3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Providing Claims and Appeals Notices in a Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manner (PDF)
"[If] 10% or more of the population residing in a county is literate only in the same non-English language (based on U.S. Census data), notices delivered to addresses in that county by a non-grandfathered group health plan or insurer must include a one-sentence statement, in the
applicable language, explaining how to access language-assistance services.... The agencies have provided sample language for the one-sentence statement in each of the applicable languages." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
Seventh Circuit Addresses Plan Limitations on Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDF)
"This decision ... emphasizes that participants challenging the application of an NQTL that is based on determinations in the available medical literature ... cannot establish a parity violation by choosing a single medical/surgical benefit to compare to a mental health
benefit.... [T]he decision addresses -- perhaps for the first time -- an NQTL that limits coverage based on the covered individual's age, concluding that such a limitation is permissible under the MHPAEA if it is reasonably based on medical research and clinical efficacy." [Midthun-Hensen v. Grp. Health Coop. of S. Cent. Wis., Inc., No. 23-2100 (7th Cir. Aug. 5, 2024)] MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
Ninth Circuit: Employer Need Not Seek Second Medical Decision for FMLA Request
"The Ninth Circuit stated that, under the FMLA, an employer ... 'may require' that the employee, at the employer's expense, obtain the opinion of a second or third health care provider or seek recertifications on a reasonable basis.... The Ninth Circuit then
ruled that ... '[The FMLA] does not require an employer to provide contrary medical evidence if it doubts the validity of the original certification, let alone mandate that an employer must do so in order to challenge the sufficiency of that original certification in court.' " [Perez v. Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc., No. 23-15043 (9th Cir. Jun. 28, 2024)] MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group
The Long-Run Effects of California's Paid Family Leave Insurance on Women's Careers and Childbearing
"[A] modest paid leave program of six additional weeks -- with equal access for mothers and fathers -- may have the unintended effect of increasing labor market inequities between women and men. Greater take-up of paid leave among women (relative to men) tends to
reinforce long-standing gender norms and childcare patterns, which have limited women's labor market advancement." MORE >>
Cato Institute
Trends in Self-Insured Health Coverage
"The percentage of private-sector establishments offering health plans that report they self-insure at least one of their health plans has been generally increasing since at least the mid-1990s ... Since passage of the ACA .. [s]elf-insurance has increased in small and
medium-sized firms, while it has decreased in larger firms, though these trends may have reversed themselves in 2023." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
Stop-Loss Insurance Changes Create Hurdles for Employers
"Stop-loss carriers ... have always preferred at least three years of large claim history and demographic data, but now request more in-depth data on individual claimants.... With this added information in the mix, potential carriers are taking longer to review data and
respond to RFPs. In fact, employers that don't take these delays into account may be cutting the renewal too close to their open enrollment deadlines." MORE >>
Corporate Synergies
The U.S. Mental Health Crisis and the Workplace
"[E]mployers must have legally compliant policies and procedures that enable them to address these issues in a timely and legal manner. Similarly, employers should ensure that their group healthcare plan provides readily accessible and understandable information regarding
available mental health resources, including EAP resources, and how to access them." MORE >>
Cap on Retirees' Part D Spending May Push Up Premiums
"The $2,000 cap on retirees' out-of-pocket spending, starting in January, is down from an effective cap this year of around $3,500. A typical retiree pays much less than $3,500 for their drugs, so these spending limits mainly are there to protect retirees taking expensive
medications.... [T]he changes next year will put pressure on premiums because insurers will start paying a larger share of the total cost of a retiree's medications." MORE >>
Center for Retirement Research [CRR] at Boston College
Benefits in General |
Federal Court Halts FTC’s Non-Compete Ban: Key Takeaways for Employers
"[T]he ruling reaffirms the enforceability of properly drafted non-competes in the employment context in states that permit them.... [W]hile the Court's decision precludes the Rule's intended near-total prohibition on non-competes in the employment context, it does not
mean all employee non-competes will be enforceable.... [E]mployers should be aware that this decision could spur state or federal lawmakers to enact statutory limitations on non-competes, as some states have already done." [Ryan LLC v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 24-0986
(N.D. Tex. Aug. 20, 2024)] MORE >>
Kutak Rock LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Asking for a Friend: MHPAEA Edition
NFP Corp.
Navigating the Technology Buying Process for Leave and Accommodation Management
September 24, 2024 WEBINAR
Disability Management Employer Coalition [DMEC]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
House Committee Letter to EBSA Secretary About 'Self-Dealing' Health Plan Service Providers (PDF)
Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives
2024 Updated HIPAA and Medicare Penalty Amounts
HUB International
Recent Health Plan Litigation Puts Family Building Benefits in Focus
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