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[Official Guidance]
Text of PBGC Final Regs: Valuation Assumptions and Methods
53 pages. "This final rule updates the interest, mortality, and expense assumptions used to determine the present value of benefits for a single-employer pension plan under subpart B of the [PBGC]'s regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans, to determine
components of mass withdrawal liability for a multiemployer pension plan, and for other purposes." MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
Embrace the Future of Retirement Plan Administration with Stax•ai
Upgrade your TPA workflow with Stax•ai. Quick onboarding, reduced errors, enhanced productivity. Transform your operations today.
[Guidance Overview]
Spousal Consent Requirements Under a Qualified Retirement Plan (PDF)
"This article provides an overview of the spousal consent requirements under the Internal Revenue Code, the proposed rules for remote consent, and best practices for spousal consent requirements under qualified retirement plans." MORE >>
KLB Benefits Law Group, via Bloomberg Law
[Guidance Overview]
Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA Rollover: How Does This Work?
"Is this a qualified distribution (age 59 ½ AND 5 years in the Roth plan), or is it non-qualified? How long was the Roth IRA held? (The Roth IRA clock will take precedence.) A qualified distribution means all plan dollars come over as basis. With a NON-qualified
distribution, the rollover dollars 'maintain their character' when dumping into the Roth IRA contributions and earnings buckets." MORE >>
Slott Report
401(k) Lawsuits Over 'Forfeited' Money Get a Lifeline
"There is one way to help avoid such litigation in the future, one lawyer says: Get rid of vesting schedules.... 'We are very surprised that the California federal court found the Qualcomm forfeiture case plausible.' ... said Daniel Aronowitz, president of Encore
Fiduciary ... Qualcomm followed the language in its plan document, so it does not appear to have violated what the DOL and IRS have long allowed, he noted." [Perez-Cruet v. Qualcomm Inc., No. 23-1890 (S.D. Calif. May 24, 2024)] MORE >>
InvestmentNews; subscription may be required
Panel Says ERISA Improved Retirement Security, But Hurt Pensions
"[Mark Iwry, of the Brookings Institution] attributed the DB decline to the dominance of financial industry interests, whereas [Lloyd Katz,of the AAA's pension committee] put it on the lower risk and simplicity of DC plans.... Andy Banducci, senior vice president of
retirement and compensation policy with the ERISA Industry Committee, attributed part of the decline of DB plans to high [PBGC] insurance premiums" MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Analysis of 401(k) Managed Account Data, Innovation, and Trends Over 20 Years
"The report, Igniting Growth Through Innovation ... spans more than a million program members across different ages and
career stages, the largest employers across industries, and the leading retirement plan recordkeepers.... A key takeaway from the report is that managed accounts are driving value for program members that extends far beyond providing help with asset allocation decisions. " MORE >>
Edelman Financial Engines
So Many Annuities, So Little Time
"If, as appears to be the case, the push for annuities in 401(k) plans has come mainly from insurers and asset managers -- more than from plan sponsors or plan participants -- then it's not surprising to see the push for education about annuities and retirement
income coming from the same source.... Some surveys have shown that participants want retirement income tools, at least in principle. But most participants aren't asking plan sponsors for annuities." MORE >>
Retirement Income Journal
Driving Engagement and Improving Retirement Readiness: Meet Participants Where They Are
"[Attendance at] workshops on holistic financial wellness topics, such as debt management, budgeting, and spending ... is 320% higher than sessions on plan-specific content.... Expanding your education offering to cover these topics more often could curb early 401(k)
withdrawals." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
How 401(k) Plan Sponsors Can Help Improve Retirement Saving Outcomes for Employees
"[1] Discourage DIY investing ... [2] Develop personalized benchmarks for each employee ... [3] Go beyond auto-enrollment ... [4] Build fund replacement criteria into Investment Policy Statements ... [5] Listen to
employees." MORE >>
Fiduciary News; free registration required
Combating Employee Financial Stress: Best Practices (PDF)
"[1] Promote engagement with incentives.... [2] Show leadership support.... [3] Take advantage of decision moments.... [4] Raise benefit awareness through integrated communication strategies.... [5] Make the benefit unique to each
audience." MORE >>
Financial Finesse
Workplace Financial Wellness in America (PDF)
23 pages. "Regardless of income, American workers were more likely to report feeling high or overwhelming levels of financial stress than in prior years ... After working with a Financial Coach in 2023, there was a 53% increase in those who were in the planning/optimizing
stages. This means that these employees are able to be focused on their long-term financial goals, instead of needing to work on their short-term financial needs." MORE >>
Financial Finesse
U.S. Corporate Pension Plans Funding Status, May 2024
"The aggregate funded ratio for U.S. corporate pension plans increased by an estimated 0.4 percentage points in May, ending the month at 100.6% ... The aggregate funded ratio is estimated to have increased by 4.8, but declined by 0.6 percentage points year-to-date
and over the trailing twelve months, respectively." MORE >>
Wilshire Associates
Benefits in General |
District Court Allows Expert Testimony in Class Action ERISA Bench Trial
"The fundamental lesson from the case is that an attack on an expert's methodology typically must include a showing that the expert's analysis ignores relevant factors, relies on assumptions for which there is no evidence or otherwise lacks logical rigor." [Trauernicht v. Genworth Fin., Inc., No. 22-0532 (E.D.Va. May 29, 2024)] MORE >>
Troutman Pepper. via Lexology; free registration required
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Hardship Withdrawal to Buy Out Spouse's Share of Primary Residence
"Can an ex-spouse take a hardship withdrawal to buy out her ex-husband's share of their primary residence home?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
'Successor' Beneficiary in a Defined Benefit Plan Where Designated/Primary Beneficiary Determined to Be Invalid
"In the event that a 'Primary beneficiary' of a ERISA -covered Defined Benefit Plan is determined to be invalid, what determines who the 'Successor/New Primary Beneficiary' will be? In this particular instance, in addition to a 'Primary beneficiary', the
completed form indicated a 'Contingent Beneficiary'. It should be noted that the 'Plan Documents' (i.e. Summary Plan Description SPD) states, specifically, that the 'Contingent Beneficiary' shall become the new 'Primary Beneficiary' in the event the 'Primary Beneficiary' is deceased; the document gives no other instance wherein the 'Contingent Beneficiary' shall become the new 'Primary
Beneficiary'. The Plan documents ALSO states, specifically, that in the event that there is no VALID (emphasis mine) 'Primary Beneficiary' the benefits shall be paid to the deceased plan participant's Estate. The question is: Do the 'Plan Documents' determine who is the new 'Primary Beneficiary' or some other ruling authority? Based upon the plan document wording specifically addressing the event of an
'invalid Primary Beneficiary', would not the correct new 'Primary Beneficiary' be the deceased plan participants Estate per the wording in the SPD?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Ameritas Announces New Senior Vice President of Retirement Plans
Strongpoint Partners Continues West Coast Expansion by Welcoming SI Group, Hawaii's Leading Retirement Consulting Firm
Strongpoint Partners
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Final DOL Investment Advice Fiduciary Rule Casts a Broader Fiduciary Net
June 11, 2024 WEBINAR
FTC’s Final Noncompete Rule: Developing Your Game Plan
June 18, 2024 WEBINAR
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Cybersecurity for Retirement Plans
June 26, 2024 WEBINAR
TRA [The Retirement Advantage]
IRA Legal Issues
July 11, 2024 WEBINAR
Automatic Enrollment Requirement Updates
July 16, 2024 WEBINAR
thinc [The Healthcare Innovation Company]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
The New Fiduciary Rule, Part 35: The Education Exception
The Psychology of Retirement Income: From Saving to Spending
Lawsuit Against TIAA Over Cross-Selling in Retirement Plans Allowed to Proceed
Pensions & Investments
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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