresses Confidence in Legal Strength of Retirement Security Rule
"The [DOL's] new Retirement Security Rule was designed with the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rebuttal of a prior fiduciary proposal in mind [noted Timothy Hauser, deputy assistant secretary for program operations of EBSA] ... Speaking of the case in Texas directly,
Hauser said 'we exercise great care, to fall within the Fifth Circuit decision and to honor its reasoning, and I'm comfortable with where we are.' " MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Trends in Defined Contribution Retirement Plans (PDF)
"[T]he three most significant [trends] include personalization, in-plan retirement income or guaranteed retirement income, and multiple employer plans or 'group plans.' It is becoming increasingly important to be able to deliver more personalized advice to an individual
based on their situation and include outside factors not incorporated by a target date fund." MORE >>
Stradley Ronon
Pension Risk Transfer Market Sets Q1 Record
"The first quarter of this year ... was the largest first quarter on record, as [an] estimated $15 billion in pension risk transfers closed in the period.... [J]umbo transactions continue to be the driving force behind the market's strong performance, as two
transactions that closed in Q1 totaled $11 billion." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
CRS Report: Social Security: The Trust Funds (PDF)
22 pages. "This report covers how the Social Security program is financed and how the Social Security trust funds work. The report also covers the projected financial operations of the trust funds using data from the 2024 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees." [RL33028,
updated May 23, 2024] MORE >>
Congressional Research Service [CRS]
Problem Solvers Caucus Throws Its Weight Behind an Effort to Kill the Windfall Elimination Provision
"The years-long effort to repeal a pair of controversial tax rules that negatively impact some federal workers' retirement income got a boost Thursday in the form of the formal endorsement of the House Problem Solvers Caucus. The Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) ... would repeal Social Security's windfall elimination provision and government pension offset." MORE >>
Government Executive
Benefits in General |
Pennsylvania Federal Court Will Issue Decision by July 23 on Injunction to Block FTC Non-Compete Ban
"While the two federal actions in Texas challenging the FTC's non-compete ban have garnered much of the attention to date, a challenge of the FTC's rule brought by a small tree trimming business in Pennsylvania is now in the spot light as the federal court there has indicated that it will issue a ruling by July 23rd." [ATS Tree Services, LLC v. FTC, No. 24-1743 (E.D. Penn. complaint filed Apr. 25, 2024)] MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Vesting at Retirement Age
"A participant reaches retirement age. She has never worked 1000 hours to earn any vesting credit, Would she then be 100% vested since she's reached retirement age?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Safe Harbor Match by Payroll - Failing Compensation Ratio Test
"I have a Safe Harbor Basic Match plan with only 401(k) and SHM contributions (calculated by payroll). The plan excludes commissions -- and fails compensation ratio test (3.52%). I'm not sure how to handle it from here."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Allocating PEP Fees
"Must all fees be applied to each adopter in a PEP? One of the adopters in the PEP is the 3(38) for the PEP. They do not want to charger their 3(38) fees for just their plan. Are they allowed to do that? Would it take a supplemental service agreement?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Prohibited Transactions and Excise Taxes: The Basics for ROBS Plans
KLB Benefits Law Group
Ninth Circuit Remands Pension Disclosure Claims -- Again
Miller & Chevalier
401(k) Forfeiture Fiduciary Breach Suit Sent to Arbitration
American Retirement Association [ARA]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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