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[Official Guidance]
Draft of Instructions to IRS Form 720: Payment of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Fee (PDF)
Rev. June 2024. "What's New: Sections 4375 and 4376 patient-centered outcomes research fee increase. The fee for policy and plan years ending on or after October 1, 2023, but before October 1, 2024, is increased to the applicable rate of $3.22 multiplied by the
average number of lives covered under the policy or plan. The fee for policy and plan years ending on or after October 1, 2022, but before October 1, 2023, remains at the applicable rate of $3.00, multiplied by the average number of lives covered under the policy or plan." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
OCR Updates Change Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident FAQs
"[The updated FAQs] make clear that: [1] Covered entities affected by the Change Healthcare breach may delegate to Change
Healthcare the tasks of providing the required HIPAA breach notifications on their behalf. [3] Only one entity -- which could be the covered entity itself or Change Healthcare -- needs to complete breach notifications to affected individuals, HHS, and where applicable the media. [3] If covered entities work with Change Healthcare to perform the required breach notifications in a manner consistent with the HITECH Act and
HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, they would not have additional HIPAA breach notification obligations." MORE >>
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]
[Guidance Overview]
Congress Seeks to Extend COVID-19 Telehealth Flexibilities Through 2026
"The [Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 (HR
7623)] largely seeks to continue Medicare's hospital-at-home program through 2029, which provides resources for at-home care for patients who need acute-level care. The Bill would also eliminate the geographic originating site restrictions on telehealth visits through 2026. Absent these changes, the programs will expire at the end of 2024." MORE >>
Sheppard Mullin
[Guidance Overview]
CMS Redesigns the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program Beginning in 2025
"[E]mployers are not required to offer creditable prescription drug benefits, and there is no penalty for employers who do not. The impact is only to Medicare eligible employees or their eligible dependents who are not offered creditable coverage and who do not enroll in Medicare
Part D when they are initially eligible for benefits." MORE >>
Woodruff Sawyer
Weight Loss Drug Coverage Gets More Complicated
"[A] federal lawmaker warned weight loss drugs have the potential to bankrupt the healthcare system, and new research from Blue Cross Blue Shield found nearly six in 10 patients taking the drugs don't reach a meaningful health benefit.... Weight loss medications such as
Ozempic and Wegozy can cost upward of $10,000 a year. In 2022, Medicare spent $5.7 billion on the medications, up from $57 million in 2018 ... If half of Americans with obesity took weight loss drugs, it would cost $411 billion annually[.]" MORE >>
Becker's Healthcare
American Benefits Council Letter to IRS: 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan Recommendation
"[The Council is] writing to request that Treasury and the IRS publish official guidance on which employer plan sponsors may rely affirming that the 100% excise tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 4976 does not apply to an employer's reallocation or repurposing of welfare benefit fund assets to provide other health and welfare benefits to employees and their beneficiaries. [The Council also recommends], at least in the interim, that Treasury and the IRS begin again to issue private letter rulings (PLRs) on the same and related issues, as needed." MORE >>
American Benefits Council
How Preventable Hospitalizations Became A Widely Used But Flawed Quality Measure
"Rates of potentially preventable hospital admissions and readmissions ... are now widely used as measures of ambulatory care and hospital quality. ... [The authors] trace the metamorphosis of the use of [ambulatory care sensitive condition (ACSC)-related]
admissions from an access measure to use as a quality indicator of both ambulatory and inpatient care. We also question the validity of using ACSC admission rates as quality measures, especially to judge the performance of individual providers." MORE >>
Health Affairs Forefront
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
Text of EBSA Meeting Notice for ERISA Advisory Council
"[T]he 222nd open meeting of the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans (also known as the ERISA Advisory Council) will be held on July 8-10, 2024.... The meeting will take place at the [DOL offices in Washington, DC] ... [and] will also be
accessible via teleconference ... The purpose of the open meeting is for Advisory Council members to hear testimony from invited witnesses and to receive an update from [EBSA]. The Advisory Council will study the following topics: [1] Making Welfare Plan Claims and Appeals Procedures More Accessible to Participants, and [2] Lifetime Income and Qualified Defined Investment Alternatives (QDIAs)." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
[Guidance Overview]
Washington State Further Restricts Noncompetition Agreements
"The new law narrows several exemptions and exceptions to the statute.... First, the 'goodwill or ownership' exemption is now limited only to where 'the person signing the covenant purchases, sells, acquires, or disposes of an interest representing one percent or more
of the business.' Second, the 'nonsolicitation agreement' exemption has been significantly narrowed." MORE >>
McDermott Will & Emery
Why the FTC Thinks Its Non-Compete Rule Will Survive a Legal Challenge
"The FTC posits that all non-competes [1] are a method of competition as opposed to a condition of the marketplace, [2] are facially unfair because they are restrictive and exclusionary, and [3] tend to negatively affect competition in labor, product, and service
markets. Thus, the FTC adopted a rule to ban non-competes entered into on or after the rule's effective date." [Ryan LLC v. FTC, No. 24-0986 (N.D. Tex. consolidated brief in response to motion for stay and preliminary injunction,
filed May 29, 2024)] MORE >>
Pierson Ferdinand LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs
Press Releases |
The Cerrado Group Announces Pinnacle Plan Design, LLC as Newest Member Firm
The Cerrado Group
Kantor & Kantor, LLP Strengthens Client Service and Firm Leadership With Three Attorney Promotions
Kantor & Kantor LLP
Qualified 401(k) Specialist (QKS) Credential Now Available Through ASPPA
ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Major Revisions to Connecticut's Paid Sick Leave Law
June 26, 2024 WEBINAR
Jackson Lewis LLP
From Coverage to Cost Control: GLP-1 Alternatives for Weight Loss That Unlock Value for Employers
June 26, 2024 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
The Impact of the ACA 1557 Final Regs on Gender-Affirming Care
McDermott Will & Emery
ERIC Letter to IRS: Recommendations for Inclusion on 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan (PDF)
The ERISA Industry Committee [ERIC]
Small Businesses Struggle to Provide Health Plan Coverage for Weight-Loss Drugs
NBC Chicago
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BenefitsLink® Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9595.
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