2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Revised QPAM Exemption Takes Effect June 17, 2024
"The amendment requires each QPAM that relies upon the QPAM Exemption to provide a one-time notice to the DOL ... listing
the QPAM's legal name (and any name the QPAM may be operating under). Notice is required only once, unless the legal or operating name of the QPAM is changed ... The amendment also significantly increases the assets under management (AUM) and shareholders' or partners' equity requirements." MORE >>
Vedder Price
Appeals Court to Address Novel ERISA Issue in Argent Trust Dispute
"Argent Trust Co. convinced the Seventh Circuit to hear an immediate appeal of a decision allowing an employee stock ownership plan participant to seek plan-wide relief for an allegedly improper transaction, despite being denied class status.... The decision flouted federal class
action rules and marked the first time a 'conflicted plaintiff' has been allowed to bring representative claims on behalf of a plan, Argent said." [Argent Trust Co. v. Lysengen, No. 24-8016 (7th Cir. Jun. 13, 2024)] MORE >>
Bloomberg Law; subscription required
Use of Plan Forfeitures Is Not the Slam Dunk It Used to Be
"[C]lass action lawsuits in California claim that using forfeitures to reduce future employer contributions to tax-qualified retirement plans runs afoul of [ERISA]. These cases have continued to advance despite their central claim seeming to contradict long-standing [IRS]
guidance for the permitted use of plan forfeitures.... [H]ow can an employer best use the forfeiture dollars without risking exposure to litigation?" MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Anticipating and Overcoming Retirement Plan Disclosure Challenges
"[1] Monitor changes in law and guidance.... [2] Track plan amendment requirements and deadlines.... [3] Locate missing participants and beneficiaries.... [4] Timely conduct and review annual testing.... [5] Deadline tracking procedures....
[6] Notice and disclosure preparation and delivery procedures.... [7] Leverage statutory and regulatory relief." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis, via Bloomberg Law
Creating Committees of Excellence
"Committees can be formed in all shapes and sizes depending on the size of the organization and its needs ... Success comes not from following a set list of procedures, but creating the process that will best meet the plan sponsors goals and sticking to
it." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Who Is Servicing Your Retirement Plan and What Are You Paying Them For?
"It is not that uncommon to see an employer paying multiple entities for the same services. As a business owner and plan fiduciary, it is imperative to understand your plan responsibilities and who you are paying for which services. This reduces plan fees, your administrative
work and general confusion." MORE >>
Annuity Purchase Update, June 2024
"Market momentum continues to build in 2024 as we observed another significant transaction this year with Entergy Corp. offloading $1.16 billion in pension liability. Jumbo transactions drove the sizeable premium growth in the first quarter, but the number of transactions
hit a record high as well during the first quarter ... Annuity purchase interest rates slightly decreased this month; however they still rank among the highest seen so far in 2024." MORE >>
October Three Consulting
Graphic Communications National Pension Plan Agrees to Repay Excess SFA Funds
"[The NPF has] agreed to repay more than $8 million in excess funds that it received ... in connection with the PBGC's Special Financial Assistance Program.... [T]he NPF's census erroneously included approximately 371 deceased participants among the more than
30,000 plan participants identified in the plan's SFA application. The erroneous inclusion of deceased participants ... was identified during an audit conducted by the PBGC's Office of Inspector General." MORE >>
U.s. Department of Justice
On Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Let's Target State Pension Looting
"Anyone interested in protecting the financial well-being of seniors would be well-advised to look closely at pensions established to provide for their retirement security -- particularly the Wild West of state and local pensions which lack any comprehensive regulation, or
oversight. The fiduciaries overseeing these massive funds lack any investment expertise, are regarded as 'the dumbest investors in the room,' and are routinely scammed." MORE >>
Edward Siedle
Benefits in General |
AI in the Workplace: Crafting Policies for Employees' Use of Generative AI
"Employers that choose to implement AI should consider including a provision in their employee handbook, or a separate policy, specifically addressing its use.... Specify which employees may use AI, and require prior approval.... Determine which tasks may be performed using
AI.... Make employees responsible for outcomes.... Prohibit submission of trade secrets and other confidential information.... Consider requiring use logs and other reporting.... Oversight is essential.... Train employees on permissible AI use, and enforce your policy." MORE >>
HR Daily Advisor
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Supreme Court Holds Value of Closely-Held Business Stock Includes Life Insurance Proceeds
"[In] the 'redemption debt' scenario, Crown C's balance sheet remained unchanged. $3 million in cash disappeared, but the redemption (a purchase and retirement as 'treasury stock' of the redeemed shares) brought Michael's shares into Crown C --
obviously, at the redemption price. Thus, the economic effect of the redemption was not to decrease the value of Crown C but, rather, to increase, dramatically, the value of Thomas' shares, which, post-redemption, represented 100% ownership of Crown C.... [T]he real-world impact of Connelly will likely be a substantial reduction in the use of entity purchase shareholders' agreements
funded with life insurance. " [Connelly v. IRS, No. 23-146 (S. Ct. Jun. 6, 2024)] MORE >>
Elon Musk Wins Back His $44.9 Billion Tesla Pay Package in Shareholder Vote
"Tesla shareholders voted [June 13] to restore CEO Elon Musk's record $44.9 billion pay package that was thrown out by a Delaware judge earlier this year ... The favorable vote doesn't necessarily mean that Musk will get the all-stock compensation anytime
soon. The package is likely to remain tied up in the Delaware Chancery Court and Supreme Court for months as Tesla tries to overturn the Delaware judge's rejection." MORE >>
National Public Radio [NPR]
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Where to Find Form 5300 on Pay.gov
"Apparently you type in 'determination' instead of Form 5300 on pay.gov. in order to get the 5300 form. ... Every other form, including 5307, you are asked to fill in the number of the form or the Agency. Type in 5300 and you get a blank. Type in the IRS and you get
other forms, like the 5307, but not the 5300."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Distribution from Plan to Employer First Then to Participant?
"An employee terminated employment and requested a rollover from the 401(k) plan in a letter to the employer and the employer forwarded the request to Fidelity. The request was for a direct rollover to an IRA. Apparently a check was issued to the employer, who deposited it into a
company account and will be issuing a check to the IRA custodian. Is there a scenario where this is ok? Shouldn't the distribution go from the trust directly to the IRA custodian?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Inspira Financial Named One of Chicago’s Fastest-Growing Companies of 2024
Dan Sutter Named ERISA Associate to Watch Out for by Chambers USA 2024 Chambers Usa
Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
IRS Form 5498 & Other Updates
Appleby Retirement Consulting Inc.
ERISA Fiduciary Developments Roundtable
June 25, 2024 WEBINAR
Morgan Lewis
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Another Employer Targeted with Forfeiture Fiduciary Breach
American Retirement Association [ARA]
The 'Rothification' of Retirement Plans: Opportunity and Complexity
planadviser; subscription may be required
Humana Inc. Defeats Class Action Claims of Excessive 401(k) Fees
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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