2 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
PBGC Issues First Yield Curves After Adopting Final Rule
"These yield curves serve as the interest assumption when determining the present value of annuities in involuntary and distress
terminations of single-employer plans. They are also used for other purposes, including: 4010 reporting; certain withdrawal liability calculations; and multiemployer plans' determination of unfunded vested benefits under Section 4213(c) of ERISA, for determining withdrawal liability and the amortization schedule under Section 4219(c)(1)(A) of ERISA." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Retirement Saving, Pensions, and ERISA at 50: Where Do We Go From Here?
Complimentary webinar Sept. 18. Mark Iwry will share his perspective on current and future developments and proposed reforms to strengthen the retirement system. For nearly three decades, Mark has fervently worked to craft national policies and develop innovative retirement solutions.
[Guidance Overview]
Qualified Professional Asset Manager: An Important Tool for ERISA Fiduciaries (PDF)
17 pages. "The purpose of this article is to update [the authors'] 2022 article to reflect the 2024 Amendments so that investment managers, compliance personnel, and others understand [1] the prohibited transaction provisions and the need to utilize prohibited transaction exemptions like the QPAM Exemption to address them, [2] the meaning of the term 'qualified professional
asset manager' (QPAM), [3] the key conditions of the exemption, [4] the implications of a QPAM's disqualification by reason of certain criminal convictions and other prohibited misconduct, [5] and some issues that may arise when utilizing the QPAM Exemption." MORE >>
Groom Law Group, via The Investment Lawyer
[Guidance Overview]
DOL's Fiduciary Rule: The Latest Developments
"Because of the court orders, the current standard for determining whether a financial professional is acting as a fiduciary under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code in connection with providing nondiscretionary advice remains the five-part test from the DOL's 1975
regulation." MORE >>
K&L Gates
Another District Court Finds Arbitration Clause Unenforceable
"This court determined that the arbitration agreement at issue was a 'prospective waiver of the substantive rights and remedies' under ERISA -- and therefore unenforceable under the 'effective vindication' doctrine. The issue of arbitration clauses --
and particularly those incorporated in the plan document -- remain uncertain waters[.]" [Pover v. Capital Grp. Cos., No. 23-9657 (C.D. Calif. Aug. 12, 2024)] MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
District Court Strikes Down Missouri Anti-ESG Rules
"The Missouri rules, which took effect on July 30, 2023, required financial professionals who consider 'a social objective or other nonfinancial objective' ... in their investment advice to disclose this to their clients and obtain their clients' written
consent to state-mandated language in the rules.... U.S. District Judge Stephen Bough issued a statewide permanent injunction halting the rules." [SIFMA v. Ashcroft, No. 23-4154 (W.D. Mo. Aug. 14, 2024)] MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Another ERISA Forfeitures Lawsuit Allowed to Proceed
"This lawsuit follows a host of similar suits filed in the last year. Motions to dismiss the complaints in these cases have largely focused on the terms of the plans at issue, whether decision-making regarding the use of forfeited funds is a settlor or fiduciary activity, and
whether the alleged misconduct resulted in any cognizable losses. Thus far, decisions on these motions have been mixed." MORE >>
Miller & Chevalier
Why Plan Participants Want Help with Securing Lifetime Retirement Income
"Participants concerned about outliving their savings were much more likely to be concerned about this, at 90% versus 49%. Those with incomes below $170,000 were more apt to be very concerned, at 42% versus 21% of those with incomes at or above that level.... Fewer than
half -- 44% -- indicated that they had calculated how much they needed to save to last throughout retirement, which is down slightly from the 47% who said so in 2021. I" MORE >>
National Tax-Deferred Savings Association [NTSA]
Public Pension Funding Index, August 2024
"With a third consecutive month of positive investment returns in July, public pension plan asset growth continues to outpace liability growth. The estimated funded status of the 100 largest U.S. public pension plans moved from 79.9% as of June 30, 2024, to 80.8% as of July 31,
2024[.]" MORE >>
Assumptions That Could Hurt Your Retirement Plan
"[S]ome common -- and dangerous -- assumptions that individuals make when planning for retirement: [1] Stock and bond market returns will be robust. [2] Inflation will be benign. [3] You will be able to work past age 65. [4] You will receive an
inheritance." MORE >>
More Than One Million Individual Pensions Have Been Protected by Butch Lewis Act
"The threshold of one million pensions protected was crossed after the [PBGC]'s (PBGC) recent approval of SFA to three large funds -- the 103,056-member Bakery and Confectionary Union and Industry Pension Fund, the 72,141-member New England Teamsters Pension Fund, and
the 49,180-member American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Plan." MORE >>
Pension Rights Center [PRC]
Analyzing the New Planning Opportunities in SECURE 2.0 for Retirement Plan Participants
"This article examines and analyzes six major changes enacted by the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 pertaining to current plan participants in retirement plans.... These provisions vary considerably in their connection to the principal purpose of employer-provided retirement plans
... [T]hey continue the pattern of recent years of using pension plans to accommodate an ever-widening array of social initiatives that are related only tangentially, if at all, to providing income when plan participants retire." MORE >>
Richard L. Kaplan, via SSRN
Benefits in General |
Realizing the Full Potential of Enrollment Communications
"[1] Tell a compelling benefits story ... [2] Bring benefits to life with realistic scenarios ... [3] Pull in employee testimonials ... [4] Make messages relevant ... [5] Dust off your delivery method." MORE >>
Brown & Brown, Inc.
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Correcting DB Plan Termination Distributions Incorrectly Processed as Rollovers
"PBGC termination with 20 participants. 10 chose rollover into the existing 401k plan and 10 wanted lump sum. Advisor was provided all necessary information to proceed with the distributions and the deadlines. Despite my constant reminders and follow ups: Not only the advisor did
not do the distributions timely, the advisor, in order to avoid any 1099 responsibility, sent all the monies to the 401k plan without even discussing with me. Once the monies were transferred to the 401k plan and allocated to the participants accounts as rollover, in return, they were allowed to withdraw as lump sum from the 401k plan. Some of the participants who elected lump sum, decided to leave the monies in the 401k plan. How can this
be corrected?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Plan Termination: What to Do with Really Small Account Balances (Under $1.00)?
"We are in the process of terminating our 401k plan. We have several participants with really small balances (many are under $1.00). Is there a de minimis amount ($1.00, $5.00, etc.) under which it is permissible to move those really small balances into forfeitures instead of
forcing the participant to take action? Or are we required to send all of these small balances to IRAs? I thought that there was a rule where if the cost or burden to the plan sponsor exceeded the account balance, then the government allowed such a forfeiture."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
The Berwyn Group Launches Berwyn University – A Resource Hub for industry information
Berwyn Group
Fifteen Trucker Huss Lawyers Recognized as 2025 Best Lawyers, Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch, and Lawyer of the Year
Trucker Huss
Best Lawyers in America Recognizes 24 Groom Attorneys in 2025
Groom Law Group
12 Attorneys from The Wagner Law Group to be Recognized in 2025 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Entire Tax Code ‘Up for Grabs,’ Here’s What Might Happen
D.C. Pension Geeks
ERISA Forfeiture Litigation
August 15, 2024 PODCAST
Williams Mullen
Preparing for the Final 2024 RMD Regulations
August 22, 2024 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Retirement Plan Final RMD Regs Issued
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Second Circuit Finds Incomplete Pension Benefit Statements Violated ERISA, Failure to Monitor Service Provider May Constitute Fiduciary Breach (PDF)
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
IRS Clarifies New Minimum Distribution Rules Under SECURE 2.0 Act
Haynes and Boone, LLP
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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