9 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
New DOL Fiduciary Rule Stayed: What Advisors and Insurance Agents Recommending Rollovers Should Do Now
"Advisors who recommend plan-to-IRA rollovers -- even if they aren't 'existing' plan fiduciaries -- should consider using a process consistent with the conditions in PTE 2020-02, since
compliance with SEC requirements will require similar steps in any case. Advisors who receive conflicted compensation as a result of an IRA-to-IRA transfer recommendation should consider complying with PTE 2020-02." MORE >>
Faegre Drinker
Welcome to BenefitsLink! Aegis Trust Company, LLC in Covington, GA
At Aegis, we are committed to being your protector and guide as we safeguard you against adversity. We steadfastly support ESOPs through comprehensive services and expertise. We're looking for the right person to join us as a Senior Trust Administrator.
[Guidance Overview]
Retirement Plan Design: Bona Fide Job-Based Exclusion or Impermissible Service Condition?
"Even before the LTPTE rules, the IRS expressed skepticism of job classification exclusions that may impose impermissible service conditions. Now, with the LTPTE rules and increased emphasis on expanding retirement plan eligibility, these types of exclusions are likely to be
under heightened scrutiny." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
[Guidance Overview]
Matching Student Loan Debt Repayments as an Employee Benefit
"[A] provision in the SECURE 2.0 Act allows employers to make contributions to an employee's retirement plan account that match the student loan repayments made by that employee each month or year. This allows the employee to both continue to make timely payments to reduce
and pay off their student loan debt and grow their retirement accounts (through their own and employer matching contributions) at the same time." MORE >>
ERISA Loss Causation: Circuit Split Expands
"On appeal, the plaintiffs, supported by the Secretary of Labor as amicus curiae, argued that once a plaintiff shows that a fiduciary breached the ERISA duty of prudence and that the plan suffered a loss, the burden shifts to the fiduciary to prove that the loss was not
caused by its breach.... The Eleventh Circuit rejected the plaintiffs' argument, finding ERISA imposes no such burden-shifting requirements and holding that plaintiffs bear the burden of proof on all elements of their ERISA claims, including loss causation." [Pizarro v. Home
Depot, No. 22-13643 (11th Cir. Aug. 2, 2024)] MORE >>
Miller & Chevalier
No Consensus in Sight: Enforceability of ERISA Plan Arbitration Provisions at the Close of 2023 (PDF)
"Following denial of motions to enforce arbitration provisions, defendants in cases pending in the Tenth and Third Circuits petitioned for review by the Supreme Court in 2023. The Supreme Court declined to certify either petition, leaving enforceability in
flux." MORE >>
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, via Journal of Pension Benefits
Retirement Saving, Pensions, and ERISA at 50: Where Do We Go From Here?
Complimentary webinar Sept. 18. Mark Iwry will share his perspective on current and future developments and proposed reforms to strengthen the retirement system. For nearly three decades, Mark has fervently worked to craft national policies and develop innovative retirement solutions.
Plan Records: What Are They, How Long to Keep Them, and Security Considerations
"Practitioners advocate the establishment of a written policy covering how records are maintained, reviewed, updated, preserved and discarded.... Review record retention policies of service providers that prepare or maintain plan records. When changing service providers consider
any possible interruption in retrieving records held by the former provider that were not transferred to the new provider." MORE >>
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates
CITs Dethrone Mutual Funds as the Most Popular Target-Date Vehicle
"[C]ollective investment trusts have been gaining traction across the target-date landscape. At the end of 2023, they had USD 1.7 trillion, or 49%, of target-date assets. Now, as target-date assets swelled to about USD 3.8 trillion as of June 2024, CITs inched past mutual
funds with about USD 1.9 trillion, or 50.5%, of target-date assets. This left mutual funds with 49.5% of the target-date market share, down from 71.0% in 2015." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
2024 Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate
"[A] 65-year-old retiring this year can expect to spend an average of $165,000 in health care and medical expenses throughout retirement. [This] 2024 estimate is up nearly 5% over 2023 and has more than doubled from its inaugural estimate in 2002." MORE >>
FTC Ban on Noncompetes: Steps Employers Should Be Taking Now
"Employers should take the following steps well in advance of the scheduled September 4, 2024, effective date ... in the event that the noncompete ban withstands legal challenge: [1] Identify a designated individual or individuals to speak on behalf of the
company ... and develop consistent messaging to workers; ... [2] [R]eview agreements with current and former workers to determine which agreements would fall within the noncompete rule; ... [3] [C]raft the notice that must be sent to affected workers on or before the effective date; and ... [4] [R]eview agreement forms to assess potential changes to those forms for use after the effective
date." MORE >>
Duane Morris LLP
Uncertainty for Employers as Effective Date for FTC Non-Compete Ban Approaches
"[S]ince the Texas court decision will likely be released the Friday before Labor Day weekend, just two business days before the effective date of the rule, it would be prudent for employers to do the following: [1] audit existing agreements so that they understand what
agreements exist (with both current workers and former workers whose noncompete provisions are still in effect), and [2] consider drafting a notice to those workers, so it is ready to send if the rule takes effect on September 4th." MORE >>
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs
YMCA Retirement Fund
New York NY / Hybrid
Selected New Discussions |
Allocating Illiquid Investments When Profit Sharing Plan Is Amended to Self-Directed 401(k)
"An Employer has a pooled PSP that holds, among other assets, raw real estate as well as trust deeds. She would like to amend the plan to a self-directed 401k with brokerage accounts, however, she would like to keep the RE and trust deeds -- is there any way to do this
without having any kind of pooled arrangement? Could she allocate these assets in the brokerage account to all the participants like a stock, or possibly allocate them all to herself if the plan never adds any more of these types of investments going forward?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Failure to Report Late Deposits, Failure to File 5330
"DOL initiated audit of a 401k plan. We have a resolution letter from the DOL. The DOL calculated the lost earnings on the delinquent deposits and determined that the plan still needs to deposit $2,500 in unpaid contributions. The delinquencies span several years. The employer (a
non-profit) will make the deposits by the end of this week. [1] The IRS hasn't knocked on the door yet. Can the plan go through VCP? The plan is not under IRS investigation but just completed the DOL investigation [2] Can one VCP filing cover multiple years or do you have to file an application for each year? [3] Failure to file 5330 -- is this eligible for VCP? [4] Late deposits -- is this eligible for VCP?
[5] There is an option on Form 8950 to request a Pre-submission conference request. Is this more trouble than it's worth? Should a VCP application and proposed correction be submitted along with the fee and skip the conference? Could the IRS decline a conference and come after the client?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
AffordaCare Insurance Partners With ReminderMedia to Enhance Employee Health Benefits
Joseph Chan and Xiaolu Xu Join the Trucker Huss Team
Trucker Huss
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
A Guide to the New RMD Rules for IRAs
August 14, 2024 WEBINAR
Groom Law Group
Hot Topics in Employee Benefits: What We’re Seeing – Fall 2024
September 4, 2024 WEBINAR
Morgan Lewis
2024 Benefits Conference
September 10, 2024 in OH
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Senate and House Differ on DOL Budget, Retirement Security Rule, ESOP Issues
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Draft of 2024 IRS Form 5329: Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
A Public Pension and Full Social Security Benefits? No Way
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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