7 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Cycle 4 Submissions Open for Preapproved Qualified DC Plans
"Providers of preapproved qualified DC plans have from Feb. 1, 2024, through Jan. 31, 2025, to submit Cycle 4 plan documents for IRS review.... [IRS] will issue opinion letters to providers whose documents have been approved. Employers may then adopt the plans within a
window (usually about two years) announced by IRS. Preapproved 403(b) plans and defined benefit plans have separate cycles and won't be reviewed during this submission period." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
A Guide to the Final Amendments to the Amended QPAM Exemption
"The final amendments: [1] require a QPAM to notify the DOL by email ... that it is relying on the QPAM exemption ... [2] become effective on June 17, 2024 ... [3] increase the financial thresholds necessary for an entity to qualify as a QPAM
over time ... [4] require a QPAM to maintain records for six years demonstrating compliance with the exemption." MORE >>
District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Forfeiture Complaint
"[T]his ruling is a big win not only for the Plaintiff in the Qualcomm case, but also for the plaintiffs in the other recently filed forfeiture actions ... [C]opies of the ruling have been filed in four other forfeiture cases in which motions to dismiss are currently
pending ... [Employers should consider] whether fiduciary decisions relating to forfeitures could be seen as relieving the employer of an obligation to the plan or as imposing additional costs on participants and whether any particular action should be taken now that might mitigate litigation risks going forward." [Perez-Cruet v. Qualcomm Inc., No. 23-1890 (S.D. Calif. May 24, 2024)] MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group
Why Are Employees Not Participating in Their 401(k) Plans?
"Nearly six-in-10 employees (59%) who are not contributing to their 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan think they are ... Three out of every four of those employees (77%) believed they started saving upon becoming eligible to contribute.... Among survey respondents who said they were not contributing to workplace retirement plans, despite being eligible, the top reasons cited for not saving included high monthly expenses (39%), paying off debt (36%), and insufficient income (34%)." MORE >>
Principal Financial Group
Including DB Plans in the Total Retirement Planning Picture
"Plan sponsors can use their DB benefit to support their workers to create a stream of income in retirement, as pension plans have clear, demonstrated value to beneficiaries ... Instead of continuing to de-risk or terminate a pension, by switching their thinking plan
sponsors also have opportunity to improve their participants' prospects for generating lifetime income[.]" MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
PBGC Approves $63 Million in SFA for Radio, Television and Recording Arts Plan
"[PBGC] has approved the [SFA] application submitted ... by the Radio, Television and Recording Arts Pension Plan. The plan, based in New York City, New York, covers 516 participants in the entertainment industry.... [The] Plan will receive approximately $63 million in
special financial assistance ... [It] was projected to become insolvent and run out of money in 2027." MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
PBGC Approves $26.8 Million in SFA for Maryland Race Track Pension Plan
"[PBGC] has approved the [SFA] application submitted ... by the Maryland Race Track Employees Pension Plan. The plan, based in Laurel, Maryland, covers 1,407 participants in the service industry.... [The] Plan, which is in critical status, will receive approximately
$26.8 million in special financial assistance[.]" MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
Benefits in General |
Senator Seeks Input on Portable Benefits for Gig Workers
"The ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee has requested feedback on ways to
modernize federal law to allow independent workers access to portable workplace benefits, such as retirement and health care.... Sen. Cassidy notes that at least 27 million Americans engage in independent work ... [and] would like access to portable workplace benefits" MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Undue Influence Claims Under ERISA (PDF)
12 pages. "Although there are some contrary holdings, the great majority of cases hold that state law claims of undue influence with respect to ERISA plans are preempted by ERISA. That a counterclaim involves a dispute over a change of beneficiary form in no way defeats ERISA
preemption." MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group, via Benefits Law Journal
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Supreme Court Sides with IRS on Taxation of Shareholders' Life-Insurance Proceeds
"The case presented a routine estate-planning device for those corporations, which commonly purchase life insurance policies on the principal shareholders. With the proceeds of such a policy, the corporation can purchase the shares of a dying shareholder from the
shareholder's estate, ensuring that the corporation remains in the hands of the original family.... The problem here is what to do with the value of those life-insurance proceeds, which flow into the corporation immediately after death." [Connelly v. IRS, No. 23-146
(S. Ct. Jun. 6, 2024)] MORE >>
Morgan Stanley Says a Judge's Ruling Is 'Wreaking Havoc' on Its Deferred-Compensation Disputes
"Morgan Stanley asked a federal judge to force the advisors to take their claims to arbitration. Last November, Judge Paul Gardephe granted the company's request. But in the same ruling, he found that Morgan Stanley's deferred compensation programs are governed by ERISA.
And that is creating costly headaches for the financial-services giant." [Shafer v. Morgan Stanley, No. 20-11047 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 21, 2023)] MORE >>
MSN News
You Want Your Employees to Have Stock: Here's How to Do It Right
"Without the right guidance, your generosity could lead to unanticipated tax and corporate governance problems.... [T]he three most common scenarios where employers run into trouble: [1] Giving stock to employees outright or selling it to them at a discount ...
[2] Letting employees have stock with no exit strategy ... [3] Letting employees have stock when there's really no need to." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Law Group
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Spousal Consent for 401(k) Plan Life Annuity Distributions
"[An article in the June 5 BenefitsLink Newsletter] said that if a 401(k) plan offers a life annuity distribution option, a
married participant must obtain spousal consent for that type of payout. Is this everyone's understanding? If this is the case, I imagine amending the plan to remove this option would be a BRF violation."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Allocation Waiver for Retired Employee Subsequently Rehired on a Part-Time, on Call Basis
"The employee (past NRA) retired in early 2024 and due to various business needs the employer reached out to rehire the employee on a part-time/on call basis. The plan provides an allocation waiver for retirement for profit sharing allocations. There is only 3 months between the
retirement date and rehire date. The employer wants to treat the compensation earned through the retirement date as eligible for profit sharing under the allocation waiver and all income earned upon rehire would be subject to the 1000 hour and last day allocation conditions. The plan is not top heavy and uses new comparability with each employee in individual allocation groups and combined tested with a Cash Balance plan. Assuming no other
testing concerns, would that split allocation be allowed? And considering potential testing concerns, the only issue I am seeing is if the allocation based on compensation through retirement does not satisfy the gateway minimum based on full year compensation, the full year compensation gateway minimum would be required."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Kerico Warns of Impending Healthcare Crisis as Telemedicine Declines and Transportation Demand Surges
Vestwell Announces Expanded Access For Financial Advisors to J.P. Morgan Asset Management Everyday 401(k)
Groom Recognized as Top-Tier Firm for Employee Benefits by Chambers USA 2024
Groom Law Group
Paul Hastings Strengthens Global Compensation, Benefits, and ERISA Practice with Partner in New York
Paul Hastings
EPIC Welcomes John Antvelink
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
FTC’s Final Noncompete Rule: What It Means and Next Steps for Employers
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Employee Benefits Briefing, June 2024
June 7, 2024 WEBINAR
Nixon Peabody LLP
FTC Rule on Non-Competes
June 17, 2024 WEBINAR
Nelson Mullins
Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program
June 27, 2024 WEBINAR
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
PBGC Finalizes Changes to Assumptions Used in Certain Valuations
Diverting Michigan's Pension Debt Payment Would Be Costly to Taxpayers and Put Retirees at Risk
Reason Foundation
Your Plan Has Received SFA. What Happens Now?
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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