6 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Do We Have to Furnish the Summary of Benefits and Coverage in Languages Other Than English?
"[In] specified counties, plans (and insurers) must provide interpretive services, including answering questions, in the applicable non-English languages. English-language SBCs provided in the specified counties must include a one-sentence statement in the applicable languages
clearly indicating how to access the plan's language services." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
Register Now: ERISA at 50 -- Where Employee Benefits Law is Headed
Join WEB Network's webinar on June 20: panelists J. Mark Iwry,
Israel Goldowitz, Carol Buckmann, and Jeff Mamorsky will discuss why and how ERISA was adopted, the growth of employee protections over the years, and how ERISA might be further expanded.
[Guidance Overview]
Developments in Mental Health Parity Litigation
"This article analyzes the NQTL Regulations and two recent decisions adopting standards for pleading a claim under the Parity Act based on an alleged violation of the NQTL Regulations, and offers several steps employers and claims administrators should consider in seeking to
avoid litigation of Parity Act claims." MORE >>
Dorsey & Whitney, via Law.com; free registration required
[Guidance Overview]
Minnesota's Paid Leave Law: New Guidance, Higher Payroll Taxes, Amendments
"Three important recent developments concerning the PLL include: [1] new guidance from Minnesota's Department of Employment and Economic Development (MN DEED) for employees and employers, [2] amendments to the PLL signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on May 24,
2024, which allow for increases to payroll taxes to implement the PLL and [3] amendments which provide a comprehensive scheme for appeals and calculating benefit amounts, among other changes." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
The Section 1557 Final Regs' Impact on Pregnancy and Abortion
"The final regulations define discrimination 'on the basis of sex' to include pregnancy or related conditions.... An exemption is provided for any portion of the rule that 'would violate applicable Federal protections for religious freedom and
conscience.' There is also an administrative process for recipients to seek an assurance of exemption in writing from the application of a provision of Section 1557." MORE >>
McDermott Will & Emery
Fifteen States Challenge HHS Rule Prohibiting Gender Identity Discrimination Under the ACA
"The plaintiff states allege two central arguments: that the inclusion of 'gender identity' in the definition of 'sex discrimination' is contrary to the ACA's embrace of a 'biological-binary' understanding of 'sex' and that the 2024 Rule
coerces the states and subverts their authority to make policy judgments about the propriety of providing 'gender-transition treatments to minors' and covering certain treatments for gender dysphoria." [Tennessee v. Becerra, No. 24-0161 (S.D. Miss. complaint filed
May 30, 2024)] MORE >>
Miller & Chevalier
California Becomes Latest State to Try Capping Health Care Spending
"California is the ninth state ... to set annual health spending targets. Massachusetts, which started annual spending targets in 2013, ... [is] the only one old enough to have a substantial pre-pandemic track record, and its results are mixed: The annual health
spending increases were below the target in three of the first five years and dropped beneath the national average. But more recently, health spending has greatly increased." MORE >>
KFF Health News
Over $1 Million Can Be Saved with a Health Savings Account
"In many cases, HSA funds can be invested like 401(k)s and IRAs, rather than just functioning as a savings account. Assuming a 7.5% rate of investment return, that the IRS annual maximum contributions are made over 40 years, distributions are never taken, and $1,000 catch-up
contributions are made each year between the ages of 55 and 64, individuals would enter retirement with an HSA balance of $1.03 million." MORE >>
Inspira Financial
How Employers Can Help Reduce Employees' High Health Care Cost Burdens
"Employers could partner with insurers to use more innovative cost-sharing structures in the health insurance benefits offered to their employees. In addition, they could increase the use of benefit designs that distribute costs more equitably, which may improve affordability for
low- to middle-income workers." MORE >>
Health Affairs Forefront
Decades of Battling Healthcare Affordability
"For many employers, cutting programming does not often yield the best results, leading many to search for alternative ways to influence overall costs, such as implementing centers of excellence to target the management of certain conditions including orthopedic, cardiac, and
cancer diagnoses.... Many employers are also seeing success through employee incentives for the use of preventative offerings such as initial primary care visits or biometric screenings[.]" MORE >>
The Healing Effects of Social Connection in the Workplace
"[B]eing physically separated from each other can put people in a state of physiologic stress, which, when prolonged, could become chronic and damage physical and emotional health.... Organizations can implement various strategies ... [1] Encourage open
communication ... [2] Facilitate social activities ... [3] Promote inclusivity ... [4] Support mentorship and peer support programs ... [5] Provide flexible work arrangements." MORE >>
Brown & Brown, Inc.
Appeals Court Agrees That Ex-Express Scripts Exec Can't Join CVS
"[Cigna, the parent company of Express Scripts,] said in its lawsuit that the company would be 'immediately and irreparably harmed' if Bricker were allowed to join CVS given her experience at Express Scripts.... Cigna argued that if Bricker were allowed to join CVS she
would 'inevitably' be asked to reveal trade secrets from her former company. Her knowledge of Express Scripts' business could be used by CVS to develop products and offerings that compete with it directly." [Cigna Corp. v. Bricker, No. 23-2455 (8th Cir.
Jun. 5, 2024)] MORE >>
The Case for a Revitalized Preemption Standard
"In some ways, the savings clause in ERISA's preemption provision supports state activity regulating health plans ... However, state laws imposing new rules and reporting obligations relating benefit plans are not limited to health insurance.... [O]ther areas seeing
increased state activity include prescription drugs and paid leave." MORE >>
Faegre Drinker, via Bloomberg Law
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Disaster Relief Notice IA-2024-04, for Taxpayers Impacted by Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding in Iowa
"[I]ndividuals and businesses in Iowa that were affected by severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that occurred on May 20, 2024. These taxpayers now have until Nov. 1, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments....
[I]ndividuals and households that reside or have a business in Adair, Montgomery, Polk, and Story counties qualify for tax relief." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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Dependent Care FSA for Employees on Leave
Agencies Release 2024 Gag Clause Compliance Attestation Submission Instructions and User Manual
Employers Must Keep Participants' Reproductive Health Information Private Under New HIPAA Privacy Rule
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