2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0 Updates the 457(b) De Minimis Distribution Amount
"If permitted under the [457(b) plan's] document, an employer can allow a participant to make a voluntary, one-time small balance distribution while employed, if certain conditions are satisfied ... [S]ince rules pertaining to 457(b) governmental plan de minimis
distributions cross-reference the IRC section updated by SECURE 2.0, the maximum amount for de minimis distributions from a 457(b) plan was also raised by SECURE 2.0 to $7,000, effective Jan. 1, 2024." MORE >>
National Tax-Deferred Savings Association [NTSA]
[Guidance Overview]
The New Fiduciary Rule and Amended PTE 2020-02: Effective Date Considerations
"[M]any advisors will need the protection provided by [PTE 2020-02] in order to receive the conflicted compensation resulting
from the fiduciary advice. The DOL amended PTE 2020-02 at the same time as the new fiduciary rule; however, the effective date for some of the PTE's conditions are delayed." MORE >>
Faegre Drinker
[Guidance Overview]
DOL's Retirement Security Rule: Things Advisors Should Know
"What is the Fiduciary Rule and what are the PTE amendments? ... What is going to change? ... What types of recommendations and transactions are in scope? ... When does it go into effect? ... Who is a retirement investor? ... How do I
comply?" MORE >>
Manning & Napier
Recent Developments in 401(k) Forfeiture Cases: Key Updates for Plan Sponsors
"Qualcomm has been ordered to defend its 401(k) forfeiture practices. This case marks the first substantial ruling in a series of new ERISA cases targeting how large companies handle forfeitures in their 401(k) plans.... [A]nother 401(k) forfeiture case out of California was sent
to arbitration.... Ensuring that a plan's language aligns with the plan sponsor's intent and practices will be helpful in mitigating the risks posed by this new line of cases." [Perez-Cruet v. Qualcomm Inc., No. 23-1890 (S.D. Calif. May 24, 2024); Yagy v. Tetra Tech, Inc., No. 24-1394 (C.D. Calif. May 17, 2024)] MORE >>
Boutwell Fay LLP
Tackling Roadblocks to Retirement Plan Participation
11 pages. "Consider a focus on retirement plan enrollment during the annual benefits election period.... Consider the power of personalized communications to alert non-contributing employees that they're not actively participating -- especially when so many think they
are.... Help find the balance between saving and debt[.]" MORE >>
Principal Financial Group
Best Practices for a Self-Audit of Your Retirement Plan
"In addition to maintaining sound internal control policies and procedures, plan sponsors can add a layer of verification through a self-audit or an agreed-upon-procedures engagement performed by an independent accountant or specialized professional." MORE >>
Belfint Lyons Shuman
Lump Sum Window Checklist (PDF)
"With many plan sponsors concerned about market volatility and interest rates falling in 2024, now is the ideal time to review your pension plan's de-risking strategy and evaluate implementing a lump sum window. Use [this] checklist to guide you through some of the key
questions[.]" MORE >>
Senate Proposal Would Increase Retirement Plan Start-Up Credit for Micro Businesses
"S 4398, the Retirement Investment in Small Employers (RISE) Act ... is intended to encourage small
businesses with no more than 10 employees who received at least $5,000 of compensation in the prior year to adopt retirement plans." MORE >>
Are Advisors Confident In Their Own Retirement And Succession Plans?
"44% of advisors are only somewhat (28%) or not confident at all (16%) in their retirement plans.... A third of advisors surveyed (33%) admitted they do not have a succession plan for their practice in place -- and even those who do (77%) are not necessarily updating it in
real time. More than 42% say they need to add details or refresh it altogether." MORE >>
Financial Advisor
Humana's Prudent Fiduciary Process Is Vindicated at Summary Judgment, But Should Have Been Dismissed at the Initial Pleading Stage
"The Humana case cries out for a more stringent pleading standard to weed out meritless excessive fee cases that are based on misleading and unreliable circumstantial evidence, instead of a reliable, national benchmark study of comparable fees. Courts must stop ruling that
unverified fee comparisons to a few random plans meets the plausibility pleading standard." [Moore v. Humana, Inc., No. 21-0232 (W.D. Ky. May 23, 2024)] MORE >>
Encore Fiduciary
American Academy of Actuaries Response to Senate HELP Committee RFI on Ways to Bolster the Defined Benefit Pension System (PDF)
"[1] Facilitate lifetime income.... [2] Right-size PBGC premiums.... [3] Expand and encourage permissible risk-sharing plan designs.... [4] Allow pre-tax employee contributions to DB plans.... [5] Allow pooled DB plans.... [6] Modify DB pension
funding rules." MORE >>
American Academy of Actuaries
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
IRS Announces Tax Relief for Taxpayers Impacted by Severe Storms and Flooding in Massachusetts
"[I]ndividuals and businesses in parts of Massachusetts affected by severe storms and flooding that began on Sept. 11, 2023 ... now have until July 31, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make payments. ... [I]ndividuals and households that
reside or have a business in Bristol and Worcester counties qualify for tax relief." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
FTC Files Brief to Stave Off Challenge to Rule Banning Non-Competes
"Consistent with commentary to the Rule, the main thrust of the FTC's response argues it has authority to issue the Rule pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act's directive that Congress 'empowered and directed' the FTC to prevent the use of unfair methods of
competition through rulemaking. The FTC also devotes significant briefing to dispelling the application of the 'major questions doctrine' to curtail its regulatory ability." [Ryan LLC v. FTC, No. 24-0986 (N.D. Tex. response to motion for stay filed May 29,
2024)] MORE >>
Polsinelli PC
ERIC Letter to IRS: Recommendations for Inclusion on 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan (PDF)
Health Issues include: [1] Proposed Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder parity regulations; [2] No Surprises Act (NSA) implementation; [3] Electronic delivery rules and other guidance for providing applicable notices and making participant elections;
[4] Streamlining employer reporting requirements under the ACA; [5] High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) modernization. Retirement and Compensation Issues include: [1] Matching contributions for student loan payments and other
account contributions; [2] Catch-up contributions; [3] Clarify the automatic enrollment mandate exemption for existing plans; [4] De minimis financial incentives; [5] Overpayments and self-correction; [6] Optional Roth match; [7] Notice and disclosure; [8] Missing participants, including guidance on uncashed checks. MORE >>
The ERISA Industry Committee [ERIC]
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
Recent Developments in the World of Sports Provide Opportunity for Refresher on Code Sections 409A and 457(f)
"Although most executives and employers will never be involved in situations with these dollar figures, the issues under Sections 409A and 457(f) of the Internal Revenue Code implicated by these scenarios are also implicated in many common executive compensation arrangements. The
arrangements provide an interesting window for employers and executives to refresh their knowledge of common issues that can arise in their own executive compensation arrangements." MORE >>
Bond, Schoeneck & King
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Correcting Coverage Failure
"Safe Harbor 3% plan for controlled group. We have a location that we have been excluding and now cannot pass coverage or average benefits (unless a significant profit sharing is made to the staff of the eligible location).... [C]an we bring in the staff needed to pass the 70%
coverage test at the excluded location? Would we have to allow them to defer since they would now be considered a plan participant?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Terminate 401(k)/SH, Start Simple IRA in the Same Calendar Year?
"I know that SECURE 2.0 allows you to terminate a SIMPLE IRA and start a 401k/SH plan in the same year after 1/1/24, but what about the other way around? The fact that I'm not finding that you CAN do it makes me think it's not allowed."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
New Schedule H P2 Expense Breakout Question
"Can someone explain to me why fees associated with Insurance Services would fall under the new line 2(i)5 'Investment Advisory and Management Fees'? No where in the 2023 5500 Form Instructions does it say this nor in the 5500 Regulations site. Shouldn't
insurance service type fees just fall under 'Other' for expenses on the Schedule H P2?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Sole Proprietor Deferral Election
"The 401(k) regulations are very clear that the sole prop (or unincorporated partner, for that matter) must complete a deferral election no later than the last day of their taxable year. Very common for such a deferral election, if it doesn't specify a specific dollar amount
or percentage, to say 'maximum' or something similar. Now, suppose a sole prop has an election where s/he specified 'maximum.' But once Schedule C income is known, s/he does not want to contribute the maximum, for whatever reason. Is this a problem? If instead, the deferral election said something more along the lines of, 'an amount from zero up to the maximum allowed' or something along those lines, is this an
acceptable election? Curious as to whether anyone has EVER seen or heard of the IRS opining on the issue."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
LDI and Pension Risk Management
June 12, 2024 WEBINAR
Pensions & Investments
Non-Competes are Being Curtailed: What Employers Need to Know and Do Now
June 25, 2024 WEBINAR
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
Corporate Transparency Act Compliance for Employee Stock Ownership Plans
July 16, 2024 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
TDF Fiduciary Hygiene: An Appropriate IPS; Customized Benchmarks; and Thorough Committee Minutes
October Three Consulting
Are Reports of the Death of TPAs Greatly Exaggerated?
SECURE 2.0: Considerations in Offering After-Tax Employer Contributions
Multnomah Group
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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