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Retirement Plans Newsletter

June 21, 2024

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

What Is PBGC Form 10 and Do You Need to File?

"Form 10 is required to be filed electronically ... and is due within 30 days of one of the reportable events. A sample Form 10 is available for reference and includes a checklist for each reportable event, listing the required information for each."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Exceptional Usefulness and Quality icon PEPs Lead Array of Options for a Way Out of IRAs Mandated by States

"MEPs and PEPs enable many employers to participate in one plan, which not only creates economies of scale that permit even small employers to avail of lower fees, but which also shifts certain fiduciary duties from the participating employer to the plan provider.... Originally viewed with suspicion by regulators, who were concerned about potential abuses in the structure, MEPs have finally become fully instituted as viable plan products."

[BenefitsLink note: This article was published in yesterday's edition with an incorrect author name.]  MORE >>

KLB Benefits Law Group, via Bloomberg Law

Dueling Decisions Spur Employer Confusion on 401(k) Forfeitures

"The schism between [two recent] decisions underscores broader uncertainty that has prompted similar suits against large employers like Wells Fargo & Co., Tetra Tech Inc., and Honeywell International Inc. in recent months over their use of forfeited plan assets." [Perez-Cruet v. Qualcomm Inc., No. 23-1890 (S.D. Calif. May 24, 2024); Hutchins v. HP Inc., No. 23-5875 (N.D. Calif. Jun. 17, 2024)]   MORE >>

Bloomberg Law

DOL Pushes Back on Fiduciary Rule Suit

"[T]he [DOL] asserts that, 'Because the Department's amended test reasonably addresses the totality of the circumstances, Plaintiffs have failed to muster convincing arguments that the Retirement Security Rule is unlawful.' ... The [DOL] further argued that the plaintiffs were unlikely to succeed on the merits of the case, and this was no exercise of a 'newfound power' by the agency[.]" [Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice Inc. v. DOL, No. 24-0163 (E.D. Tex. motion for stay filed May 21, 2024; DOL opposition to motion for injunction filed Jun. 14, 2024)]  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Fifth Circuit to Hear ESG Rule Arguments in July

"Plaintiffs say that the department's ESG rule undermines key protections for retirement savings and oversteps the department's statutory authority under [ERISA] ... In its reply filed in March, the DOL denied that it is sanctioning the selection of poorer-performing investments in the name of ESG. In fact, doing so would expressly violate a bulletin the department sent to fiduciaries." [Utah v. Su, No. 23-0016 (N.D. Tex. Sep. 21, 2023; on appeal to 5th Cir. No. 23-11097)]  MORE >>

Accumulations in Individual Account Retirement Plans, from the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances

"In 2022, 63.9 percent of all families who had an active participant in an employment-based retirement plan from a current employer had a [DC] plan only. This was up from 37.5 percent in 1992. Among these families with an active participant.... [t]he percentage having a [DB] plan ... decreased from 40.0 percent in 1992 to 15.6 percent in 2022.... The average account balance of those families owning [individual account] plans increased from $91,881 in 1992 and from $299,598 in 2019 to $334,097 in 2022."  MORE >>

Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]

ESOPs and Investing Non-Employer Stock Assets

"Effective management of Other Investments within an ESOP is important for protecting participants' financial futures and fulfilling fiduciary duties. Recent litigation further highlights the risks of an overly conservative investment approach and the importance of aligning investment strategies with the best interests of participants."  MORE >>

Conrad Siegel Actuaries

Bill Would Allow Auto Enrollment of New Jersey State and Local Employees

"The bill would amend the law that allows municipal and county governments -- as well as authorities created by one or more counties or municipalities -- to establish  ... Employees' Deferred Salary Accounts.... The bill would require that state government offices put automatic enrollment in place; however, it would make it optional for county or municipal governments. "  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Fact Sheet: Over One Million Pensions Now Protected Thanks to the Butch Lewis Act

"One million workers and retirees' earned pension benefits protected as Administration and Senator Casey announce assistance for over 100,000 union workers and retirees covered by the Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry International Pension Fund ... This is the second largest award to date through the American Rescue Plan's Butch Lewis Act. This announcement brings the total number of pensions protected by the American Rescue Plan to over 1 million[.]"  MORE >>

Executive Office of the President

PBGC Approves $1.2 Billion in SFA for UFCW Midwest Pension Plan

"[T]he United Food and Commercial Workers Unions and Employers Midwest Pension Plan ... based in Rosemont, Illinois, covers 35,223 participants in the service industry ... [and] will receive approximately $1.2 billion in special financial assistance ... The plan was projected to become insolvent and run out of money in 2029."  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

PBGC Approves $913 Million in SFA for GCIU-Employer Plan

"[T]he GCIU-Employer Retirement Benefit Plan ... based in Seattle, Washington, covers 40,373 participants in the printing industry ... [and] will receive approximately $913.5 million in special financial assistance ... The plan was projected to become insolvent and run out of money in 2033."  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

PBGC Approves $261 Million in SFA for Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union Pension Plan

"[T]he Retail, Wholesale and Department Store International Union and Industry Pension Plan ... based in Birmingham, Alabama, covers 21,079 participants nationwide in the food processing, retail, and manufacturing industries ... [and] will receive approximately $261 million in special financial assistance[.]"  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]

PBGC Approves $19 Million in SFA for Pacific Coast Shipyards Plan

"[T]he Pacific Coast Shipyards Pension Plan ... based in Pleasanton, California, covers 507 participants in the maritime construction industry ... [and] will receive approximately $18.9 million in special financial assistance ... The plan was projected to become insolvent and run out of money in 2032."  MORE >>

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]


ARA Comment Letter to DOL on Retirement Savings Lost and Found

"ARA recommends that the DOL limit its information collection, particularly information that could become publicly available through the Retirement Savings Lost and Found, to only the information designated by the statute.... The proposal suggests that the information will be collected using the efast2 system and will be due at the same time as the Form 5500 for the plan. ARA is concerned that this multi-use system will result in the inadvertent public disclosure of participants' sensitive, personal information."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Sr. Retirement Plan Consultant for Compass Retirement Consulting Group, Inc.

Sr. Retirement Plan Consultant

Compass Retirement Consulting Group, Inc.

Remote / Stratham NH / Hybrid

View job as Sr. Retirement Plan Consultant for Compass Retirement Consulting Group, Inc.

View job as 401k & Defined Contribution Assistant for Planned Retirement Consultants & Administrators, LLC

401k & Defined Contribution Assistant

Planned Retirement Consultants & Administrators, LLC

Remote / Fort Myers FL / Ridgewood NJ / Hybrid

View job as 401k & Defined Contribution Assistant for Planned Retirement Consultants & Administrators, LLC

Selected New Discussions

Small Plan PBGC Termination Question

"Small Cash Balance Plan fewer than 10 current and former participants with balance, owner died last year, his widow inherited the shares (she is now the 100% owner and the Plan Trustee she also has a pending death benefit as beneficiary) and the business has been running under a prior contract but that contract is running out so all remaining employees were given notice and end of June will be the last payroll.

"The company is staying in business through the end of the year at least to wrap any loose ends and such and for compliance reasons terminating effective December 31 might make the most sense from a compliance and testing standpoint. The plan allows for distributions upon termination of employment so what happens if we pay out all the participants before we go through a formal PBGC termination?

"The plan is well funded all PBGC premiums are up to date and there is a small surplus that will be allocated to participants per the document. I've never done a PBGC termination after all participants are paid out, assuming they can get all terminated employees paid out relatively quickly. Is that going to be a problem with the PBGC?"

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How Pensions Impact the Recruitment and Retention of Public Employees


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Employee Benefits Law Group PC

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Text of IRS Notice 2024-55: Certain Exceptions to the 10 Percent Additional Tax Under Code Section 72(t) (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

HP Prevails in Motion to Dismiss Forfeiture Reallocation Suit

American Retirement Association [ARA]

PEPs Lead Array of Options for a Way Out of IRAs Mandated by States

KLB Benefits Law Group, via Bloomberg Law

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