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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

June 27, 2024

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[Guidance Overview]

ACA Employer Mandate and Reporting FAQs

"[1] If an ACA-eligible employee elects coverage during the eligible year as well as the following year, but does not meet the eligible hour requirement in the second year, is the employer required to offer COBRA for the second year? ... [2] Is an employer required to send 1095-Cs to union employees whose eligibility is entirely determined and administered by the union? ... [3] Is it possible for an employer to change its established lookback method to a different lookback period to align with annual enrollment? ... [4] Can an employer provide a dependent's date of birth if the SSN cannot be obtained?"  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Why Group Medical Stop-Loss Captives and Level-Funded Plans Don’t Mix

"There is now broad agreement that the group medical stop-loss captive rests on a sound legal and regulatory foundation ... Critical to their operation, however, is that the group medical stop-loss captive itself does not traffic in plan assets. This means that participant contributions, which are always plan assets, must never be applied to the purchase of stop-loss coverage."  MORE >>

McDermott Will & Emery

[Guidance Overview]

Exceptional Usefulness and Quality icon A Review of Medicare Secondary Payer Rules, with Practices Specific to California Carriers

"How do employers determine their Medicare payer status? ... How do carriers determine how much to pay if a member is eligible but not enrolled in Part B? ... California carrier practices vary.... Employers whose Plans are primary to Medicare are prohibited from offering incentives to drop group coverage for Medicare.... Once enrolled in Medicare, an individual can no longer contribute to their own Health Savings Account."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

What Your Business Needs to Know About New Paid Leave Laws in Chicago and Cook County, Illinois

Video with transcript. "New laws require Illinois and Cook County employers to provide employees with paid leave that can be used for any reason, while a new Chicago law, effective July 1, 2024, requires Chicago employers to provide both paid leave that can be used for any reason and paid sick leave."  MORE >>

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Sixth Circuit FMLA/ADA Decision Provides Lessons for Employers on Call-In Requirements

"[1] Establish clear, written call-in procedures for when an employee will be late or absent ... [2] Enforce the call-in requirements consistently.... [3] Excuse non-compliance where there are 'unusual circumstances' that prevent the employee from calling-in timely.... [4] If additional information is needed to clarify whether the incident is FMLA- or ADA-covered, put the request in writing." [Crispell v. FCA US, LLC, No. 23-1114 (6th Cir. Jun. 18, 2024; unpub.)]  MORE >>

Shawe Rosenthal LLP

District Court Vacates Rule Under HHS's HIPAA Tracking Technologies Guidance

"The district court's ruling in this case is narrow -- vacating only one scenario in guidance that includes several examples. However, the disputed scenario was especially challenging for CEs from a compliance perspective in that it implicated an individual's subjective intent (information the court characterizes as unknowable). HHS will likely need to revise its bulletin guidance again -- this time to reflect the court's ruling and to clarify what remains of the guidance." [Am. Hosp. Assoc. v. Becerra, No. 23-1110 (N.D. Tex. June 20, 2024)]  MORE >>

Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Fiduciary Liability in Providing Pharmaceutical Benefits

"How far does ERISA's fiduciary duty of prudence extend? What level of oversight of and negotiation for medical service costs and prescription drug pricing is considered prudent for a plan administrator? With drug costs and prescriptions both growing each year, plan fiduciaries may soon need to reconsider how they monitor their health and welfare plans' service providers and associated fees." [Lewandowski v. Johnson & Johnson, No. 24-0671 (D.N.J. complaint filed Feb. 5, 2024)]  MORE >>

Reid and Riege, P.C.

Recent Cases and Legislative Developments Impacting IVF Services

"Without federal legislation that preserves access to IVF services and addresses the liability implications for providers delivering these services, states are free to make determinations around these issues. The LePage ruling may bring embryo disposition questions into focus for states like Alabama that have 'fetal personhood' laws, and as a result, these states may extend abortion bans or other laws to apply to extrauterine embryos."  MORE >>

Nixon Peabody LLP

Employer Health and Benefit Strategies for 2025

"Despite higher healthcare cost trends, fewer than half of large employers -- those with 500 or more employees -- are likely to take cost-cutting measures in 2025 like raising deductibles or copays ... Many will use high-performance provider networks or other strategies to steer employees to higher-quality, lower-cost care next year. While the survey found employers will continue to enhance their health programs, they are likely to be more selective than in past years."  MORE >>


Coverage of GLP-1 Drugs in Multiemployer and Public Employer Health Plans

"63% provide coverage for diabetes only; 26% provide coverage for both diabetes and weight loss. Of those that currently only offer GLP-1 coverage for diabetes, 15% are considering offering the drugs for weight loss.... Those employers and plan sponsors covering GLP-1 drugs rely heavily on utilization management (82%) to control costs."  MORE >>

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]


Potential Impacts of the Presidential Election on U.S. Health Care (PDF)

"While health care historically has been one of the hottest political potatoes in the lead‑up to a U.S. presidential election, discussions this campaign have been more subdued. Perhaps the biggest issue at stake is in relation to the future of the [ACA] ... with potentially binary impacts depending on the election outcome. Both leading candidates have voiced concerns about rampant health care cost inflation, and each appears committed to reducing the high cost of prescription drugs."  MORE >>

T. Rowe Price

Benefits in General

[Official Guidance]

IRS Disaster Relief Notice NM-2024-05, for Southern New Mexico

"[I]ndividuals and businesses in southern New Mexico that were affected by the South Fork Fire, Salt Fire, and Flooding that began on June 17, 2024 ... now have until Nov.1, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.  ... [I]ndividuals and households that reside or have a business in Lincoln and Otero counties, and on lands of the Mescalero Apache Tribe qualify for tax relief."  MORE >>

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

House Subcommittee Hearing: Examining the Policies and Priorities of the Employee Benefits Security Administration

June 27 hearing. Opening statement: Rep. Bob Good (R-VA); Witness: The Honorable Lisa M. Gomez, Assistant Secretary, EBSA.  MORE >>

Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Senior Client Service Specialist for EPIC RPS

Senior Client Service Specialist



View job as Senior Client Service Specialist for EPIC RPS

Selected New Discussions

How to Provide a Surrogacy Benefit Without Creating a MEWA

"A client wants to offer a generous reimbursement program for surrogacy benefits. (Fertility is already well-covered under their health plan.) The reimbursement program would not reimburse any medical expenses of employees/spouses/partners/dependents. However, it would reimburse medical expenses of the unrelated surrogates. Is there a reasonable argument that this is NOT a MEWA? What are the risks here?"

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Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland Students Win Retirement Essay Competition

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Last Issue's Most Popular Items

DOL Finalizes Rescission of Association Health Plan Rule

Groom Law Group

IRS FAQs Highlight Opportunity to Provide Student Loan Assistance

Snell & Wilmer

HHS Announces Cost Savings for 64 Prescription Drugs Under Medicare Rebate Program

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]

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