6 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
PBGC Finalizes Changes to Assumptions Used in Certain Valuations
"[M]ajor provisions of [the final rule] include ... [1] Modernizing the interest assumption structure by adopting a
yield curve approach. [2] Enabling the use of market interest rates as of the date of liability measurement (i.e., the valuation date) as the basis for the interest assumption. [3] Increasing transparency by using a procedure based on publicly available yield curves as of the valuation date. [4] Adopting a more recent mortality table along with a generational mortality improvement projection Simplifying the expense
assumption." MORE >>
Unlock Efficiency Like Never Before with Single Step Processing (SSP)!
Modernize with SSP intelligent automation! Automate data importing, case updating, calculations & more. Custom fit to your needs. Don’t miss out! Learn more today!
Litigation Targets Managed Account Services
"The plaintiffs will argue that defaulters are less engaged participants in their investments and will not provide additional data points needed to customize their portfolio. Without the additional data points, a managed account is essentially a target date fund ... As a
result, the investment returns from the higher-cost managed account are no different from low-cost target date funds and, therefore, inappropriate to be used as the default option." [Hanigan v. Bechtel Global Corp., No. 24-0875 (E.D. Va. complaint filed May 24,
2024)] MORE >>
Multnomah Group
Financial Guidance Tops Employee Most-Wanted List for Retirement Benefits in 2024
"Access to financial advisors linked to retirement planning remains high priority. Retirement and financial planning support top list of retirement benefits employees think will help them meet financial goals. Companies recognize that employees need additional retirement planning
support." MORE >>
Morgan Stanley
Are All $5,000,000 401(k) Plans Created Equal? (PDF)
Infographic. "Plans with larger average account balances will pay lower fees as a percentage of total assets. You should take your plan's average account balance into consideration when you are benchmarking fees." MORE >>
401(k) Averages Book
Optimizing Tax-Deferred Investing and Retirement Income Using Variable Annuities (PDF)
"The tax advantages of variable annuities are amplified when holding tax-inefficient investment options ... When income is generated from a variable annuity using annuitization, the investor obtains meaningfully higher income after a deferred investment period than what can
be safely obtained from a mutual fund portfolio. By maximizing income using a deferral and annuitization strategy for a portion of client assets, more aggressive investment of the remaining assets is possible, driving higher overall asset growth over time." MORE >>
Insured Retirement Institute [IRI]
DC Retirement Plans Want to Add Retirement Income, Keep Retiree Assets
"Asked what clients' top three priorities are for this year, 88% cited evaluating retirement income solutions (up from 67% in the previous year's survey). Navigating new regulations (76%) and reviewing managed accounts (44%) were the next common responses among 10
choices. At year-end 2023, consultants reported that 28% of clients actively sought to retain participants' accounts -- double the rate in 2014." MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
Your Plan Has Received SFA. What Happens Now?
"[This] overview covers ... [1] Requirements and conditions for SFA and plan assets. [2] Restrictions on benefit increases. [3] Restrictions on contribution decreases and diversion. [4] Withdrawal liability." MORE >>
Segal; free registration required
Diverting Michigan's Pension Debt Payment Would Be Costly to Taxpayers and Put Retirees at Risk
"In state budget plans that threaten the state's long-term financial stability and the retirement security of current and retired teachers, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan House of Representatives have proposed redirecting over $630 million in annual payments away
from the state's underfunded public school employees' pension plan to other spending priorities." MORE >>
Reason Foundation
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Disaster Relief Notice IA-2024-04, for Taxpayers Impacted by Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding in Iowa
"[I]ndividuals and businesses in Iowa that were affected by severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that occurred on May 20, 2024. These taxpayers now have until Nov. 1, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments....
[I]ndividuals and households that reside or have a business in Adair, Montgomery, Polk, and Story counties qualify for tax relief." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
What to Do if Court Refuses to Sign QDRO
"I submitted a QDRO to a Court in Maryland for my Client to receive her portion of Pension benefits as outlined in her JAD. However, her ex-husband has not been cooperating in signing the order, so we decided to file a 'Motion to Expedite' entry of QDRO, but the Judge
denied the motion. What should be done in MD when a Judge denies a QDRO. I'm a bit concerned that the Judge thinks the Statue of Limitation has run because this Divorce case took place 18 years old. However, Potts v. Potts ruled there is no statue of limitation as QDRO. Just looking for some help."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Loan Default Delay
"one-person plan in which owner has a loan with quarterly payments. They want to push off loan payments by a quarter. Doesn't seem right, but in so doing, they never default. What could go wrong?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Controlled Group - Additional Matching for One Division?
"Company has 4 divisions, A, B, C, and D under 401(k)(13) safe harbor plan. All divisions receive the QACA safe harbor match. Company wants to make only Division D eligible for an additional/enhanced match. Can this be done? If Division D passes 410(b) on its own, the
benefit passes 401(a)(4) inside of Division D, and the benefit passes 401(m) inside Division D, is this allowable with a plan/SPD amendment? Any other concerns or things I'm missing (i.e. does a test need to be for the controlled group as a whole vs just division d)?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
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2024 PLANSPONSOR of the Year Award Winners Named
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June 20, 2024 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Spousal Consent Requirements Under a Qualified Retirement Plan (PDF)
KLB Benefits Law Group, via Bloomberg Law
Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA Rollover: How Does This Work?
Slott Report
401(k) Lawsuits Over 'Forfeited' Money Get a Lifeline
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