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Retirement Plans Newsletter

June 24, 2024


[Guidance Overview]

DOL Report to Congress on Considerations for Defined Benefit Pension Plan Fiduciaries Choosing an Annuity Provider (Interpretive Bulletin 95-1) (PDF)

29 pages. "EBSA reviewed background materials ... and it conducted research into historical and legal developments and current market trends. EBSA also conducted more than 40 stakeholder meetings ... [and] conducted the required consultation with the ERISA Advisory Council ... The council then provided EBSA with a written statement with a variety of viewpoints from the council's membership on whether and how the Interpretive Bulletin should be updated.... At EBSA's stakeholder meetings, attendees expressed a range of opinions as to whether changes to the Interpretive Bulletin are warranted....

"EBSA finds that Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 continues to identify broad factors that are relevant to a fiduciary's prudent and loyal evaluation of an annuity provider's claims-paying ability and creditworthiness. EBSA also finds that it is desirable for guidance in this area to remain principles-based. At the same time, EBSA has not concluded that changes to the Interpretive Bulletin are unwarranted. Further exploration into developments in both the life insurance industry and in pension risk transfer practices is necessary to determine whether some of the Interpretive Bulletin's factors need revision or supplementation and whether additional guidance should be developed."  MORE >>

Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]

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