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Retirement Plans Newsletter

June 4, 2024

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[Guidance Overview]

The New Fiduciary Rule, Part 35: The Education Exception

"[T]he DOL has long held that investment education, if properly done, is not a recommendation and therefore does not cause the provider to be a fiduciary.... However, it is not enough to just label a communication as education.... [O]ne test is whether the information is materially complete and unbiased.... The more individualized the communication, the more likely it is a recommendation."  MORE >>


Register Now: ERISA at 50 -- Where Employee Benefits Law is Headed

Join WEB Network's webinar on June 20: panelists J. Mark Iwry, Israel Goldowitz, Carol Buckmann, and Jeff Mamorsky will discuss why and how ERISA was adopted, the growth of employee protections over the years, and how ERISA might be further expanded.

Sponsored by WEB Network

Litigation Around PRTs Brings Insurance Industry Practices to Light

"[S]ome insurance companies will use a third-party affiliated reinsurance company to cover some of their exposure. 'Then the reinsurer gives an IOU to its affiliates in jurisdictions where they're allowed to hold all sorts of assets on their balance sheets that would never be allowed at a regulated insurance company level,' [Edward Stone] said. 'When you take credit for reinsurance with an affiliate, you're just moving liabilities from one part of the corporate structure to another. It's not a real, genuine risk transfer' for the insurance company."  MORE >>

PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required

Lawsuit Against TIAA Over Cross-Selling in Retirement Plans Allowed to Proceed

"A federal judge in New York has rejected a request by TIAA to dismiss a lawsuit by current and former employees of six defined contribution plans who accused the service provider of using high-pressure tactics to convince plan participants to enroll in a high-cost managed account program called Portfolio Advisor instead of lower-cost plan investments.... None of the [plan] sponsors is a defendant even though the judge faulted the sponsors for violating ERISA by failing to monitor TIAA's activities[.]" [Carfora v. TIAA, No. 21-8384 (S.D.N.Y. May 31, 2024)]  MORE >>

Pensions & Investments

2023 DC Plan Sponsor Survey: Building Better Outcomes (PDF)

39 pages. "Key Themes ... [1] Employers and employees are concerned about retirement readiness ... [2] Investment lineups are being re-evaluated, including retirement income solutions.... [3] 2024 trifecta of employer concerns: litigation, legislation, and a litany of administration."  MORE >>

MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc.

The Psychology of Retirement Income: From Saving to Spending

"About 25% of retirees fall into the camp of people who decrease spending during retirement.... [T]he issue was most pronounced with individuals who use their own savings for retirement income -- whereas people with guaranteed sources of income, such as annuities, Social Security, and pensions, were more likely to spend their income."  MORE >>


A Guide to Measuring Wealth, Income, and Replacement Rates in the Health and Retirement Study (PDF)

27 pages. "The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is a primary source of information on retirement wealth, income, and replacement rates, but calculating these measures requires a host of methodological choices that affect the results.... The CRR aims to make the HRS more accessible by providing: [1] a methodological guide that identifies the key conceptual and technical choices that must be made when analyzing a household's financial resources in the HRS and [2] clean, well-documented code that builds on RAND's efforts to calculate retirement wealth, income, and replacement rates."  MORE >>

Center for Retirement Research [CRR] at Boston College

GASB Post-Implementation Review Report: GASB Statements No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans, and No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions (PDF)

53 pages. "Overall, Statements 67 and 68 resolved the primary issues underlying the stated need for the standards ... Consistent with the comprehensive nature of the Statements, implementation costs were significant ... Overall, the expected benefits of Statements 67 and 68 -- improved user understanding about pension plans and pensions, including governments' net pension liabilities and contributions to pension plans, better decision making and assessment of accountability and interperiod equity, greater comparability and consistency, and increased transparency -- have been achieved."  MORE >>

Governmental Accounting Standards Board [GASB]


U.S. Chamber of Commerce Response to Senate HELP Committee RFI on Retirement Security for All and Defined Benefit Plan Improvements (PDF)

"Given the positive changes in SECURE and SECURE 2.0 and the current marketplace that on its own is expanding coverage in the small market, new legislation creating a federal system is unnecessary. Instead, the focus should be on improving the current system to encourage employers to offer coverage."  MORE >>

U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Claims That Public Pension Reforms Lead to Negative Impacts Are Unfounded

"[M]ost of the claimed negative impacts of public pension reform are not supported by the facts.... It has become axiomatic among DB pension advocates to claim that DB plans improve the attraction of employees compared to DC plans. Very little actual evidence has been presented in support of this claim.... DB plans have a particularly negative impact on employees with short and even moderate periods of service.... The lack of benefit portability and backloading of benefit accruals does substantial damage to public employees who do not stay for a career."  MORE >>

Reason Foundation


Illinois 403(b) Reform Bill Falls Just Short

"Created and championed by educator-turned legislator Senator Karina Villa -- who was sold a wholly unsuitable annuity product while working in education -- the bill fell just short of success this legislative session.... How the legislation would have saved educators tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.... Lies. Damn lies and the K-12 403(b) industry that profits off of educators."  MORE >>


Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

FINRA Panel Awards Ex-Morgan Stanley Advisors More Than $1M in Deferred Comp

"Ex-Morgan Stanley advisors have again managed to wring deferred compensation out of their former employer before FINRA arbitrators.... [Attorney Alan Rosca said] he's representing roughly 200 ex-Morgan Stanley employees in similar disputes.... All of these cases entail essentially the same arguments ... that Morgan Stanley's deferred comp -- which is often only paid years after it is earned -- falls under [ERISA]."  MORE >>

Financial Planning

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Defined Benefit Plan Enrolled Actuary for Associated Pension Consultants

Defined Benefit Plan Enrolled Actuary

Associated Pension Consultants


View job as Defined Benefit Plan Enrolled Actuary for Associated Pension Consultants

Selected New Discussions

Form 5330 / E-Filing

"One of the major providers who is not yet ready to offer e-filing a form 5330 told us that their lack of ability to provide this service meant that the employers would be able to rely on the following exemption posted on the IRS's website and file on paper.... 'If the IRS's systems do not support electronic filing, taxpayers will not be required to file electronically. In general, the filer should maintain documentation supporting the undue hardship or other applicable reason for not filing electronically.' Perhaps it is a stretch to suggest that the provider's inability to process and e-filing of the 5330 is part of the IRS's systems ... The 'undue hardship' provision does seem to leave the door open towards a response of 'my vendor was not able to do the e-filing'."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

401(k) Hardship Withdrawal

"We have an employee requesting a hardship withdrawal to prevent eviction/foreclosure of a mortgage on their primary residence. The documentation provided shows a mortgage statement under someone else's name, however the address matches the participant's ID and he considers it his primary residence. Not sure how the two are related, but perhaps it's a relative or partner in which I assume he pays rent to (although there is not lease or rental agreement). My question is: can we approve this?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Ascensus Announces Sales Leadership Moves


Marta Norton joins Empower as Chief Investment Strategist


Retirement Fintech Leader iJoin Taps Stan Smith as CRO


Catalyst for Payment Reform and URAC Partner in Developing Value-based Payment Principles and Accreditation Program

Catalyst for Payment Reform [CPR]

Allianz Life Taps Ben Thomason to Drive Growth in Defined Contribution Market


Center for Retirement Research Partners with UMass Boston

Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

IRAs: Handling Complex Death Claims

July 9, 2024 WEBINAR


Plan Design Issues and Practical Corrections Workshop

August 6, 2024 WEBINAR

FIS Retirement Education

Ascend Conference

September 9, 2024 in CA


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

IRS List of Pre-Approved Defined Contribution Plans (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

IRS List of Pre-Approved Defined Benefit Plans (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

IRS List of Pre-Approved 403(b) Master and Prototype and Volume Submitter Plans (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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